Scott Johnson

A Melody Called Peace

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      being rearranged.

      The rising waters

      immerse us and we compose

      in recreation.

      Our view is shaken

      in each kaleidoscopic

      movement to novelty.

      Those who are ready

      to have their world rearranged

      drown in the love tide.

      Words come together

      to m ake us compatible

      at the peace center.

       Beautiful Birds of Peace

      By Jim Foulk, from Des Moines Iowa

      How Beautiful of birds

      of the air,

      seeing their awesome

      wonderful flair.

      So quiet it would be

      without their sound

      watching them as they

      fly all around.

      Sweet harmony do they make.

      A lonesome world this would be,

      for no birds making flight

      these wonderful creatures I see.

      Beautiful birds of nature

      wonderful sounds to my ear

      touching me with wonder,

      so gentle with serenity

      and so dear.

       The World Needs Peace, Not Through Wars!

      By Dr. A.Celestine Raj Manohar M.D, from Tamilnadu, India

      What loss of lives and destruction!

      Can lives all lost ever return?

      How many more will have to die?

      Can one man’s death bring back lives lost?

      What pollution, a war can add!

      Let Cats who declare wars on mice,

      Take the blame and pay the price!

      War is a gambling game like dice;

      War is a futile exercise.

      One cannot fight wars with mere knives;

      War is a waste of human lives;

      Alas, will nations realize

      That keeping peace is always wise?

      Wars can begin without a cause;

      The world can’t have a single boss!

      One nation can’t stifle the rest,

      Or try to be always the best.

      The world body must give OK!

      The world must say to wars, all ‘nay’;

      For lasting peace, war isn’t the way!

      The cost of wars, who will repay?

      The world must find out other ways,

      Avoiding wars in future days;

      Each nation must unmask its face,

      And set on peace, its gaze always!

       Where Is Peace?

      By Michael Stevens, from Bloomington Indiana

      Where is the Peace

      our hearts keys

      that make us invincible

      unpiercable, unscathable

      Where is the Peace

      that lets us sleep

      to up the faith we keep

      and Where is the Peace

      in a world of war

      when we know nothing that's in store

      Where is the Peace

      when money rears its fangs

      to divide class and race among all things

      Where is the Peace

      can't we all just get along

      throw our money and all aside and admit we're wrong

      to keep humanity strong

      Where is our Peace

       When Shall We Walk In Peace

      By Israel Dammy Ipaye, from Nigeria

      Peace, oh peace our bane whirling around in suspense

      Peace, like the seasons it pays fleeting visits

      Turpsyturvy now a bosom inevitable ally

      Everyone yearning for the dreamt, cosy and rosy tenure

      When shall the creeplings walk in peace

      Till sunset we keep protesting to no avail.

      Democracy they say could have been explicable

      But the masses' liberty could not be guaranteed

      Open wide mouths that could deem fit were shut with naira

      The protestants were all nigeriad and massacred

      Yet we hope for better days, several acres or riceland

      Not a spoon could be edible for the starving citizens.

      Just as we grow old the harder our stress becomes

      In contrary with our adage that says a rabbit is prone to

      To feed from its offspring when it grows old, this is denied

      The offspring will have to feed on the mother untill it dies

      Then it becomes an orphan stranded with no care yet they call us babe

      With everything nurtured by our vision are, we nuts? we fondly ask.

      Now do our open wide mouths wider and stronger

      We found those those we dreamt capable to forestall our best days

      With groaning they were mourned home now our omen is ephemeral

      Their splendour foreseen and cut short

      By the lions we called leaders with the facial appearance we beheld

      We have failed to dull our palms because they are unhatched.

      At dawn the whole family with opulent intelligence taking

      garri and water, kids fighting over a spoon of garri this is unfair

      Those fit to re-structure the day were circumvented, behold the

      Land is too bushy for any unsharpen cutlass to confront

      Except the mightiest bulldozer when the time ripes

      Then we may yearn the arrival of luxury.

       We Will Have Peace

      By Emma Beverage, from New Mexico

      When each and every one of us,

      completely understands…

      That there is no justification,

      for abusing another human being.

      When the President says

      that you must kill…

      There is no