378. Early Rising is Barbaric!
380. Never Rise at Four O'Clock
384. The One Window in the Ark
385. No Ante-Diluvian Camp-Meetings!
387. What did Moses know about the Sun?
390. The Colonel in the Kitchen—How to Cook a Beefsteak
393. Scathing Impeachment of Intemperance
396. Ingersoll Prefers Shoemakers to Princes
399. Who is the True Nobleman?
402. The Worker Wearing the Purple
Education is the most radical thing in the world.
408. The Gospel of Cheerfulness
410. The Gospel of 'Good Living
411. The Gospel of Intelligence
413. The Origin of the Controversy
415. Summary of Evangelical Belief
416. A Profound Change in the World of Thought
417. The Believer in the Inspiration of the Bible has too Much to Believe
419. The Bible Should be Better than any other Book
421. If the Bible is Not Verbally Inspired, What Then?