Ineź Sytham

Von Göttern und Dämonen in Afrika

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great. Would also need sport, but here around are no horses, skiing is to far away (about 80 km to drive one-way) , miss my dog for walking, perhaps dancing this week with a friend who is a Salsa trainer. Perhaps go for a swim two or three times until departure.

      I've got a CD movie where you can see me dancing; I'm interested how you like my movement. (You know women are always a little bit proud of things they do well *smile*) So finally I had a bit too much "Gluwein" yesterday evening and today a hangover - know what I mean? Would love just to sleep in your arms tenderly hold by you, feeling you close…nothing else…Gentle Kiss to your sad soul. Beatrice

      Und sandte ihm die gewünschten Bilder…vom Schnee, von Saphira, von mir ….Schnee in Bayern….Kälte-Winter-Impressionen….


      Hey dear - I try to fulfill your desire as well as possible – so take some impressions.

      Shan 18. Januar

      Stress - Thanks so much for the sweet, tender e-mail you sent me. I was sad and feeling alone in the world because I had decided to stop the festive season partying and the partying is also partly escapism and so I felt the "weight" of the year ahead. And you not here. Thinking of you…missing you!

      Wenn Du nur etwas von dem fühlen kannst, was ich empfinde, dann weißt Du einfach: I am with you so much in my mind, Shan .


      You shouldn’t be without direction - think forward to the 30th of January and the good times we will create and enjoy! Love *Beatrice* (do you also feel like calling tonight?)


      I will phone tomorrow. Got a lot done today. Tomorrow will go to play lawn bowls with backpackers near Clifton.


      Hi Shan - would like to hear your voice but I am not available during this day – already on the road and busy.


      Travel safe. Have a great day.


      If you were here now, I would want to take you straight to bed!

      Will be at the hostel till late. There is a braai. Will try to phone when I get home, if or luck then tomorrow.


      Well – I am with friends and home about 21.00 o'clock enjoy your evening. Hear you later.


      Peter is watching TV right by the phone. Prefer to phone in the am. That o.k.?

      So what was the highlight of your day? Hope you have sweat dreams and a long sleep.


      not really o.k.-


      The TV is right next to the phone. Bit distracting. So I will wait till it is off and then phone. Look forward to chatting.

      Und wir haben telefoniert – wie wunderbar, seine Stimme zu hören – ich verspreche, ihm heute Nacht wunderbare Träume zu schicken. Ich bin Deine Hexe, Shan, die Dich verzaubern will -

      Shan 20. Januar

      You bewitched my sleep. Long comfortable sleep. Erotic scenes I can’t quite recall. And other physical reactions…


      So you see that you can devote on my ideas and desires. So if you want I am a witch now especially for you. I dreamed about the kiss you e-mailed me.

      Shopping today I found the touch of a red transparent erotic underwear for your dreams – – –

      Shan 21. Januar

      Now you are teasing me! What am I supposed to do with myself. At a birthday party and feel like bed.


      Cant understand exactly what you mean with “teasing you” tried to send you dreams - can’t sleep by myself - miss you.


      Teasing, is the same as showing a dog a bone and then not giving it to him. Just going to bed now. Long night.


      I know the meaning of the word but not the reason you felt teased – hoping to enjoy you as you asked me for “something in red” – remember? So I looked for and found – at first it should bring you thrilling imagination - but you will get it for sure also in live, my dog *smile*

      Shan 23. Januar

      What a day!

      Still nervous, but excited and interested to find out what evolves. Enjoy your friends company. Sweet dreams.


      Had a wonderful evening with Clarissa and Hannes; naturally also spoke about you. Dreams like yours now; bit nervous - longing for your very special kiss….

      Und weil einer den anderen in das eigene Leben einbeziehen will, teilen wir einander mit, was gerade in der jeweils anderen Zeiteinstellung dem anderen “geschieht“

      Shan 24. Januar

      My dear Beatrice, good vibrations today. Not much new here. Todays highlights are that there is a BBQ tonight and I bought a camera. Going to cook a chicken in a pot on the fire with 20 cloves of garlic and the camera is a fancy "Leica" that I have had my eye on. I suppose it is my Christmas present. Have "buyers remorse" now. Hopefully I will use it lots. I suppose you will be making your way back to Germany now, and starting to pack your summer clothes! Hot this side. I hope you have a fun week free of stress. With Love Shan

      Und dann werde ich nervös – Lebensumbruch – Mut, Vertrauen, trotzdem: Nervös und aufgeregt, mich diesem Mann anzuvertrauen, aber – ich möchte mich darauf verlassen, dass er damit gut umgeht, möchte ihm meine verletzliche Seite zeigen, und auch, dass ich ihn jetzt brauche. Wer die Liebe wagt, muss sehr mutig sein – und das bin ich.

      Beatrice 24. Januar

      … and reading your letter … its funny that I also have to buy a camera (Canon) because mine broke down completely at Durban; that means I missed all the beautiful pictures from the penguins and seals I had on. Hope you enjoy your "Leica" – it's a famous one. Not cheap.

      Now I am looking my cat after and spoil (she needs urgently) preparing for tomorrow while working the whole day. Yes – thinking about summer clothes is an acrobatic thing because we've got here now about 22 C below!

      I try to phone you tonight – my feelings are straight and clear, but though nervous like a thoroughbred just before a race – Because of this very moment we'll meet at the airport my heart is beating louder …Hope you can understand, that a woman is like that–trusting my intuition completely. But need you very much for this situation. Could you please come one step in my direction and just give me a hug, so that nothing strange can come between us? Love Beatrice

      Shan 25. Januar

      You could almost say that it is 4 days left for you. Exciting! You're lucky, and I think it is great that you work so much on your intuition. There is plenty to talk about when you get here. Of course I will give you a hug. I presume you mean at the airport? I don't know why you think I would not? Enjoy the build up to Sunday! Looking forward to seeing you and getting away from C Town for some days. Happy happy! Shan

      Und mit einem Lächeln des Glücks, weil er mich so wunderbar hat annehmen können , schlafe ich ein, träume von seinem geliebten Gesicht, den klaren, starren Augen…von „happy happy Shan“…