Donna Hill

Saving All My Lovin'

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she thought. She took one last look around, shut off the lights and walked out, locking the front door behind her. She pulled in a big lungful of air and glanced skyward. The heavens were clear. The moon making its descent behind a bouquet of white cotton had an orange tinge to its edges. It was going to be a hot one tomorrow.

      “Wonderful event tonight.”

      She jumped, startled by the voice coming from behind her.

      “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

      She stole a glance over her shoulder and looked up, clutching her purse to her chest. Her heart slowed then picked up its pace when the voice became a body.

      He was dressed in what she knew was an expensive suit, tailored to fit in a midnight blue. The stark white shirt against his milk chocolate skin made her instinctively lick her lips and the barely there scent of his cologne teased and cajoled.

      “I saw you earlier. I wanted to introduce myself but you were very busy.” One hand was in his pants pocket, the other at his side.

      Her good sense and her voice had apparently stayed behind in the brownstone. She couldn’t think of one thing to say.

      His right brow rose. “Are you okay?” He looked around then back at her.

      Ann Marie swallowed. “Yes. You…surprised me, that’s all.”

      “Sterling Chambers.” He stuck out his hand.

      Ann Marie stared at it and finally figured out why he was pointing it at her. She placed her hand in his. “Ann Marie.”

      “Nice to finally meet you.” He chuckled softly and the light from the moon bounced off his eyes.

      “You were at the event tonight?” How in the hell could she have missed him?

      He nodded. “Yep. It’s quite a place. I actually signed up.”

      Her stomach did a little flip.

      “What role did you play in it all? I got the impression that you were an important part of the evening, the way you were keeping people in line and welcoming the guests.”

      She felt her cheeks grow hot, thankful for the darkness. “I’m one of the co-owners, actually.”

      “I’m impressed.” He pulled in a breath. “Listen, it’s late and I know you must be beat. I wish we could have met earlier. I should let you go.”

      Was he leaving? Just like that?

      He reached into the inside breast pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a card. He handed it to her. “Maybe you can give me a call sometime and we can meet in the daylight.” He smiled.

      Oddly relieved, Ann Marie took the card. Sterling Chambers, Esq. She glanced up at him. “Lawyer?”

      “Something like that.”

      She tucked the card into her purse. “Nice to meet you.”

      “You too.”

      She looked at him for a moment then turned and walked toward her car several feet away.

      Raquel was fast asleep on the couch when Ann Marie came in. She took off her shoes and crept into the house, careful not to wake her.

      Once inside her room, she quickly got undressed and washed the makeup from her face. Before getting into bed, she emptied her purse on top of her dresser.

      Sterling’s card was on top of the silver compact. She picked it up, ran her finger across the slightly raised black letters. So he’d been watching her. If only she’d known. Her smile was wicked.

      She sighed and put the card down. Well, if he was for real, his name would be on the new members list. She’d find out soon enough. Tomorrow was the first official day of business.

      She’d get her rest tonight. She wasn’t too sure about her girlfriends, though. She got in bed and turned out the light.

      Hmm, it had been months since she’d had sex. She flopped over onto her side, curled into a fetal position. Who would have ever thought that Ann Marie Dennis would be jealous that her friends were getting some and she wasn’t?

      She pounded the pillow with her fist and forced her eyes closed. This drought had to end soon.

      Chapter 2

      Pause was scheduled to open for official business at one o’clock. The girls all promised to be there by eleven, even Barbara. She’d taken a week’s vacation from her job as a rehab specialist at the hospital to see Pause through the first few days.

      Elizabeth was sitting behind the reception counter turning on the computer when Ann Marie arrived.

      “Hey. You’re really early.” Elizabeth looked at the wall clock above the juice machine. “Great night last night, huh?”

      “It sure was.” Ann Marie took a seat at the reception counter. She leaned toward Elizabeth. “So…how was it, chile?”

      Elizabeth’s saffron complexion glowed crimson. “How…was w-hat?”

      Ann Marie pursed her lips. “The boom-boom.” She grinned.

      “Ann Marie!” she hissed between her teeth as if there was someone else around to hear them. “That’s private.”

      Ann Marie stretched out the top half of her body across the counter and laid her head down. “Can’t I live vicariously through you?”

      “What?” Elizabeth started to laugh. “You? You have got to be kidding.”

      “Me stuff gon’ dry up and blow away.”

      Elizabeth covered her mouth and howled with laughter. “It can’t be that bad,” she sputtered over her chuckles.

      Ann Marie partially lifted her head and turned dark eyes on Elizabeth. “Worse.”

      “Good morning partners,” Barbara sang, sailing through the door. Stephanie was right behind her.

      “Hey everybody.” Stephanie sat down next to Ann Marie. “Too many drinks last night?” She lowered her head to meet Ann Marie at eye level.

      “She says she’s all dried up,” Elizabeth said.

      Barbara and Stephanie looked at each other in a millisecond of confusion. Then it hit them simultaneously.


      Barbara put her arm around Ann Marie’s shoulders. “It’ll be all right girl. The right man will come along before you know it.”

      “Easy for you to say,” she grumbled. “You got a man/child and you been to the Promised Land.”

      The trio broke up laughing and even Ann Marie had to join in.

      “You definitely have blossomed,” Stephanie said to Barbara. “You look happy.”

      Barbara blushed. “I am happy.” She turned her smile on each of her friends. “And I have to thank you all for that.”

      “Us?” Elizabeth asked.

      Barbara nodded. “Yes, if you all hadn’t convinced me to take a chance on Michael…” She shrugged.

      Stephanie placed her hand on Barbara’s shoulder and angled her head to the side. “What red-blooded, healthy woman wouldn’t take a chance on a fine young thing like Michael? And he has money too! Girl you got it made.” She waved her hand.

      “Look who’s talking,” Elizabeth piped in. “You got a little more than lucky with Tony.”

      Stephanie grinned. She tossed her weave over her shoulder. “He definitely has potential.” She turned to Elizabeth, her eyes narrowing. “Did, uh, you and Ron christen your new bedroom last night?”

      Elizabeth sucked in a gasp as all eyes turned on her. She lowered her gaze then looked