Joëlle Forest

Innovation for Society

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      If one accepts the idea that the question of the meaning of innovation needs to be re-examined, the next question that arises is how to proceed. It is precisely this question that this section will answer, which will show that the question of meaning must be considered from the points of view of both direction and signification.

      1.3.1. The question of meaning considered from the point of view of direction and signification

      What do we mean by a dual point of view? To understand these two points of view, let us use an analogy.

      When we look at a tree, we see that it is made up of a trunk from which multiple branches grow. Each branch corresponds to a direction of development. It is not alien to the environment in which it develops. Everybody knows that plants grow towards the light, a phenomenon called phototropism. So, if at the edge of a forest or near a building, trees are tilted towards the light, it is not because they are attracted by the light but because the branches on the forest side, having less light, grow slower. However, the direction taken is not neutral. The tree, being heavier on the lighted side, will, for example, bend to this side. Likewise, it will have less fruit on the shadier side.

Image described by caption and surrounding text. Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Figure 1.5. Innovation meaning tree. For a color version of this figure, see

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

      Figure 1.6. The innovation meaning tree as a decision tree. For a color version of this figure, see

      It is clear that the choice of direction must have meaning both for the user and for the society in which the innovation will be deployed. This meaning is all the more necessary as the direction chosen opens up the field of possibilities for future innovations, thus giving rise to lines of innovation. For example, IVF has paved the way for new directions of innovation.