Duixian Liu

Antenna-in-Package Technology and Applications

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication data applied for

      ISBN: 9781119556633

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: © windwheel/Shutterstock

       Yueping Zhang

      School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

      Nanyang Technological University


       Ning Ye

      Package Technology Development & Integration



       Xiaoxiong Gu

      Thomas. J. Watson Research Center, IBM

      New York


       Pritish Parida

      Thomas. J. Watson Research Center, IBM

      New York


       A.C.F. Reniers

      Department of Electrical Engineering

      Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)


      The Netherlands

       U. Johannsen

      Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)


      The Netherlands

       A.B. Smolders

      Department of Electrical Engineering

      Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)


      The Netherlands

       Atif Shamim

      Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division

      King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)


       Haoran Zhang

      Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division

      King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)


       Frédéric Gianesello

      ST Microelectronics

      Technology R&D

      Silicon Technology Development



       Diane Titz

      Université Nice Sophia Antipolis




       Cyril Luxey

      Université Nice Sophia Antipolis




       Maciej Wojnowski

      Infineon Technologies AG



       Klaus Pressel

      Infineon Technologies AG



       Tong‐Hong Lin

      The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

      Georgia Institute of Technology



       Ryan A. Bahr

      The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

      Georgia Institute of Technology



       Manos M. Tentzeris

      The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

      Georgia Institute of Technology



       Duixian Liu

      Thomas. J. Watson Research Center, IBM

      New York


       Amin Enayati

      Emerson & Cuming Anechoic Chambers

      Antwerp Area


       Karin Mohammadpour‐Aghdam

      School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

      University of Tehran


       Farbod Molaee‐Ghaleh

      School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

      University of Tehran


      Rapid advances in semiconductor and packaging technologies have promoted the development of two system design concepts known as system on chip (SoC) and system‐in‐package (SiP). SoC integrates analog, digital, mixed‐signal, and radio frequency (RF) circuits on a chip by a semiconductor process, while SiP implements separately manufactured functional blocks in a package by a packaging process. SoC yields improved system reliability and functionality at a much lower system cost. However, it degrades system performance and increase system power consumption due to unavoidable compromises in every circuit type in order to use the same material and process. On the contrary, SiP enhances system performance and reduces system power consumption but results in lower system reliability and higher system cost because of functional blocks and the fabrication of the package with different materials and processes.

      Antennas are essential components