Malcolm J. Crocker

Engineering Acoustics

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illustration of imaginary surface area S for integration."/>

      The normal component of the intensity In must be measured in a direction perpendicular to the elemental area dS. If a spherical surface, whose center coincides with the source, is chosen, then the sound power of an omnidirectional (monopole) source is


      and from Eq. (3.35) the sound power of a monopole is [4, 13]

      The dipole is obviously a much less efficient radiator than a monopole, particularly at low frequency.

      Example 3.7

      Two monopoles of equal sound power W = 0.1 watt at 150 Hz, but pulsating with a phase difference of 180° are spaced λ/12 apart. Determine the sound power of this dipole at 150 Hz.



      Therefore, the sound power radiated by the dipole is 9 mW.

      We note that since p/ur = ρc (where ρ = mean air density kg/m3 and c = speed of sound 343 m/s) for a plane wave or sufficiently far from any source, that

      Note that for such cases we only need to measure the mean‐square sound pressure with a simple sound level meter (or at least a simple measurement system) to obtain the sound intensity from Eq. (3.46) and then from that the sound power W watts from Eq. (3.41) is

      for an omnidirectional source (monopole) with no reflections and no background noise. This result is true for noise signals and pure tones that are produced by omnidirectional sources and in the so‐called far acoustic field.

      For measurements on a hemisphere, W = 2πr2 p2rms /ρc and for a pure‐tone source images, and images, from Eq. (3.47).

      The microphone arrangement shown also indicates the microphone separation distance, Δr, needed for the intensity calculations [22]. In the face‐to‐face arrangement a solid cylindrical spacer is often put between the two microphones to improve the performance.

Schematic illustrations of the sound intensity In, being measured on (a) segment dS of an imaginary hemispherical enclosure surface and (b) an elemental area dS of a rectangular enclosure surface surrounding a source having a sound power W.