هذا أمر رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وعلى آله ولو ذهبنا٣ أن نذكر اختلافهم٤ وما اختلفوا فيه لخرج عن٥ حدّ الكتاب لكثرته واتّساع القول فيه . منها اختلافهم أوّلًا في الإمامة وأنّ الأنصار أوّل من قام بها وأرادوا عقدها لبعضهم وأنّ المهاجرين أبوا ذلك عليهم وخاصموهم . وكان ينبغي لهم على ظاهر الحديث أن لا يخالفوهم وأن يقتدوا بهم لا سيّما أنّ اختلافهم هذا كان في أصل عظيم من أصول الدين والقول في اختلافهم فيه يطول .
١ ساقطة في ل. ٢ ز: بافتداء خ: باقتدائه، ل: باقتداء. ٣ كذا في ز، خ، ل، ولعلّ الصواب: رأينا أو أردنا. ٤ ز: اختلافاتهم. ٥ ل: نخرج من.
What prohibits them from disagreeing—together with God’s censure of disagreement and its proponents that we have cited and quoted in the course of our discussion above—is the principle that when one Companion performs an act, someone else, whether a Companion or otherwise, must not contradict him in that, since the Messenger of God commanded that one emulate each Companion’s behavior. So, in their disunity they violated the command of the Messenger of God. If we set out to discuss all their disagreements and disputes, we would exceed the bounds of this book, because of their great number and the lengthy narratives required to explain them. One example of their disagreements was their first, over the Imamate: the Allies at first sought to assume it for themselves, desiring to appoint one of their own number to the position, but the Emigrants opposed them and refused to allow them this privilege.97 It should have been obligatory for the Emigrants, on the grounds of the plain meaning of the Prophetic report, not to oppose the Allies, but rather to emulate them, especially since this disagreement of theirs was over a tremendous and fundamental principle of the faith. A full discussion of their disagreement over this matter would take too long.
ومن ذلك ما اختلفوا فيه من الأحكام والحلال والحرام فأحلّ بعضهم ما حرّمه الآخرون منهم وكان الواجب على ظاهر الحديث أن لا يخالفوهم وأن يقتدوا بمن سبق في ذلك إلى قول منهم فلم يفعلوا بل تمادوا على اختلافهم وذلك كثير يطول ذكره ومعلوم لا يدفعه المخالف ولا ينكره١. ومن ذلك ما أنكر بعضهم على بعض فمنهم من رجع إلى قول من أنكر عليه ومنهم من تمادى على أمره ولم يرجع عنه نظير ما روي عن عمر أنّه قال لأبي بكر لمّا أراد قتال أهل اليمامة ليس لك ذلك. إنّي سمعت رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وعلى آله يقول أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتّى يقولوا لا إله إلّا الله ، فإذا قالوها فقد عصموا منّي دماءهم وأموالهم إلّا بحقّها وحسابهم على الله. قال له أبو بكر من حقّها الزكاة وقد منعوها. وتمادى على قتالهم، فلا عمر اقتدى بأبي بكر أوّلاً فترك الاعتراض عليه ولا أبو بكر اقتدى بعمر فيما ذكر له وأشار به عليه .
١ ل: ينكر.
Other instances are the rulings concerning lawful and unlawful matters over which the Companions disagreed. Some of them declared lawful what others of them declared unlawful, when it should have been necessary, according to the plain meaning of the Prophetic report, that they forgo contradicting each other and rather emulate those Companions who had expressed an opinion on that matter before they did. Yet they did not do this and instead persisted in their disagreement. This was a frequent occurrence, a description of which would be excessively long, and a well-known fact that no opponent may reject or deny. These include rulings that one of them denounced another for making. In some cases, one Companion changed his opinion to that of the one who denounced him, but in others, he stuck to his original opinion and did not abandon his view. An example of this is what has been transmitted on the authority of ʿUmar, to the effect that he told Abū Bakr, when he was planning to go to war against the inhabitants of al-Yamāmah: “You have no right to do this, for I heard the Messenger of God say: ‘I have been commanded to fight people until they say, “There is no god but God.” Once they say that, they have safeguarded their lives and their property from me, except by right, and their reckoning is incumbent on God alone.’” Abū Bakr responded, “One right against their lives is the alms tax, which they have refused to pay,” and he proceeded to do battle with them. Neither did ʿUmar at first emulate Abū Bakr, leaving off raising an objection to him, nor did Abū Bakr switch to the view that ʿUmar stated and pointed out to him.
وأمر عمر برجم حامل اعترفت بالزنا فخلّصها عليّ عليه السلام من يد رسله وقال له ليس لك سبيل على ما في بطنها. ولم يقتد به عليّ فيما أمره وفعله .
In another example, ʿUmar commanded that a pregnant woman who had confessed to adultery be stoned, but ʿAlī, blessings of God be upon him, rescued her from the hands of his bailiffs. He told ʿUmar, “You have no right to proceed against what is in her belly,” and he did not follow ʿUmar’s view or his course of action.
ورووا أنّ عبد الله بن مسعود قال يومًا لا يقولنّ أحدكم إنّي مؤمن ، فإنّه إن قال إنّي مؤمن قال إنّه في الجنّة ، وإذا قال إنّه في الجنّة فهو في النار. فقال له يزيد بن عمرو١ من مثلك حذرنا معاذ. قال ابن مسعود وما قال معاذ؟ قال قال إنّ الشيطان ليلقي الكلمة على لسان الحكيم فيتكلّم بها فلا تحملها فإيّاك وزيغة الحكيم . قال قلت فكيف لي بعلم ذلك ؟ قال إنّ على الحقّ لنورًا. فلم يجبه عبد الله بن مسعود وكان بعد ذلك إذا٢ أتاه أكرمه . فلم يكن على ظاهر الحديث ينبغي ليزيد أن يردّ على ابن مسعود، بل كان يجب عليه أن يقتدي به . وروي عن عبد الله بن مسعود أنّه قال لا يقلّدنّ أحدٌ٣ أحدًا إن آمن آمن وإن كفر كفر.
١ خ: عمير. ٢ ل: إذ. ٣ ل: أحدًا.
They transmitted that ʿAbd Allāh ibn Masʿūd said one day, “Let no one among you declare