Scott Johnson

A Melody Called Peace

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fervent prayer became a curse.

      The first lieutenant leas us though

      over the top into the mud

      We had no choice we had to go

      Though why I’ve never understood.

      We couldn’t charge we had to trudge

      There seemed to be no solid ground

      the effing world was full of sludge

      and if you fell you would be drowned.

      We over ran a German trench

      much like the one we left behind.

      It had the same familiar stench

      and like our own badly designed.

      How I survived I do not know

      But I got home still in one piece

      I still feel guilty sometimes though

      And seldom sleep the night in peace.

      Remember then the fighting men,

      The men like simple Sammy Brown.

      Who lived to see his home again

      unlike his mates who were mown down.

      Though Sammy lived to ninety three

      he never could forget the past.

      He lies In Highgate cemetery

      his epitaph reads Peace at last.

       Justice, Peace and Love

      By Michael P. Johnson, from New Silksworth, Sunderland

      For justice, truth and peace to flow

      Love too has fruit to bear

      United must become all four

      And practiced everywhere

      True justice cannot stand alone

      It needs of truth and peace

      When love becomes the corner stone

      Sweet fruit will never cease

      Let's drink The Truth as sweet old wine

      Let love live not in vane

      Mix justice now with peace divine

      Allow harmony reign

      For justice without love is nought

      Peace without truth’s a lie

      Until the world this fact is taught

      Condemned she’s bound to die

      To facts of life she must be wise

      Her children need to see

      Until they look with open eyes

      Salvation cannot be

      When truth and peace they understand

      When love becomes her root

      When justice lifts her outstretched hand

      She’ll bear the sweetest fruit

      Let candour be a constant guide

      Integrity wear a crown

      Impartiality reign in side

      With love as wedding gown

      Allow love’s wisdom steadfast rule

      Truth’s knowledge change one’s heart

      Let peace become our daily tool

      Let justice play her part.

       Joy and Peace and Love

      From Carmela Patterson, from U.S, L.A

      Year's end is swiftly encroaching,

      Leaving the present year behind,

      The New Year is fast approaching,

      The goals we sought, did we find?

      Were we satisfied with mediocrity?

      Did we strive for so much less?

      Did we flaunt an air of superiority?

      Did we make of ourselves a pitiable mess?

      The time is coming for a new resolution

      The New Year offers new promise and h ope

      We plead with God for His absolution

      And trust in His mercy to help us cope.

      Starting afresh, let us begin the New Year

      By recalling His Tenets and His Law

      Remembering that He is always near

      Ready to catch us if and when we fall.

      Seas may rage and oceans may heave

      And fall we shall ~ but do not always fear it

      For Jesus told us that He will never leave

      Through the Power of His Holy Spirit.

      Spiritual things are seen and unseen

      It is within the soul we come to know it;

      In evaluating our walk we see where we've been

      Growing in holiness ~ or ~ wallowing in sin

      Forgiveness is needed without a doubt

      And when it is given we want to shout

      for and with

      Joy and Peace and Love

      All Blessings from God above!

      Joy and Peace and Love!!

      Joy and Peace and Love!!!

       Is Peace by God the Whole Pictured Plan

      By Michael Gale, from Oklahoma

      Put one foot in front of thy other…

      Helping of man to man should not be a bother fro' any other brother.

      Brother of man…

      Yes ye can.

      Should shared assistance be the master plan? …

      That's how life's rules should be planned as ran.

      Why be alive and living in 'The Brotherhood Of Man'? …

      If we cannot dole out peace in God's own land?

      Why be a slave to terror of the heart? …

      Why be a whore to war's own art?

      Let's all help out our own fellow man…

      Yes we can-That should be the whole master plan, all you old and young woman or man.

       Inner Peace

      By David Moe, from Alaska

      So much has been written

      About peace in the world,

      Peace on earth, peace be with you,


      Peace is more

      Than the absence of war,

      More than tolerance

      More than acceptance.

      There can never be peace

      Between individuals or nations,

      Until we are at peace with ourselves

      That inner peace that passes understanding.

       In Search of Peace
