157. The Old Woman of Tewksbury
158. American Muscle, Coined into Gold
166. Honesty is Best always and Everywhere
170. Silver demonetized by Fraud!
172. Faith—A Mixture of Insanity and Ignorance
173. What the Saints Could Cure!
175. Crime Rampant and God Silent!
176. How Criminals Die Serenely!
177. The first Corpse and the first Cathedral
182. Weak ones Suffering—Heaven deaf
183. Heaven has no Ear, no Hand
186. Religion not the End of Life
188. The Worst Religion in the World
189. Religion Demanding Miracles
195. The Church Forbids Investigation
196. The Church Charges Falsely
197. The Church in the "Dark Ages"
199. The Church and the Tree of Knowledge
200. The Church Cries, "Believe!"
201. The Heretics Cried, "Halt!"
202. The World not so Awful Flat