427. Man the Author of all Books
430. Christianity Takes no Step in Advance
431. Christianity a Mixture of Good and Evil
432. Jehovah, Epictetus and Cicero
442. Jehovah Breaking His Own Laws
443. Who Designed the Designer?
444. What we Know of the Infinite
445. The Universe Self-Existent
447. Character Bather than Creed
448. Mohammed the Prophet of God
449. Wanted!—A Little More Legislation
450. Is all that Succeeds Inspired?
451. The Morality in Christianity
454. Christianity has no Monopoly in Morals
455. Old Age in Superstition's Lap
457. How Gods and Devils are Made
460. Why was Christ so Silent?
462. Infinite Punishment for Finite Crimes.
465. The Stars Upon the Door of France
466. The Select Committee Afraid
467. The Gods of the Joss-House and Patmos
469. Christianity has a Fair Show in San Francisco
470. An Arrow from the Quiver of Satire
471. We Have no Religious System
472. Congress Nothing to Do with Religion
473. Concessions of the Illustrious Four!
474. Do not Trample on John Chinaman
475. Be Honest with the Chinese
476. An Honest Merchant the Best Missionary