À quelle heure arrive-t-il à…? a kel ur a-reev-teel a…? | Do I have to change? | Est-ce qu’il faut changer? es keel foh shahñ-zhay? |
Which platform does it leave from? | Il part de quel quai? eel par duh kel kay? |
Is this the right platform for the train to Paris? | C’est le bon quai pour le train de Paris? say luh boñ kay poor luh trañ duh pa-ree? |
Is this the train for…? | C’est le train pour…? say luh trañ poor…? |
When does it leave? | Il part à quelle heure? eel par a kel ur? |
Does the train stop at…? | Est-ce que le train s’arrête à…? es kuh luh trañ sa-ret a…? |
Where do I change for…? | Où dois-je changer pour…? oo dwa-zhuh shahñ-zhay poor…? |
Please tell me when we get to… | S’il vous plaît, prévenez-moi quand nous serons à… seel voo pleh, pray-vnay mwa kañ noo suh-roñ za… |
Is this seat free? | Cette place est-elle libre? set plas ay-tel leebr? |
Excuse me | Excusez-moi eks-kew-zay-mwa |
Sorry! | Pardon! par-doñ! |
The main taxi companies in Paris are Les Taxis bleus, Alphataxi and G7. A French taxi is available for hire when the taxi sign is lit up in white or green. If a taxi is occupied, the sign is switched off or lit up in red.
la station de taxis la sta-syoñ duh tak-see | taxi rank |
I want a taxi | Je voudrais un taxi zhuh voo-dreh uñ tak-see |
Where can I get a taxi? | Où est-ce que je peux prendre un taxi? oo es kuh zhuh puh prahñdr uñ tak-see? |
Could you order me a taxi? | Pouvez-vous m’appeler un taxi? poo-vay voo ma-play uñ tak-see? |
How much is it going to cost to go to…? | Combien ça va coûter pour aller à/au (etc.)…? koñ-byañ sa va koo-tay poor a-lay a/oh…? |
to the town centre | au centre-ville oh sahñtr-veel |
to the station | à la gare a la gar |
to the airport | à l’aéroport a la-ay-ro-por |
to this address | à cette adresse a set a-dres |
Keep the change | Gardez la monnaie gar-day la mo-neh |
Sorry, I don’t have any change | Je suis désolé(e), je n’ai pas de monnaie zhuh swee day-zo-lay, zhuh nay pa duh mo-neh |
Is it far? | C’est loin? say lwañ? |
Boat and ferry
When is the next boat/ferry to…? | À quelle heure part le prochain bateau/ferry pour…? a kel ur par luh pro-shañ ba-toh/feh-ree poor…? |
Have you a timetable? | Vous avez un horaire? voo za-vay uñ noh-rehr? |
Is there a car ferry to…? | Est-ce qu’il y a un car ferry pour…? es keel ya uñ car feh-ree poor…? |
How much is…? | C’est combien…? seh koñ-byañ…? |
a single | un aller simple uñ na-lay sañpl |
a return | un aller-retour uñ na-lay-ruh-toor |
How much is it for a car and … people? | C’est combien pour une voiture et … personnes? say koñ-byañ poor ewn vwa-tewr ay … pehr-son? |
How long does the crossing take? | La traversée dure combien de temps? la tra-vehr-say dewr koñ-byañ duh tahñ? |
Where does the boat leave from? | D’où part le bateau? doo par luh ba-toh? |
When is the first/last boat? | Quand part le premier/dernier bateau? kahñ par luh pruh-myay/dehr-nyay ba-toh? |
What time do we get to…? | On arrive à quelle heure à…? on a-reev a kel ur a…? |
Is there somewhere to eat on the boat? | Est-ce qu’on peut manger sur le bateau? es koñ puh mahñ-zhay sewr luh ba-toh? |
Air travel
The three main airports in Paris are Paris Charles-de-Gaulle (also called Roissy), Paris Orly and Beauvais-Tillé. The latter is the airport used by most budget airlines for flights to Paris. Despite being referred to as Paris-Beauvais, this airport is actually more than 50 miles outside the city.
How do I get to the airport? | Comment fait-on pour aller à l’aéroport? ko-mahñ fay toñ poor a-lay a la-ay-ro-por? |
How long does it take to get to the airport? | On met combien de temps pour aller à l’aéroport? oñ meh koñ-byañ duh tahñ poor a-lay a la-ay-ro-por? |
checked luggage | les bagages enregistrés ba-gazh ahñ-ruh-zhee-stray |
hand luggage | les bagages à main ba-gazh a mañ |
Is there an airport bus to the city centre? | Est-ce qu’il y a une navette pour aller au centre-ville? es keel ya ewn na-vet poor a-lay oh sahñtr-veel? |
Where do I check in for…? | Où est l’enregistrement pour…? oo ay lahñ-ruh-zhee-struh-mahñ poor…? |
Where is the luggage for the flight from…? | Où sont les bagages du vol en provenance de…? oo soñ lay ba-gazh dew vol ahñ pro-vnahñs duh…? |
Which is the departure gate for the flight to…? | Quelle est la porte d’embarquement pour le vol à destination de…? kel ay la port dahñ-bar-kuh-mahñ poor luh vol a des-tee-na-syoñ duh…? |
Where can I print my ticket? | Où est-ce que je peux imprimer mon billet? oo es kuh zhuh puh añ-pree-may moñ bee-yeh? |
I have my boarding pass on my smartphone | J’ai ma carte d’embarquement sur mon smartphone zhay ma kart dahñ-bar-kuh-mahñ sewr moñ smart-fon |
L’embarquement aura lieu porte numéro… lahñ-bar-kuh-mahñ oh-ra lyuh port new-may-ro… | Boarding will take place at gate number… |
Présentez-vous immédiatement porte numéro… pray-zahñ-tay voo ee-may-dyat-mahñ port new-may-ro… | Go immediately to gate number… |
Votre vol a du retard votr vol a dew ruh-tar | Your flight is delayed |
Liquides interdits lee-keed añ-tehr-dee | No liquids |
Vos bagages dépassent le poids maximal autorisévoh ba-gazh day-pass luh pwa mak-see-mal oh-toh-ree-zay | Your luggage exceeds the maximum weight |
Customs control
With the Single European Market, European Union (EU) citizens are subject only to spot checks and can go through the blue customs channel (unless they have goods to declare). There is no restriction, in either quantity or value, on goods purchased by EU travellers in another EU country provided that they are for personal use.
contrôle des passeports koñ-trol day pas-por | passport control |
UE (Union européenne) ew uh | EU (European Union) |
autres passeports ohtr pas-por | other passports |
douane dwan | customs |
Do I have to pay duty on this? | Est-ce que je dois payer des droits de douane sur ça? es kuh zhuh dwa pay-yay day drwa duh dwan sewr sa? |
It is for my own personal use | C’est pour mon usage personnel say poor mon ew-zazh pehr-so-nel |
We are on our way to…(if in transit through a country) | Nous allons en/au/aux… noo za-loñ