165. For the Biting of a Mad Dog.
166. For a Child troubled with man wormes which often occasions Convulsions.
167. Another aproved for Convulsion Fitts.
170. Dr. Burgesses Re: ct against Ye Scurvy.
172. Pills to kill Wormes and Open Obstructions.
174. For the Megrime in the Head.
177. Dr. Smiths Rare Re ct for Y e Itch.
179. For a Sore Mouth or Throat.
181. Dr. Burgesses Receipt against Y e Plague.
182. A Cordiall Water of Dr. Stevens.
183. For the Sinking of the Pallet.
185. A Poultise for the Kings Evil.
188. The Vertues of the Palsey Water.
189. To make Veale Collops Jn o Raisyes way.
190. John Raysies Beefe Collops.
191. The Lady Buttons Melancholy Water.
193. A purge for Spleen and Winde.
194. To make a Pretious Ointment for y e Eyes.
196. Mrs. Herbert a Midwife her Receipt against Miscarrying.
197. Mr John Ashfields Re ct against a Cold.
198. The Black Plaister good for Sprains Aches Wens Sores new or old.
199. To make Sack thin when it is Ropy.
200. Against the Stone in y e Kidneys or Bladder.
201. Dr. Butlers Powder against the Stone.
206. A Glister for the Piles inwardly.
210. To dry a Hamm the best Way.
211. To wash Poynt or any Sort of Lace.
212. A Diet Drink for the Kings Evil.
213. To make Counterfeit Nants Wine.
214. A Varnish for Deal Floor’d Rooms.
215. To make an Oatmeal Pudding very good.