Кэрол Мортимер

Irresistible Greeks Collection

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she thought that he’d been demonstrating self-control? Because suddenly it seemed to have deserted him as he peeled the dress from her body with shaking hands and threw it onto the ground. Her bra and panties followed, until she was as naked as he was.

      And then she remembered.

      How the hell could she have forgotten?

      ‘I’m not on the pill,’ she said.

      His face darkened. ‘And why would you be, when we have not been sleeping together?’ he demanded arrogantly.

      ‘Because we haven’t been living together! We’re separated!’

      ‘But you are still my wife, Lex. You are still my wife!’

      With a muttered curse he walked over to the closet and opened one of the drawers until he had found what he was looking for.

      She watched as he tore open the foil, and as all their tumultuous history crowded into her mind Lexi thought maybe she should call a halt to this madness. But any remaining reason was soon silenced by desire. Her throat dried as she watched him stroking on the condom and it was much too late for a change of heart, because he was walking back towards the bed and the look on his face was making her melt with longing.

      He returned to his previous position on the bed, with one thigh on either side of her. He bent his head and grazed his mouth over her nipples, teasing each tip into an exquisitely sensitised bud. Her hands flew to his head, her nails digging into his scalp as she lifted her hips towards his in wordless plea.

      He slid his fingers down between her thighs, murmuring something indistinct when he felt just how wet she was. But Lexi saw the convulsive way he swallowed, as if he had a lump the size of a golf ball stuck in his throat. And that one small chink of vulnerability made her wrap her arms tightly around his neck.

      ‘Xenon,’ she breathed.

      ‘Lex,’ he gasped. ‘Oh, Lex.’

      She moaned against his neck as he reached down to brush the tip of his erection against her waiting heat.

      And never had anything seemed so symbolic as that first deep thrust, though he stilled when she cried out his name in a broken kind of way.

      ‘I am hurting you?’ he demanded.

      ‘No,’ she whispered. ‘It’s beautiful. Just beautiful.’

      Her heartfelt words stirred him more than he would have anticipated, but then it had been a long time since he’d heard such tenderness in her voice. It wrapped itself around his heart like a velvet fist as he made love to her as if it were the very first time. It felt like sweet and exquisite torture as he tried not to come too quickly—when he wanted to come as soon as he’d entered her. He tried to think of other things. But he couldn’t.

      Suddenly he was at the mercy of feelings so powerful that he almost lost control—he, who had never lost control in his life. Suddenly his head was bent and he was kissing her as if that kiss were the only thing sustaining him, as if it were as necessary to him as the very air which he breathed.

      Her soft, pale thighs were tight around his back and he was lifting her up towards him, so that she was pinned almost effortlessly against his body while he thrust deep inside her.

      He saw her head tip back just before that first low cry came from her lips. A sound once so familiar yet now so strange that he could have wept.

      But then his own orgasm came to his rescue. It exploded like a truckload of dark fireworks going off in slow motion, before wrapping him in oblivion. And the last thing he could remember saying was her name.


      FOR A MOMENT Lexi wondered why she felt so strange.

      There was warmth and weight and an odd, aching feeling.

      And a sound.

      Her eyes fluttered open to see Xenon fast asleep beside her. The bed was huge but he was managing to take up most of it with his long limbs sprawled languidly over the ruffled sheets. Against the pristine whiteness of Egyptian cotton, his hair was as black as night and his olive skin looked like burnished gold.

      She realised that the sound she’d heard had been his breathing—steady and slow—and the weight was one hair-roughened thigh imprisoning her own pale leg beneath. And the aching? She felt the sudden rush of colour flooding into her cheeks as she remembered.

      Xenon making love to her.

      Xenon lifting her up as if she’d been weightless and thrusting into her.

      Xenon pinning her against the wall on her way back from retrieving her glasses from the sitting-room floor. A kiss which had turned into something more. She remembered the cool wall pressing against her back and one very hot, aroused man at her front.

      She turned her head to stare at the blurred outline of the ceiling light, knowing that if she reached out for her glasses she might wake him. And she didn’t want to wake him; she badly needed a moment to be alone with her thoughts.

      She closed her eyes. It had been amazing. It always was. He’d made her feel as if she’d come alive—properly alive. As if her body had been designed for Xenon to make love to her. As if she’d been empty without him.

      But nothing had changed, she reminded herself. She mustn’t make the classic female mistake of thinking that an afternoon of incredible sex was going to make any real difference to them.

      ‘Kiss me.’

      His murmured entreaty broke into the silence and Lexi stilled, not knowing how to react to him after what had happened. Clearly unwilling to wait, he reached out a strong hand and imprisoned her, locking his arm tightly around her waist as he levered her close so that she was confronted by the gleam of a pair of bright blue eyes.

      The eyes narrowed and his lips curved. ‘I said, kiss me.’

      ‘Is that an order?’

      ‘Would you like it to be?’

      Reluctantly, Lexi felt her own smile tug back. How could you stop yourself from doing something you really wanted even though you knew it was probably wrong? She leaned forward and drifted her mouth over his. ‘You’re incorrigible.’

      His hand moved from her waist to her bare bottom. ‘Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?’

      ‘I can’t decide.’ The temptation to continue flirting was close to irresistible, but Lexi forced herself to remember what was happening in the world outside this bedroom. The household would be gearing up for tomorrow’s christening and later today she was going to meet the baby who was still theoretically her niece. It wasn’t going to be an easy situation given her wobbly emotions around babies and especially now that she had complicated matters by having sex with Xenon.

      But this wasn’t about her and what had happened in the past. It was about Kyra and her family and Xenon’s beloved grandmother.

      She grabbed her glasses from the bedside table and turned to him. ‘Do you think I should offer to help with the christening preparations?’

      ‘I suspect that my mother probably has everything in hand. And since a lot of the tradespeople will be speaking Greek and your vocabulary is still in single figures, it’s probably best...’ he traced a finger from neck to breastbone, where he spread his hand out wide so that his fingers brushed against both her peaking nipples ‘...if you use your time more constructively by devoting it to me.’

      This is what he does, she told herself as she felt her body responding to his touch. He fashions the world to suit his needs. And he does so by making you want him—even though you know you shouldn’t. She gave a half-hearted wriggle.

      ‘I need to shower and change before your sister arrives.’

      He cupped her breast,