Scott Johnson

A Melody Called Peace

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scorning his journalistic guests

      Embarrassingly unhinged as he vehemently detests

      alternatives to his mangled manner of thinking

      while his janitor started his whiskey drinking.

      Wearing a turban like good ’ol Sam the Sham

      rubbing his crystal ball for the future scam.

      Predicting there will be no horrid offenses

      Ignoring the warnings of morbid consequences

      We have the situation totally under control

      Hiding the truth inside his mysterious pigeonhole

      My comrade Chuck called for a national emergency

      as the public was ready for a complete insurgency.

      Joe wrote an Op Ed about the lack of sincerity

      while the partisan party started up their disparity.

      The trade advisor wrote that the lack of immunity

      and testing would result in a lost opportunity.

      Take for example the incredible resource and effort

      of South Korea with stringency they held the fort.

      The absence of concern was highly irresponsible

      as the viral onslaught showed he was the implausible.

      Nonetheless our Prez is acting like a chumsy chimpanzee

      wanting to reopen, commencing the clumsy jamboree.

      The soulful compatriots are rising to the cause

      with front line heroes who toil without pause.

      Coming up with startling bizarre suggestions

      breaking down his trust in total congestion.

      Pushing the blame and not accepting his faults

      playing with monkey business and somersaults.

      Exiting closed chambers to his lovely rose garden

      hearing the boos for his pitifully pathetic pardons.

      Although he has been internationally criticized

      for his recklessness he feels simply victimized.

      Misunderstood for his gubernatorial approach

      deceitfully disguising to masterfully encroach.

      Calling his cronies all marvelously supportive

      Nevertheless their futility is disturbingly abortive.

      Regardless appearing, acting like a chumsy chimpanzee.

      the Prez sits grinning always seeking out a pansy.

      Being questioned about this dismal vernal gloom

      Mike says the pandemic is behind us he assumes.

      With false optimism he’s gleaming playing the fortuneteller

      while his foolhardiness has him crawling in the cellar.

      Unruffled by his critics he proceeds without a plan

      wishing for a miracle to save him from the frying pan.

      He exhibits his lack of confidence with a brutal attack

      on any form of threat to hang him muzzled on the rack.

      Exuding his lips and neck exposing his hidden fear

      and grimacing abnormally as to logic he won’t adhere.

      Sitting at the round table displaying his social distance

      acclaiming a resurged economy is just sheer insistence.

      Self-determination is our only form of natural activism

      which is being strangled by their bullish calloused fascism.

      In our window of freedom we can imagine a coming age

      of the magnanimity of acceptance spoken from a Sage.

      A terrestrial peace will reign healing us from outrage

      leaving the chumsy chimpanzee on his lonely stage.


       Activism in Quarantine

      To demonstrate our awareness we have chosen activism

      while we ponder our existence in quiescent quarantine.

      This silence brings a dichotomy of a perilous disaccord

      muzzling advocates of justice as we enjoy idleness so serene.

      Nevertheless we implore in peace an astute responsibility

      with insight letting the watchdogs say freedom is unrestored

      as the inequity is deplorably evident and dreadfully obscene.

      Bailing out the murderous sinners inciting their stimulus

      while abandoning the small business as unimportantly inferior.

      Barraging the innocuous with anxiety causing bleak disparity

      so very hostile with malintent is normalcy for the injurious.

      The solution lies in courageousness to claim the unacceptability

      of their meager attempts to dominate mankind to simply deter.

      Being hoodwinked is a process of manipulating gullibility

      Formulating your own opinion and the fortitude of stoicism

      will resolutely endure defections of purpose giving uniformity.

      We desire to interact and discuss the problems before us

      Our darling children should in no fashion be rudely ignored

      As the industrial complex forced Vietnam our student campus

      reacted by protesting with an urgent style and demeanor.

      An example of repulsively avoiding reality is inextricably

      correlated with misdirected inadequacy and unaccountability.

      Nature screams and revolts with its mistreatment giving impetus

      to serious thought of methods of conservation instead of ineligibly

      running poisons into the stratosphere like a twisted voyageur.

      This Earth is a beatific gift which each human should cherish.

      Reckless corporate enterprises dismiss the absolute necessity

      of sharing their wealth devoid of sympathy and robust in animus.

      Conceiving a new perception applying philanthropic objectivity

      could spur equality and help the extremity to ultimately perish.

      The inner city deindustrialized catastrophe would be overturned

      commencing a phase of the rebirth of chastity quite recognizably.

      The disconsolate masses will ask their Counselor to calmly intervene

      giving us consolation uprooting depravation from wretched despotism.

      Throughout our isolation we have felt this dilemma unforeseen

      as the consequences irk our sensitivity to express all in lyricism.

      The senseless vitriolic erosion of society will cease as a conspicuous

      revolution of conscious with appear greeted so sympathetically.

      Politicians must free themselves from their expenses and burn

      the bridges to lobbyists reflecting upon the plight of the poor.
