Sauce raifort (Horseradish Sauce)
Sauce raifort aux noix (Horseradish Sauce with Nuts)
Sauce moutarde à la crème (Mustard and Cream Sauce)
Cambridge Sauce (Sauce served with any kind of Cold Meat)
Cumberland Sauce (Sauce based on Red Currant Jelly, Port Wine, Zest of Orange and Lemon)
Cumberland Sauce
Horseradish Sauce (Sauce Raifort)
Gloucester Sauce (Sauce Gloucester)
Mint Sauce (Sauce Menthe)
Gelée de viande (Ordinary Aspic Jelly)
Gelée de volaille (Chicken Aspic Jelly)
Gelée de Volaille – Chicken Aspic Jelly
Gelée de gibier (Game Aspic Jelly)
Geleé de poisson (Fish Aspic Jelly)
Sauce chaud-froid brune (Brown Chaud-froid Sauce)
Sauce chaud-froid tomatée (Tomato-flavoured Chaud-froid Sauce)
Sauce chaud-froid aurore (Pink Chaud-froid Sauce)
Sauce chaud-froid vert-pré (Green Chaud-froid Sauce [with Herbs])
Sauce chaud-froid Blanche (White Chaud-froid Sauce)
Mayonnaise collée (Jellied Mayonnaise)
Sauce mayonnaise fouettée à la russe (Whipped Mayonnaise, Russian Style)
Mayonnaise, Russian Style
Beurre Bercy (Bercy Butter – White Wine, Shallot Butter, and Beef Marrow)
Beurre noir (Black Butter)
Beurre Chivry / Beurre ravigote (Chivry Butter / Herb Butter)
Beurre Chivry – Herb Butter
Beurre de curry (Curry Butter)
Beurre d’estragon (Tarragon Butter)
Beurre de crevette (Shrimp Butter)
Various Beurres Printaniers (Vegetable Butters)
Beurre colorant vert (Green Colouring Butter)
Beurre d’aveline (Hazelnut Butter)
Beurre à la maître d’hôtel (Herb Butter [Parsley])
Beurre de Homard, Variation 1 (Lobster Butter)
Beurre de Homard, Variation 2 (Lobster Butter)
Beurre de caviar (Caviare Butter)
Beurre d’ail (Garlic Butter)
Beurre d’écrevisse (Crayfish Butter)
Beurre d’amande (Almond Butter)
Beurre de raifort (Horseradish Butter)
Beurre de Montpellier (Butter with Herbs, Spinach, Shallots, Pickled Gherkins, Anchovy Fillets)
Beurre noisette (Hazelnut Butter)
Beurre de paprika (Paprika Butter)
Beurre de pimientos (Pimento Butter)
Beurre de pistache (Pistachio Butter)
Beurre de saumon fumé (Smoked Salmon Butter)
Beurre colorant rouge (Red Colouring Butter)
Beurre marchand de vins (Red Wine Butter)
Beurre d’anchois (Anchovy Butter)
Beurre d’échalote (Shallot Butter)
Beurre d’escargots (Butter for Snails)
Beurre de moutarde (Mustard Butter)
Beurre de tomate (Tomato Butter)
Herb oils, seasoning oils and others
Huile de crustacés (Oil from Shellfish)
Huile de Crustacés - Oil from Shellfish
Preface Anton Mosimann
Classical French cuisine is the firm foundation for most chefs’ training the world over. Auguste Escoffier’s summary in his “Guide Culinaire”, on stocks and sauces, is as true today as it was then: “You can never take too much care or pay too much attention to their preparation.”
Historically, in Britain, more importance was attached to the gravy, the meat juices that were served to accompany roast meat, poultry and game. This is still the case, but sauces to accompany fish dishes are very much in the French tradition. That said, both the Mediterranean diet and Asian influences have encouraged a diversity of styles – a wedge of lemon, a drizzle of olive oil or a stir fry involving herbs and spices – simple, fresh cooking that ensure the natural flavours are retained.