unrest to be suppressed. Obolenskii, Moia zhizn’, p. 510.
154 154. Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, p. 189.
155 155. Basil Gourko, War and Revolution in Russia, 1914–1917 (New York: Macmillan, 1919), pp. 331–2.
156 156. On 26 February, Kerenskii learned of the mutiny of the 4th Company of the Pavlovsky Guards Regiment, and even reported to the deputies of the Duma that the entire regiment had mutinied. Vladimir Cherniaev, ‘Vosstanie Pavlovskogo polka 26 fevralia 1917 g.’, Rabochii klass Rossii, ego soiuzniki i politicheskie protivniki v 1917 godu: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, ed. Oleg Znamenskii (Leningrad: Nauka, 1989), p. 163. This was incorrect. The company’s mutiny was isolated, and many soldiers were arrested by troops loyal to the government. News of the Pavlovsky mutiny influenced soldiers of other regiments, but on the night of 26 February Kerenskii could not have known that.
157 157. Kerensky, The Catastrophe, pp. 1–2; Stankevich, Vospominaniia (Leningrad: Priboi, 1926), p. 36.
158 158. Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, p. 195.
159 159. 181 Kerensky, The Catastrophe, pp. 7–8, 10–11; Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, pp. 195–6.
160 160. Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, pp. 195–6; Fevral’skaia revoliutsiia 1917 goda: Sb. dokumentov i materialov, ed. Ol’ga Shashkova (Moscow: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet, RGGU, 1996), p. 72; Andrei Nikolaev, Gosudarstvennaia duma v Fevral’skoi revoliutsii: Ocherki istorii (Riazan’: Notre Dame University, 2002), pp. 24–5; Andrei Nikolaev, Revoliutsiia i vlast’: IV Gosudarstvennaia duma 27 fevralia–3 marta 1917 goda (St Petersburg: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet imeni A. I. Gertsena, RGPU im. Gertsena, 2005), pp. 120–37.
161 161. E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, p. 15.
162 162. Vasilii Vodovozov, ‘Ob”iasnenie po povodu moego pis’ma k A. F. Kerenskomu’, Den’ [Petrograd], 8 March 1917.
163 163. Mel’gunov, Martovskie dni 1917 goda, p. 26; Semion Lyandres, ‘On the Problem of “Indecisiveness” among the Duma Leaders during the February Revolution: The Imperial Decree of Prorogation and Decision to Convene the Private Meeting of February 27, 1917’, Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 24/1–2 (1997), pp. 115–28; ‘Chastnoe soveshchanie chlenov Gosudarstvennoi Dumy 27 fevralia 1917 [goda]’, publication by Semion Lyandres, Berliner Jahrbuch für osteuropäische Geschichte: 1997 (Berlin: Humboldt University, 1998), pp. 305–24.
164 164. Nikolaev, Gosudarstvennaia duma v Fevral’skoi revoliutsii, pp. 47–9; Nikolaev, Revoliutsiia i vlast’, pp. 176–9.
165 165. Zenzinov, ‘Fevral’skie dni’, p. 210; Mel’gunov, Martovskie dni 1917 goda, p. 27; The Russian Provisional Government, 1917: Documents, 3 vols, ed. Robert P. Browder and Alexander F. Kerensky (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1961), vol. 1, pp. 45–7; Aleksandr Spiridovich, Velikaia voina i Fevral’skaia revoliutsiia, 1914–1917 gg., 3 vols (New York: Vseslavianskoe izdatel’stvo, 1960–62), vol. 3, p. 126; Eduard Burdzhalov, Vtoraia russkaia revoliutsiia: Vosstanie v Petrograde (Moscow: Nauka, 1967), p. 228.
166 166. Nikolaev, Gosudarstvennaia duma v Fevral’skoi revoliutsii, pp. 48–51; Nikolaev, Revoliutsiia i vlast’, pp. 181–4.
167 167. Kerensky, The Catastrophe, pp. 14–15; Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, pp. 196–7; Aleksandr Poliakov, ‘Komnata no. 10’, Novoe russkoe slovo, 23 March 1947; Mel’gunov, Martovskie dni 1917 goda, pp. 29–30.
168 168. Aleksei Ksiunin, ‘Kak proizoshla revoliutsiia’, Novoe vremia, 5 March 1917.
169 169. Anon, Syn Velikoi Russkoi Revoliutsii, p. 4.
170 170. Vodovozov, ‘Ob”iasnenie po povodu moego pis’ma k A. F. Kerenskomu’.
171 171. Petrogradskii Sovet rabochikh i soldatskikh deputatov v 1917 godu: Protokoly, stenogrammy i otchety, rezoliutsii, postanovleniia obshchikh sobranii, sobraniia sektsii, zasedaniia Ispolnitel’nogo komiteta i fraktsii, 27 fevralia–25 oktiabria 1917 goda, 5 vols, ed. Bella Gal’perina and Vitalii Startsev, vol. 1 (St Petersburg: Zvezda, 1993), p. 589.
172 172. Ivanchikov, ‘Ministr Kerenskii’, Nizhegorodskii listok, 29 April 1917.
173 173. E. V–ch, A. F. Kerenskii narodnyi ministr, p. 15.
174 174. Volia naroda, 4 May 1917.
175 175. The April Crisis arose out of disagreement over war aims between the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet and led to the establishment of a coalition Provisional Government which included six socialist ministers nominated by the Soviet. [Trans.]
176 176. Soldatskaia pravda, 11 May 1917.
177 177. Anon, Syn Velikoi Russkoi Revoliutsii, p. 4.
178 178. Kerensky, The Catastrophe, pp. 15–16; Mel’gunov, Martovskie dni 1917 goda, p. 116; Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, p. 197.
179 179. Kerensky, The Kerensky Memoirs, p. 200; The Russian Provisional Government, 1917: Documents, vol. 1, pp. 65–6; Nikolaev, Revoliutsiia i vlast’, pp. 190–201.
180 180. As a consequence of a printers’ strike a number of publications had ceased to appear, and Izvestiia Petrogradskogo Soveta rabochikh deputatov was published only from 28 February.
181 181. It is possible that Mstislavskii, a notable memoirist who took part in the revolution, is describing a conversation with Kerenskii after the arrest of Shcheglovitov, although he refers to the former head of the government, Boris Shtiurmer. ‘Kerenskii burst out laughing and, like a naughty boy, slapped his pocket, delved into it and pulled out an enormous old-fashioned door key. “That’s where I’m keeping Shtiurmer! You should have seen their ugly mugs when I locked him up … Rodzyanko nearly had a fit! He was all set to greet him as one of the family!”’ Sergei Mstislavskii, Piat’ dnei: Nachalo i konets Fevral’skoi revoliutsii (Berlin: Grzhebin, 1922), p. 24.
182 182. Partiia sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov: Dokumenty i materialy, p. 25; Zenzinov, ‘Fevral’skie dni’, p. 213.
183 183. Merzon, ‘A. F. Kerenskii v Moskve’.
184 184. Kerenskii personally wrote out an authorization on the headed notepaper of the chairman of the State Duma: ‘The Provisonal Committee delegates to member of the State Duma Kerenskii management of the ministerial pavilion where particularly important individuals are under arrest.’ Rodzyanko signed the authorization. See Burdzhalov, Vtoraia russkaia revoliutsiia, p. 264.
185 185. Kerensky, The Catastrophe, p. 29.
186 186. ‘Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerenskii (Shtrikhi k politicheskomu portretu)’, Gennadiy Sobolev, Aleksandr Kerenskii: Liubov’ i nenavist’ revoliutsii: dnevniki, stat’i, ocherki, vospominaniia sovremennikov (Cheboksary: Chuvashskii universitet, 1993), p. 19.
187 187. Vladimir Stankevich, Vospominaniia (1914–1919) (Berlin: Ladyzhnikov, 1920), p. 75; Sukhanov, Zapiski o revoliutsii, kn. 1, p. 63; Vasilii Shul’gin, Dni. 1920: Zapiski (Moscow: Sovremennik, 1989), pp. 179, 180, 185; Mel’gunov, Martovskie dni 1917 goda, pp. 116–17.
188 188. Ol’ga Kerenskaia, [Fragmentary reminiscences], House of Lords Record Office [London], Historical Collection, no. 206: The Stow Hill Papers, DS 2/2, Box 8, p. 4; Poliakov, ‘Komnata no. 10’; Mel’gunov, Martovskie dni 1917 goda, p. 51; Kerensky, The Catastrophe, pp. 59, 76.
189 189. Narodnyi tribun, 14 October 1917.
190 190. Den’ [Petrograd], 9 March 1917.
191 191. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial’no-politicheskoi istorii [RGASPI, Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History], fond 662, opis’ 1, delo 58, list 98.
192 192. Novoe vremia, 5 March 1917.
193 193. GARF, fond 1807, opis’ 1, delo 361, list 66.
194 194. RGIA, fond 1278, opis’ 5, delo 1324, list 62; fond 1405, opis’ 538, delo 177, list 51; GARF, fond 1807, opis’ 1, delo 363, list 1.
195 195. GARF, fond 1807, opis’ 1, delo 359, list 151; delo 361, list 17, 19; delo 363, list 13.
196 196.