Moselio Schaechter

In the Company of Microbes

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observations seem at variance with the foregoing. First, there is the remarkable membrane compartmentation of a planctomycete bacterium like Gemmata obscuriglobus. However, three-dimensional reconstructions suggest that the visual compartments are due to a sectioned lobed conformation of an E. coli-reminiscent organism (Santarella-Mellwig et al. 2013), implicating a prokaryotic organization. Second, nuclei do not seem to be devoid of protein synthesis, though the nature of the proteins involved are not known (David et al. 2012). Presumably, an exception that might prove the rule.


       Nanne Nanninga is Emeritus Professor of Molecular Cytology, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


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      November 2, 2014

      The Microbial Nature of Humans

      by Maureen O’Malley


      Quite a lot has been written about human microbiome research and how it changes older ideas about human autonomy, individuality, and identity (e.g., Brüssow 2015; Hutter et al. 2014; Pradeu 2014). Most of these discussions focus on how the biological basis for our “self” is in fact a consortium of different lineages of cells, and that the majority of these cells are microbial. Microbiome research has revealed how particular compositional patterns in the microbial gut communities of humans are associated with phenotypic characteristics, such as disease states. Experiments in mice have added weight to interpretations that many of these associations are causal, and that the gut microbiota is the cause of multiple human phenotypes. Although the direction of causality is seldom clear and probably goes both ways, the potential phenotypic effects of microbes on human characteristics have reinforced even more strongly the notion of human identity as deeply microbial. Indeed, some literature might make a reader think that all that matters for any human characteristic is the gut microbiota in and of itself.

      This is a well-reasoned conclusion, and one that takes microbiome reflections beyond descriptive statistics of the numbers and relative proportions of microbes in the human body. Useful as such descriptions are, they are limited in what they say about the biological relevance of the microbiota. Consideration of selected cooperative relationships produces explanations of why these interactions matter, how they persist, and what the system under consideration actually is. Presumably, large numbers of the microbes in the human body fall by the explanatory wayside as “mere” commensals and adventitious parasites—large in number but not forming a “unit” that can be explained evolutionarily.


      Colorful shore of the Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park.

      Credit: Frank Kovalchek.

      Copyright. All rights reserved.

      Is this collective of human and microbiota a unit of selection in its own right? Unlike the integration of mitochondria (and later plastids) into what we now know as eukaryotic cells, the human body and its cooperative microbiota do not form a single unit of selection. The microbes retain reproductive autonomy, even if they rely on humans to provide a certain environment. Microbiota compositions are not strongly heritable either, although some of their functions may be. Humans reproduce separately from their microbes, and for the most part acquire them during and after birth. This separation of germ lines and lineages in time and space is usually the reason given for seeing humans and their microbiota–even the genuine mutualists—as separate Darwinian individuals or units of selection (Godfrey-Smith 2013).