Moselio Schaechter

In the Company of Microbes

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major problems for macroorganisms).

      From this extended ecological point of view, we are embedded in a network of microbial interactions. This view is also reinforced from a phylogenetic perspective. If eukaryotes are indeed an odd kind of archaeon (Koonin and Yutin 2014; Spang et al. 2015) and humans just a very tiny twig in the eukaryote tree (Adl et al. 2012), then microbial phylogenetic knowledge allows us to realize even more conclusively our dependently evolved and maintained nature.

      Microbiome research and how it draws our attention to the organisms within us should not blind us to broader microbial ecology and evolution. There is a great deal of non-human-focused microbiome research currently unraveling the major evolutionary and ecological ties we have to the microorganisms running the planet. This, I suggest, is where “human nature” studies are ultimately located, and where they could help make more sense of our own glorification of our gut microbiota.

       Maureen O’Malley is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney, and author of the book Philosophy of Microbiology.


      Adl SM, Simpson AG, Lane CE, Lukeš J, Bass D, Bowser SS, Brown MW, Burki F, Dunthorn M, Hampl V, Heiss A, Hoppenrath M, Lara E, Le Gall L, Lynn DH, McManus H, Mitchell EA, Mozley-Stanridge SE, Parfrey LW, Pawlowski J, Rueckert S, Shadwick RS, Schoch CL, Smirnov A, Spiegel FW. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. J Eukaryot Microbiol 59:429–493.

      Brüssow H. 2015. Microbiota and the human nature: know thyself. Environ Microbiol 17:10–15.

      Bouchard F, Huneman P (ed). 2013. Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology, p 17-36. In From Groups to Individuals: Perspectives on Biological Associations and Emerging Individuality. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

      Hutter T, Gimbert C, Bouchard F, Lapointe FJ. 2015. Being human is a gut feeling. Microbiome 3:9 10.1186/s401.68-015-0076-7.

      Kronfeldner M, et al. 2014. Recent work on human nature: beyond traditional essences. Philos Compass 9:642–652.

      Pradeu T. 2014. Galatea of the microbes. Philosophers’. Magazine 67:89–95.

      Spang A, Saw JH, Jørgensen SL, Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka K, Martijn J, Lind AE, van Eijk R, Schleper C, Guy L, Ettema TJ. 2015. Complex archaea that bridge the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Nature 521:173–179.

      West SA, Griffin AS, Gardner A. 2007. Social semantics: altruism, cooperation, mutualism, strong reciprocity and group selection. J Evol Biol 20:415–432.

      August 31, 2015


      by Elio

      With the buzz created by the discovery of giant viruses, e.g., Mimivirus, the distinction between viruses and cells is said to get blurred. I maintain that this is not the case because the single most important distinction is that viruses lose their corporeal integrity, cells do not. What do you think? Are you a blurrer or a non-blurrer?

      January 18, 2007

      Good Writing Beats Bad Writing, Most Any Day

      by Elio


      There isn’t any thought or idea that can’t be expressed in a fairly simple declarative sentence...

      – E.B. White, Fro-Joy

      Just when some people believe that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, here I am, ready to make a cheerful personal statement: “Scientific writing is improving!” Of course I base this on reading the microbiological literature, but assume that it’s generally true. What makes me say so? Well, more often than not, current research papers and reviews contain a fair share of simple declarative sentences. In my earlier days, typical statements were often in the passive form: “The effect of X on Y has been studied.” The first person form is now accepted, much to everyone’s relief. And titles of articles tend to be informative. Gone is Studies on the Metabolism of Escherichia coli: Part XIV. And, although I couldn’t swear to it, I believe that the language in graduate student papers has also improved. Nowadays, even humor is permissible. It has even permeated this blog, as exemplified by the wicked sense of humor of my co-blogger, Merry Youle, who has come up with titles such as The Bacterium That Doesn’t Know How to Tie Its Own Shoelaces, Coxiella Escapes from Cell, and A Holin One.

      This personal rapture was set off by perusing the 2010 issue of the Annual Review of Microbiology. It struck me that the articles I read were especially well written. I call as witnesses a few reviews by people I know. These include pieces by Kim Lewis (Persister Cells), Eric Rubin (and Michael C. Chao, Letting Sleeping dos Lie: Does Dormancy Play a Role in Tuberculosis?), and one by that master colorist of the microbial literature, Kevin Young (Bacterial Shape: Two-Dimensional Questions and Possibilities). Read and see for yourself.

       Editors’ Note: We received the following response from Michael Yarmolinsky.

       On the Quality of Scientific Writing

      by Michael Yarmolinsky

      — Niels Bohr

      Elio, in a posting of September 16, 2010, comments on the improved quality of scientific writing (in the literature of microbiology). Simple declarative statements are found in greater abundance; the passive voice is no longer used to avoid the first person; the titles of articles are more likely to come to the point and unlikely to be part of a numbered series; and humor is permitted. An examination of the implications and possible causes of the “changes in culture (sensu lato)” that Elio views with approval may interest, and perhaps surprise, the readers of this blog.

      With respect to the declining use of the passive voice, one cause should be obvious. It is the insistent attention bestowed on sentences in the passive voice by grammar and spell check programs. Do not let a misguided word processor intimidate you. The impersonal style in expository writing is entirely appropriate. Your processor may underline “bacteria were grown in LB,” but do not replace it with “I grew the bacteria in LB,”(Do indicate whether the recipe called for 5 g/l of NaCl or 10 g/l. It can make a difference.)