Joëlle Forest

Innovation for Society

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meaning of innovation engages designers and all stakeholders in the design process. In so doing, it participates in the advent of a “technical democracy” [CHO 15; LEQ 15] that shapes our world instead of being condemned to live in a world we were never asked if we wanted. Therefore, it contributes to emancipating itself from the paradigm of social acceptability which too often leads to considering users as “deviant” actors who need to be controlled, rather than as bearers of another rationality whose meaning needs to be understood50.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Figure 1.8. Putting the P.S.I. and Jonassian approaches into perspective

      [BRI 97] BRIMELOW P., “The Silent Boom”, Forbes, July 7, 1997.

      [CEC 13] CEC (Centre européen de la consommation), L’obsolescence programmée ou les dérives de la société de consommation, available at:, 2013.

      [DUR 18] DURAND A.-G., “1968–2018 : logement, consommation, études… comment la France a changé en cinquante ans”, Le, available at:, 2018.

      [MEA 73] MEADOWS D. et al., Halte à la croissance? Rapport sur les limites de la croissance, Fayard, Paris, 1973.

      [SIM 89] SIMONDON G., Du mode d’existence des objets techniques, first edition, 1958, Editions Aubier, Paris, 1989.