Karen Whiddon

Wyoming Undercover

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very comforting.

      Until now, she realized. Now that she was facing a forced marriage to a powerful but elderly man, she felt a seed of resentment sprouting.

      As she exited the room, she noted that Thomas’s two bodyguards had remained. For protection? Or assistance?

      One thing was for sure, she’d never know. She wasn’t at a high enough level. Yet. She couldn’t help but wonder if that would change once she was married. No doubt it probably would. Even the lowest of Ezekiel’s numerous wives had a more elevated status than everyone else. One of the few benefits, as far as Sophia could tell.

       Chapter 2

      “Well?” Head throbbing, Jack glared at Thomas. “You need to explain. Immediately. And whatever reason you have for what you did damn well better be a good one.”

      Thomas smiled coldly. “It’s actually quite simple. You wanted to join COE. Now you can.”

      At first Jack didn’t understand. “What?”

      “Children of Eternity. COE. I apologize for knocking you out, but it was necessary.”

      “You hit me in the head so I could join a cult?” The instant he finished speaking, he realized his mistake.

      “We are not a cult.” Thomas eyed Jack with the same type of expression one might use to pick up a dead slug. “Perhaps I was too hasty bringing you inside.”

      Inside? Damn. Now he had to backpedal. By a strange quirk of fate, he’d somehow landed exactly where he’d wanted to be. Inside the compound. Remembering Thomas’s earlier questions, he thought he understood. Of course they’d want someone with little or no ties to the outside world. Jack fit that criteria perfectly.

      “Sorry.” Still frowning, Jack made a show of rubbing his temples. “My head hurts, so it’s hard to think clearly. I’m not sure what exactly you prefer to be called. Why don’t you fill me in?”

      The answer came instantly. “We call ourselves The Chosen. All Children of Eternity are so blessed.”

      Of course. Jack nodded, as if he completely understood. Unfortunately the movement made his head pound even worse, making him wince. “Explain again why you had to knock me unconscious?”

      “So you would awaken in your new life. Consider yourself privileged. Outsiders are rarely allowed here. You have truly been chosen.”

      “Sounds good,” he allowed, even though privately he thought it was one of the craziest things he’d ever heard. “But what if I decide not to stay?”

      At the question, the other man’s expression hardened. “No one does that. You see, it’s simply not possible. No one ever leaves. No one wants to.”

      The phrase reminded Jack of the old Eagles’ song “Hotel California.” The sinister implication behind Thomas’s words didn’t escape him. What the hell did they do if someone decided he wanted out? Kill them?

      “I get it.” Jack forced a smile. “Why would anyone want to leave paradise, right?”

      “Exactly.” Sounding pleased, Thomas walked to the window and peered out.

      “But why did you have to slam me in the back of the head?” Jack persisted. “I would have gone willingly if you’d only asked.”

      “Because,” Thomas answered without turning around. “There is a certain ceremony to everything. This was how I wanted you to enter your new life.”

      Crazy. Were all the cult members this nuts? Jack knew he had to go along, at least until he found out what he needed to know. Chiefly, whether or not the Bartletts’ son had been abducted by COE five years ago.

      When Jack didn’t respond, Thomas turned and studied him. “I’ll let you get some rest. Once the doctor has released you, we’ll talk about where you will be assigned.” He turned and gestured to his guards to follow as he walked out.

      Assigned. Sounded like a prison detail, actually. Oh, well. None of that mattered. He was on the inside, where he needed to be. He simply had to keep his head down and do as he was told. At least until he could gather some information on whether or not COE abducted children as well as adults. After what Thomas had done to him, he wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn they did.

      Head still aching, he closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.

      When he woke, the small room seemed flooded with light. Stretching, he gingerly moved his head. Good, the pain had gone. He pushed himself up on his elbows, looking around. The IV had been taken out and he was no longer hooked up to any machines. That must mean they felt he’d recovered enough to be sent to his assignment, whatever that might be.

      A strange sensation filled him. Anticipation, something he hadn’t felt in a really long time. This job had not only saved his business, but was proving to be a hundred times more interesting than anything he could ever have imagined.

      Someone entered the room. Slowly he turned his head and met the wary brown eyes of one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen. He’d noticed her before, but in his confused and painful state, he’d figured she might have been only a figment of his imagination.

      “Hello,” she said softly. “I’m glad you’re finally awake. How are you feeling?”

      “Confused,” he answered honestly. “Just trying to figure out my place in all of this.”

      The strangest expression crossed her face. Only for a second and then the placid calmness came back. “You’ll be fine,” she said, her tone full of certainty. “What happened to you before? I saw your scars.”

      Shocked, he didn’t bother to hide his surprise. “How do you...?”

      “I work here as a medical assistant.” Her simple answer came without pretense. “I assisted when the doctor examined you.”

      He decided he might as well be blunt. “Does that matter?”

      “I don’t understand. Does what matter?”

      “My scars. Does the fact that I have a disfigured body impact my ability to join COE?”

      Her lovely brown eyes were clear and guileless. “No. Why would it?”

      This time, he had to work to keep his shrug casual. “I wasn’t sure if you allowed people to join who weren’t whole.”

      Instead of answering, she continued to regard him, her perfectly arched brows slightly lowered. He actually began to feel foolish, as if his statement had been ridiculous.

      But it wasn’t. He’d been rebuffed by enough women who’d been put off by either the fact that he was missing a limb or that the limb had been replaced by a man-made one.

      And then she smiled. He felt the sensual power of that smile like a slow flame igniting his gut. “To be honest with you, I have no idea about that. It’s very rare we even bring anyone in from outside. Thomas must think you very special indeed to have allowed you to join us.”

      Managing to smile back, he refrained from letting her know just how wrong he found her statement. After answering a few pointed questions at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and following Thomas to his car, Jack had apparently qualified.

      When she turned as if to leave, Jack asked her to wait. “Where are you going?” he asked.

      “I have to let our doctor know you’re awake again.”

      “First, tell me your name.”

      His question appeared to startle her. “I’m Sophia Hannah,” she said. He found the way her full lips quirked as if on the verge of a smile unbelievably sexy. His entire body stirred. Of course, he ignored this. The last thing he needed right now was to get his insides all tangled up because of a woman.
