Ineź Sytham

Von Göttern und Dämonen in Afrika

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über Tiere, Kontinente, Das Reisen als Frau alleine, in keuchenden Zügen und vom Rost zerfressenen Bussen, in Kanus und Eselskarren, Gesichter, Kulturen, wie ich sie erlebt habe, backpacking durch Sümpfe, Wüsten und weite Landschaften und Städte.

      In Cape Town Kontakte aufbauen…Möglichkeiten ergreifen…Leben…nicht stumpf und konform, sondern mit „zitternden Schnurrhaaren“, wie eine Großkatze, die sich im Dschungel ihres Lebens behauptet.

      Herrlich. Spannend. Ich bin bereit dazu.

      Und mein Lächeln mag mein Gesicht nicht mehr verlassen, ich laufe strahlend durch die Tage, wie leicht und wunderbar kann das Leben Dich tragen…

      …ein dunkles Wesen reibt sich sanft an meinen Beinen

      Saphira – meine Katzendame?

      Nein, sie sitzt ja am Biotop – seltsam…

       Shan 15. Januar

      I like the cat!! Shame, what cold fun she must have. I will try attach some more photos, maybe I am drunk in the photos? Shan

      Tierlieb und lustig. Ach Shan, kann das Leben schön sein, den anderen zu entdecken, der so spiegelgleich fühlt !

      Gibt es das also doch?

      Yin und Yang?

      * * *

      Shan 15. Januar

      So I wonder what “beso” means? Sent you some photos but after a while they were sent back because your mailbox was full. Lonely in bed.


      Got your photos - my cat feels flattered about your compliment… lonely in feelings… Beatrice

      And “beso” means a kiss!

      Und so sende ich ihm einige Ideen von mir, freue mich wie ein Kind an Weihnachten, wenn er sich ein paar Tage Zeit nimmt, mir einiges von seiner Heimat nahe bringen wird.

      Beatrice 16. Januar

      Picking up some ideas

      Good morning, Shan

      this morning the rest of your beautiful pictures arrived. What I like most is you being in company with Troy and his girl.

      Thats a nice present for me because I had no camera to fix an idea as memory for me.


      As you asked I looked around and picked up some ideas in what I would be interested in to discover. So I'd like so see

      • Kaphalbinsel

      • Hout Bay

      • Weingebiete

      • Stellenbosch

      • Hermanus

      • Overberg

      • Garden Route Knysna Lagoon

      • Western Cape Province

      Then of course I also would like to know a stable so that I can have a ride in the countryside

      Also found an address for Salsa – perhaps you like to have a taste.

      Everything else we will find out together.

      Enjoy your day - Beatrice

      * * *

      Wir telefonieren, er spricht von Einsamkeit, seiner Sehnsucht nach mir, dem Gewicht des neuen Jahres, das auf ihm lastet und dass er die Hälfte seines Schrankes für meine Sachen leergeräumt hat; in Gedanken träume er von den bunten Kleidern, meinen luftigen Schals, meinen zarten Dessous als kostbaren Schätzen in seinem Zuhause - und spricht davon, wie er sich nach meiner Haut, meinem Duft und meinem Bleiben bei ihm sehnt.

      Beatrice 19. Januar

      Dear Shan –

      All people with a conscious life know about the existentially feeling of loneliness in this world. It starts when we become adult persons and have to leave our mother where we have been protected and really loved and looked after.

      Some of us try to escape with alcohol, drugs, parties, lots of sex, become workaholic and so on; different possibilities. To stop this is very encouraged!Staying in front of the mirror and feeling just you, nothing else, with all your loneliness, sadness, fear (because it makes a lot of fear) offers a chance:

      to discover you.

      And then, Shan, perhaps can happen that Miracle – If you not only make space in your cupboard but also be able and willing to make space in your heart: there will be love.

      No more loneliness.

      I'd love to hear your voice – try to reach each other tonight, will you?

      You are on my mind – Thanks for the pictures – there are some from me as a jungle-woman.

      My duties are done, I have been successful, be available per telephone again. Home 0049-888443335 - but sometimes doesn't work -sleep well with dreams about a stabil woman ! Kiss – Beatrice

      Verstehst Du mich, geliebter Mann? Meine Freude über Dich, auf das Wiedersehen mit Dir müsste Deine Seele in Zärtlichkeit einweben, die ich für Dich empfinde.


      For you

      Maybe part of the problem is that I censor myself too much. I have never had the types of escapism that you mention. I have a different escapism. I conciously decided to party and have drugs over Christmas and new year and now back to normal.

      Braai/BBQ tonight and bought a 3kg Yellow Tail (bit like a small tuna).

      You can see some of my travel photos when you come here. Last year in April and August I spent nearly 2 weeks, in total, near Heidelberg, Waiting for a flight to Thailand and then a flight to C Town.

      Somehow I thought you lived near Munich?

      Two managers are leaving in February, which is unfortunate. I must find another one soon.

      Beatrice, I must go light the fire now, so I will leave you with a kiss. Shan

      Und ich fühle ihn, Deinen Kuss,

      Beatrice 20. Januar

      Dear Shan, I feel very alive since hearing your voice yesterday night - so I finally didn't email with a phantom before *smile* Had a wonderful day today, riding the black mare ( I once bred) through the snowy white countryside. Sunshine everywhere.

      After that I was swimming with a friend, then relaxing in a pool built in an open area, with warm and sprinkling hot water - you get the feeling to be in the middle of Chiemsee (a very famous lake in Bavaria), mountains around, snowy, sun was shining…great, lazy, happy day with *Good vibrations * Beatrice

      Und eigentlich warst Du bei mir, Shan, neben mir, im Wasser, wo wir wie verspielte, zärtliche Delphine einander bestaunten und miteinander scherzten…Fühl einfach hin, was meine Liebe Dir – 9.872 km entfernt – in Dein Herz flüstert, Shan:


      Dear Shan - I hope you feel better than this morning – one day sitting next to you I want you to tell me the story of your scares and wounds making you sad … It is one of this things I intuitively felt, that you are a sensible man – even you are sad sometimes, it makes being with you precious. A man that is encouraged enough to show his feelings is very special.

      You are right: I've got lots of stress at present. Need an extension for my passport, a person was crashing my car in front and hiding, my computer broke down when I wanted to save the first 6 chapters from my Africa-Story, have a date with my lawyer too because of driving to fast ( ! ) need a date with my insurance-agent, but already fixed my last dates with psychology clients for next week and now have to find time (maybe 2-3 days) to spend with my friends in Austria (the pretty fair-haired woman you’ve seen at the photo and her husband.)