W‐band board‐level measured individual antenna EIRP.Figure 10.42 (a) Measured spatial power combining of each IC (16 elements) nor...Figure 10.43 Measured 64‐element array radiation patterns and beam steering (f...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Chu sphere of radius a. The Chu sphere is the minimum ...Figure 11.2 Normalized (to McLean) boundary of a rectangular PCB‐type antenna ...Figure 11.3 Slotting in a rectangular patch antenna to shape the current flow ...Figure 11.4 Shorting plate used to half the patch size (from [10],...Figure 11.5 Various inductance loadings for a monopole antenna to reduce reson...Figure 11.6 a) Loaded monopole antenna with a fixed circumscribing sphere. (b...Figure 11.7 (a) Perspective presentation of a slow‐wave meanderline and its eq...Figure 11.8 Meanderline loaded tunable spherical antenna: (a) antenna geometry...Figure 11.9 A dual‐mode miniaturized antenna: (a) antenna geometry and (b) dua...Figure 11.10 Different antennas used for energy harvesting (from ...Figure 11.11 Scavenging antenna structure. (a) The feeding loop is directly co...Figure 11.12 Geometry of an inductive‐shape meander antenna having multiple fo...Figure 11.13 (a) Realized gain and (b) impedance bandwidth and realized gain b...Figure 11.14 General multi‐turn loop‐dipole structure (from [10], reprinted wi...Figure 11.15 (a) Maximum achievable value for the input impedance and (b) the ...Figure 11.16 (a) Integrated on‐chip scavenging and UWB antennas. Real and imag...Figure 11.17 Designed off‐chip antennas with scavenging at 915 MHz (from [10],...Figure 11.18 Different antennas which can be used for IoT applications (from [...Figure 11.19 Different 3D printed antennas (from [77–80], © 2016, 2017, 2017, ...Figure 11.20 An autonomous bio‐sensor as an e‐CUBE. (a) Schematic view of a Si...Figure 11.21 Schematic description of the topology introduced and the layer bu...Figure 11.22 The chosen dipole antenna fed by a via‐less balun as the coupling...Figure 11.23 Simulation results of the optimized dipole: (a) return loss, (b) ...Figure 11.24 (a) The optimum location for the optimized dipoles to yield mi...Figure 11.25 1×4 coaxial‐to‐microstrip splitter: (a) schem...Figure 11.26 Microstrip‐to‐microstrip transition from the top f...Figure 11.27 The final design for the e‐CUBE antenna: (a) one‐q...Figure 11.28 (a) Manufactured separate parts: SSMA connector, flex‐ri...Figure 11.29 Simulation versus measurement results for the finalized antenn...
1 Cover
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