of Liberty, p. 121; Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, pp. 74–5.
72 72. E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, p. 7. See also Kir’iakov, ‘A. F. Kerenskii’, Niva, no. 19 (1917), p. 289.
73 73. Tan, ‘A. F. Kerenskii’, p. 2.
74 74. Anon, Syn Velikoi Russkoi Revoliutsii, pp. 3, 9.
75 75. Vasilii Maklakov, Iz vospominanii (New York: Chekhov, 1954), p. 266. Jörg Baberowski suggests that all political defence lawyers used court hearings to make political speeches, Maklakov included. See Baberowski, Autokratie und Justiz: Zum Verhältnis von Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Rückständigkeit im ausgehenden Zarenreich 1864–1914 (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1996), pp. 577–8.
76 76. Leonidov, Vozhd’ svobody A. F. Kerenskii, pp. 10–11. Kerenskii’s Odessan biographer wrote about him in similar terms. See E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, p. 7.
77 77. Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, pp. 76–80.
78 78. Leonidov, Vozhd’ svobody A. F. Kerenskii, pp. 11–12.
79 79. E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, pp. 7–8.
80 80. Armand, Kerenskii, p. 3.
81 81. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossiikoi Federatsii [GARF, the State Archive of the Russian Federation], fond 1807, opis’ 1, delo 242, listy 42–3; delo 244, listy 4–5.
82 82. Shestoi s”ezd RSDRP (bol’shevikov), avgust 1917 goda: Protokoly (Moscow: Gospolitizdat, 1958), p. 30.
83 83. Armand, Kerenskii, pp. 3–4.
84 84. Leonidov, Vozhd’ svobody A. F. Kerenskii, p. 14.
85 85. For this purpose, Kerenskii had to ‘acquire’ a small house in the town. The transaction was fictitious, although Kir’iakov insists that the election was ‘strictly within the law’. Kerenskii described himself in the application form as a ‘property owner of the town of Vol’sk’ and was then elected as a representative of Saratov province at the provincial electoral assembly. See Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, pp. 56–7; Kir’iakov, ‘A. F. Kerenskii’, Niva, no. 19 (1917), p. 289; RGIA, fond 1278, opis’ 9, delo 341, list 1. The most thorough study of Kerenskii’s activities in the Duma is Stanislav Tiutiukin, Aleksandr Kerenskii: Stranitsy politicheskoi biografii (1905–1917 gg.) (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2012), pp. 38–106.
86 86. Kir’iakov, ‘A. F. Kerenskii’, Niva, no. 19 (1917), p. 289; E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, p. 8.
87 87. Anon, Syn Velikoi Russkoi Revoliutsii, p. 3.
88 88. Armand, Kerenskii, p. 5; Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerenskii (Po materialam Departamenta politsii), p. 3.
89 89. E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, pp. 8–9, 10. ‘That is how it was, and that is how it will be!’ was the utterance of Interior Minister Aleksandr Makarov in respect of the Lena goldfields massacre. It caused widespread public outrage.
90 90. Anon, Syn Velikoi Russkoi Revoliutsii, p. 9.
91 91. Armand, Kerenskii, pp. 4–5.
92 92. ‘Doneseniia L. K. Kumanina iz ministerskogo pavil’ona Gosudarstvennoi Dumy, dekabr’ 1911–fevral’ 1917 goda’, Voprosy istorii, no. 1 (2000), pp. 12–13; no. 3 (2000), p. 4.
93 93. Rashel’ Khin-Gol’dovskaia, ‘Iz dnevnikov 1913–1917’, Minuvshee: Istoricheskii al’manakh (St Petersburg), vyp. 21 (1997), p. 576.
94 94. Armand, Kerenskii, p. 4.
95 95. Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerenskii (Po materialam Departamenta politsii), pp. 38, 39.
96 96. Nikolai Tagantsev, ‘Iz moikh vospominanii (Detstvo. Iunost’)’, in 1917 god v sud’bakh Rossii i mira: Fevral’skaia revoliutsiia (Ot novykh istochnikov k novomu osmysleniiu) (Moscow: Institut rossiiskoi istorii Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, IRI RAN, 1997), p. 246.
97 97. Leonidov, Vozhd’ svobody A. F. Kerenskii, p. 5.
98 98. Kerenskii was a delegate representing the Vol’sk Association of Ledger Clerks. He proposed himself for membership and confirmed in writing his willingness to pay the membership fee. See Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Saratovskoi oblasti, fond 53, opis’ 1 (1913), delo 3, list 202–202 ob.
99 99. Pravye partii: Dokumenty i materialy, ed. Iu. I. Kir’ianov, vol. 2: (1911–1917) (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1998), pp. 349–50.
100 100. Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerenskii (Po materialam Departamenta politsii), p. 9; Kerensky, The Crucifixion of Liberty, p. 163; Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, pp. 52, 64.
101 101. Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerenskii (Po materialam Departamenta politsii), p. 11; Kerensky, The Crucifixion of Liberty, pp 173–4.
102 102. In memoirs and the research literature this organization is often described as Masonic, and Kerenskii himself described it as such. Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, pp. 88–91. The Great Orient of the Peoples of Russia did not, however, resemble the majority of Masonic lodges: there were virtually no mystical rituals, and little time was devoted to discussing problems of moral philosophy. The association was an elite, non-partisan society striving to overthrow the system of monarchy.
103 103. Nathan Smith, ‘Political Freemasonry in Russia, 1906–1918: A Discussion of the Sources’, Russian Review, 44/2 (1985), p. 158.
104 104. ‘Zapis’ besedy s A.Ia. Gal’pernom, 1928 g.’, in Boris Nikolaevskii, Russkie masony i revoliutsiia (Moscow: Terra, 1990), p. 74.
105 105. Russkii invalid, 24 May 1917.
106 106. RGIA, fond 1278, opis’ 5, delo 442, listy 4–99 ob.
107 107. Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, pp. 68–9, 72.
108 108. ‘Kerenskii o kanune Fevralia’, Vozrozhdenie, 22 April 1932. Kerenskii even later claimed the left-wing parties had not wanted a revolution during the war and that the insurgency had been provoked by the autocracy. This is at variance with reality. In offering this interpretation, conspiracy-based and with the benefit of hindsight, he was evidently seeking to present himself as having been a moderate politician.
109 109. Gazeta-kopeika, 27 July 1914.
110 110. Pervyi Vserossiiskii s”ezd Sovetov, ed. Veniamin Rakhmetov (Moscow and Leningrad: Gosizdat, 1930), vol. 1, p. 80.
111 111. When the renowned ‘hunter of agents provocateurs’ Vladimir Burtsev, a convinced defencist, was arrested in 1914, he chose not to avail himself of Kerensky’s legal services, considering him an opponent of the war. This reputation became firmly attached and he found himself a hostage to it. See Vladimir Burtsev, ‘Vospominaniia’, Novyi zhurnal [New York], no. 69 (1962), pp. 181–2.
112 112. Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, pp. 76–9; Michael Melancon, The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement, 1914–1917 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1990), pp. 46, 62–6, 101–3, 106, 202, 224, 236; Vladimir Stankevich, Vospominaniia, 1914–1919 gg. (Leningrad: Priboi, 1926), p. 13.
113 113. Melancon, The Socialist Revolutionaries, p. 221.
114 114. Aleksei Badaev, Bol’sheviki v Gosudarstvennoi dume: Bol’shevistskaia fraktsiia IV Gosudarstvennoi dumy i revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie v Peterburge. Vospominaniia (Moscow and Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1930), pp. 384, 405; 131; Grigorii Aronson, Rossiia v epokhu revoliutsii: Istoricheskie etiudy i memuary (New York: [self-published], 1966), pp. 19–20; Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, pp. 83–5; Tiutiukin, Aleksandr Kerenskii, pp. 74–6.
115 115. Pravye partii: Dokumenty i materialy, vol. 2, p. 473.
116 116. Golos soldata, 6 May 1917; Edinstvo, 6 May 1917.
117 117. ‘Tsarskaia okhranka ob A. F. Kerenskom’, Petrogradskaia gazeta, 27 June 1917; Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerenskii (Po materialam Departamenta politsii), pp. 11–25; E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, pp. 13–14; Vladimir Zenzinov, ‘Fevral’skie dni’, Novyi zhurnal [New York], vol. 34 (1953), p. 190; Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, pp. 81–3, 90–1, 94, 100, 404; Melancon, The Socialist Revolutionaries, pp. 62–6,