Donna Hill

Saving All My Lovin'

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      She looked smaller than usual, childlike almost with her clear complexion and hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her diminutive body was clad in a form-fitting baby pink velour tracksuit and for once she didn’t have on heels. She was staring off into space and had to clear her head of its turmoil when she realized her three friends were standing in front of her.

      “What’s up Ann?” Barbara, ever the mother and counsel asked in a soft voice.

      Ann Marie sighed. “I feel alone. For the first time in years, me actually feel alone.” Her eyes suddenly filled, taking the trio by such surprise they didn’t know how to respond.

      Tears were usually the domain of Elizabeth. Ann Marie, on the other hand, was notorious for her sharp tongue and indifferent attitude. This was a side they’d never seen.

      Ann Marie sniffed hard then began fumbling in her bag for a tissue. She wiped her eyes and nose then straightened her shoulders. Drawing in a breath of resolve she looked her friends in the eye. “PM fuckin’ S.” She snickered. “That’s all. So don’t be gettin’ all gooey-eyes wit me. I’m still a bitch.” She sniffed again. “So are we here to work or hang out at the bar?”

      Everyone’s smiles returned. That was the Ann Marie they recognized.

      “Well, I’m going to do some Web searching and see how much coverage we got then make some calls,” Stephanie said, easily slipping on her PR hat.

      “I’m going to check the equipment and make sure all the supplies are in place,” Barbara said. “As much as I’m going to love running my hands over all those male bodies, we’re going to have to get some other therapists in here other than me. If last night was any indication of the client load, we’re going to be busy.”

      Elizabeth nodded, tugging on her bottom lip with her teeth, deep in thought. “I’ll put together a list of potential positions and what qualifications we’re looking for and then we can all review it later on today.”

      “Sounds good,” Ann Marie said. “I’ll work on the roster for the new clientele.” And of course she’d check out Mr. Chambers in the process. She headed over to the check-in station, a horseshoe shaped black ceramic table topped with two flat-screen computer monitors, a multi-line phone, rolodex, fax and credit card machine. Beneath the counter was a three-drawer rollaway file cabinet that would contain the hardcopies of client information.

      She flipped open the guest book from the previous night and one by one began to scroll through the names. There it was on page three: Sterling Chambers. Ann Marie smiled. She turned on the computer and opened up the Member database. She clicked on the Search field and typed in Sterling’s name. In a blink of an eye, all of his basic information appeared on the screen: address, phone number, cell and how he paid—American Express Platinum. When the details were complete she’d know his exact height, weight, general physical health, eye color and emergency contact name—hopefully not a spouse. This whole spa thing for men could really turn into a goldmine. It would be raining men nonstop.

      “Glad to see you smiling.” Barbara set a stack of white towels on the counter.

      Ann Marie’s head snapped up. “Oh.” She clicked off from the screen. “Yeah, having one of those moments.”

      Barbara smiled. “Well, I better get set up. The doors will be opening soon.” She walked off.

      Barbara was the one constant in the group that everyone seemed to turn to, even her. But this time she kept her little secret to herself. They’d all agreed when they’d decided on this little venture that it was only to look and not touch, to fantasize, not act on the fantasy. So the last thing she wanted her friends to think was that she was desperate and using the spa as a dating service.

      The doorbell rang. Ann Marie’s heart jumped in her chest. She watched Elizabeth go to the door, held her breath and released it with a disappointed sigh when Dawne, Elizabeth’s daughter came in laden with trays of food.

      “Hi!” she called out. “I’ll take these to the kitchen. Desiree is bringing the rest.” She hurried off. Desiree soon followed pushing a cart of canisters of their specially made health juices. Having two daughters that owned their own health food restaurant was paying off already.

      Before long they were all too busy to think straight. Within the first two hours twenty men had come through the door. Some had come to the grand opening the night before; others were referred by those who did.

      Ann Marie worked the front desk with Elizabeth registering the men and giving them a quick tour of the facilities. Everyone wanted a massage. Lucky Barbara, she thought as she keyed in the information on yet another newcomer. Her fingers felt as if they would fall off and it had barely been four hours. If this many men were available during the day what would happen after the regular work day was over?

      As she worked on printing out hardcopies of client records to be filed away, Raquel walked in.

      Ann Marie stopped what she was doing and stood, stretching her stiff back in the process. She would need one of Barbara’s massages at this rate.

      “This is a surprise. I wasn’t expecting you.”

      Raquel’s heavenly brown eyes were red-rimmed.

      Ann Marie frowned. “Chile what’s wrong?”

      “Why don’t you tell me, mama?”

      “Look, I’m working. Me no have time for games.”

      “It’s not me playing games.”

      Ann Marie huffed and came from around the counter. She grabbed Raquel by the arm and spoke in a harsh whisper.

      “I don’t know what burr you got up your butt, but you best change your tone and quick. Me your mum, not some friend on the street.”

      “Really? Then why don’t you treat me like I’m your daughter?” Tears splashed over her cheeks.

      Ann Marie looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to the drama unfolding. They all were too busy.

      “Come with me.” She pulled Raquel across the room and down the corridor to the back office. She pushed the door open without knocking.

      Stephanie dribbled water down the front of her blouse. “What the…” She caught the look of fire in Ann Marie’s eyes. And who could miss the tear-streaked face of Raquel? “Uh, I was just leaving. Looks like a mother daughter moment.” She picked up the file she was working on, gave them both one last look and eased out, shutting the door softly behind her.

      Ann Marie whirled on Raquel, her hands planted firmly on her hips. “You want to explain what your problem is?”

      Raquel drew in two short, shuddering breaths trying to collect herself. “I was on my way out, to see about a consulting job and the phone rang.”

      Ann Marie suddenly felt queasy.

      “Why didn’t you tell me?”

      “What?” she croaked without the bravado of moments ago.

      “About my father! About the fact that he’s recently been in touch with you. About the fact that he’s planning on coming to the States and wants to see me. About the fact that you’re still married to him!”

      Ann Marie lowered her defiant gaze and stepped away from her accuser. She drew in a breath and straightened to her five-foot-two-inch height. She turned to Raquel.

      “I have reasons which you can’t begin to understand.”

      “Tell me.”

      “No! It is my business.” She poked at her chest. “You know nothing of the man. But I do.” A shiver ran through her. “I left him and Jamaica for good reasons. To protect me and you.”

      “From my father?” she asked in disbelief.

      Ann Marie swallowed. “From a life I could no longer endure.”
