Urantia Foundation The Urantia Book Скачать книгу 420 6. Seraphic Organization 421 7. Cherubim and Sanobim 422 8. Evolution of Cherubim and Sanobim 423 9. The Midway Creatures 424 39. The Seraphic Hosts 426 1. Supreme Seraphim 427 2. Superior Seraphim 429 3. Supervisor Seraphim 432 4. Administrator Seraphim 434 5. Planetary Helpers 436 6. Transition Ministers 439 7. Seraphim of the Future 440 8. Seraphic Destiny 440 9. The Corps of Seraphic Completion 441 40. The Ascending Sons of God 443 1. Evolutionary Seraphim 443 2. Ascending Material Sons 444 3. Translated Midwayers 444 4. Personalized Adjusters 444 5. Mortals of Time and Space 445 6. The Faith Sons of God 447 7. Father-Fused Mortals 448 8. Son-Fused Mortals 449 9. Spirit-Fused Mortals 450 10. Ascendant Destinies 452 41. Physical Aspects of the Local Universe 455 1. The Nebadon Power Centers 455 2. The Satania Physical Controllers 456 3. Our Starry Associates 458 4. Sun Density 459 5. Solar Radiation 460 6. Calcium—The Wanderer of Space 461 7. Sources of Solar Energy 463 8. Solar-Energy Reactions 464 9. Sun Stability 465 10. Origin of Inhabited Worlds 465 42. Energy—Mind and Matter 467 1. Paradise Forces and Energies 467 2. Скачать книгу В начало<13141516171819202122>В конец