Scott Johnson

A Melody Called Peace

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such a hurry.

      There will be peace, just wait.

      This situation is not our fate.

      There will be peace.

      Do not become discouraged.

      Be brave and have some courage.

      There will be peace.

      Not right away.

      But when it comes,

      You will surely cherish that day.

       The Way to Peace

      By Matt Pocock

      Forget about your country's history

      To hell with all the zionistic imagery

      The grudges that you hold don't matter really

      I don't care about your religious integrity

      Who cares if they fired SCUD's and killed your children?

      Peace will be with all if you can love them

      Forget about your fake democracy

      It doesn't matter if some of your voters seem to disagree

      The prisoners that you hold don't matter really

      I don't care about your political integrity

      Who cares if they were the cause of 9/11?

      Peace will be with all if you can love them

      Forget about your hatred for Mugabe

      If you cut him, he will surely bleed

      The corpses that you hold don't matter really

      I don't care about your family's integrity

      Who cares if he feels more of a man by killing them?

      Peace will be with all if you can love him

      Forget about your devastating enemy

      Don't worry about the countless chargeless detainees

      The borders that you hold don't matter really

      I don't care about your cultural integrity

      Who cares if they've still been judged to be olympian?

      Peace will be with all if you can love them

      Forget about your country's civil liberties

      Don't worry about the terrorist LTTE

      The buddhist monks you hold don't matter really

      I don't care about your Sinhalan integrity

      Who cares if you're ignored by all the UN?

      Peace will be with all if you can love them

       The Path to Peace

      By Roger Mather, from Iowa, U.S

      This Far Eastern tale is to us very relevant,

      Of three blind men who encountered an elephant.

      "It's a wall," one man cried,

      As he touched its tall side.

      "But it's a rope, without fail,"

      Said the next, hands on tail.

      "Oh no, it's the trunk of a tree,"

      On feeling a leg, said the last of the three.

      With these words, our story ends.

      It appears that the three men stayed friends.

      For this to happen, you can be quite sure

      Each of them had to get the whole picture.

      So when with a person you disagree,

      You may eye-to-eye yet readily see

      If you compare your perspectives --- And spare the


       The Nights Bring No Peace

      By Iohannes Silvaticus, from The North

      And you lure me from sweet sleep

      Into nightscapes and lucid dreams,

      By which hellfire the demons play

      Amongst mazey labyrinths and sulphurous haze.

      In such incarceration do I lie,

      Midst choking smoke and slow decay.

      Mortal Beauties doomed by Fates

      Resonate pleas to unfeeling walls

      And take comfort in replays -Awaiting the rise of the Morning Star,

      Awaiting impartial judgement to be made,

      Awaiting the unfold of their dismay.

      What medals that may line his breast,

      Unsheathed my lance shall pierce his chest.

      No infernal glory he may display

      Shall avert me from this Orphic task

      Laced with far more blood and hate.

      Without a qualm shall I this Dragon slay.

      But with time I do come to see

      Her flair for conceal of treachery

      That led to this unholy way -

      That the beauty she did possess

      Only gave me greater pains -

      By and by my Love was no Euridyce.

      So beneath tumultuous sheets still I lay,

      For the Adversary to forebode the break of day.

       The Grace of Peace

      By Michael P. Johnson, from U.K

      Disturbed upon my bed I lie

      With blankets in a heap

      Oh Lord dear God again I cry

      Please grant Your servant sleep

      Please show me where I'm going wrong

      What now I ought to do

      That I in peace may sing my song

      And know I'm pleasing You

      For You are God, Father and King

      The Lamb on Heaven's throne

      Creator Lord of everything

      And life's true Cornerstone

      Your majesty will see no end

      Your power will remain

      Yet as my God my trusted friend

      Please take away my pain

      Remove the burden from my heart

      The baggage of despair

      Command the turmoil swift depart

      That I may peace declare

      Destroy this plague this grievous woe

      Demand the storm to cease

      Sever the bridle of the foe

      And give me inner peace

      The future though I may not see

      And though my pasts of shame

      I'm reaching out to victory

      In Jesus' mighty na me

      Whatever must be sacrificed?

      Until this fight is won

      My faith is in The living Christ

      My hope is