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off sticking out their bottoms, swinging their hips, etc. When he’s walking with her and she sees a drop of water on the road and hikes up her dress, exposing her calves so that everyone can see the mud on them. When he walks alone and sees the women who have hiked up their dresses, exposing their calves, on seeing a drop of water on the road, etc. When he sets out with her on a windy day and she deliberately lets her dress reveal glimpses of her breast and her backside. When he sets out alone on a windy day and sees the women who deliberately let their dresses reveal glimpses of their breasts, etc. When she makes a habit of dropping her handkerchief or tying her sandal strap, so that she has to bend over and show off her backside. When he sets out alone and sees the women bending over to fasten the straps on their sandals or picking up their handkerchiefs, thus showing off their backsides.


اذا جعلت شيا فى فمها تلوكه وهى ماشية توهم من يعجبها من الفتيان انها تشير بقبلة او اذا غمزت احدا ورمزت ولمزت * اذا ابصر من تلوك شيا وهى ماشية وحسب ذلك اشارة اليه بقبلة ثم غدت تغمز وترمز وتلمز وتابز وتنفز وتنقز *
اذا صادفت رجلا من معارفها فى الطريق فطفقت تعاتبه على طول غيابه عنها ثم امسكت بيده وغمزته١ غمزا شديدا * اذا راى امراة تعاتب رجلا على طول غيابه عنها ثم اخذت يده وغمزته٢ غمزا شديدا حتى احمر الغامز واصفر المغموز او بالعكس *
اذا لقيت امراة فى الطريق عليها ديباج نفيس فجعلت تسالها عن سعره وعمن يبيعه * اذا لقى امراتين تمس احداهما الاخرى وتلك الملموسة تشير بيدها اللطيفة الى مكان *
اذا صادفت احدا فى الطريق فاشارت اليه انِ اتبعنا فاخذ يمشى عن يمينها فحولت وجهها عن زوجها وجعلت جلّ الكلام مع الزبون * اذا وجد رجلا بين امراتين او امراة بين رجلين ففى الحالة الاولى طلبا للمرازمة وفى الثانية ثقة بالكفاية لان طعام اثنين يشبع ثلثة *
اذا رجعا الى البيت وصرّحت له او عرّضت بشرآ الديباج ولم يكن عنده دراهم تكفى * اذا رجع الى البيت وراى ان عنده مالًا وليس من تلبس الديباج وتجلس الى جانبه *

      ١ ١٨٥٥: غمزتها.

      ٢ ١٨٥٥: غمزتها.

When she puts something in her mouth and chews on it as she walks, making her young male admirers think that she’s mouthing a kiss at them, or when she winks at one of them and arches an eyebrow or rolls her eyes. When he observes women chewing something as they walk and thinks they’re mouthing kisses at him and then they start winking, arching their eyebrows, rolling their eyes, skipping, hopping, and springing.
When she happens on a male acquaintance of hers in the street and keeps on rebuking him for not having come to see her for so long, then takes hold of his hand and gives him a big wink. When he sees a woman rebuking a man for not having come to see her for so long and then taking his hand and giving him such a big wink that the winker blushes and the winked-at blanches, or vice versa.
When she encounters a woman in the street who is wearing an expensive brocade and she starts asking her about the price and who sells it. When he encounters two women one of whom is stroking the other while the one stroked points to some place with her delicate hand.
When she happens on some man in the street and makes a sign to him as though to say, “Follow us!” and he walks along on her right side and she turns her face from her husband and makes most of her conversation with the chump. When he finds a man between two women or a woman between two men, for in the first case, the man is seeking to “mix the rough with the smooth”103 while in the second the men are confident of getting enough, for “food for two will satisfy three.”104
When they return to the house and she plainly states, or hints, that they should buy the brocade and he doesn’t have enough money to pay for it. When he returns to the house and sees that he has plenty of money but there’s no one to wear brocade or sit at his side.


اذا قالت له وهما على المائدة لتغصّصه ما اجمل فلانا الذى ماشانا وما الطفه وابرّه واترّه واطرّه واحرّه وادرّه * اذا جلس للطعام وحده وجعل يفكر ويقول فى نفسه ما اجمل فلانة التى رايتها تمشى مع فلان وما الطفها واترّها واطرّها وادرّها *
اذا بات تلك الليلة وهو تعب موجع الراس حتى اذا اغفى قليلا احسّ بحركة منها فى جنبه فقضى دينه متكارها * اذا بات تلك الليلة وهو مستريح ناشط ثم احسّ بحركة منه فمد يده فجات على الحائط او على مسمار او وتد فدميت *
اذا سكن منزلا وكان جاره الادنى منه فتى جميلا فجعل يتردد عليه بعلة الجاريّة * اذا سكن منزلا وكانت جارته فتاة جميلة ولم يمكن له ان يمت اليها بوسيلة الجاريّة *
اذا مرض ولزم فراشه وهو يشكو ويئن فلزمت هى الشباك وهى تمكو وتحنّ * اذا راى جاره مريضا فى الفراش يشكو ويئن وزوجته بجنبه تحنّ وتهنّ *
اذا جآ وقت الصيف ففتر وفدر وجفر وحَصِر واسترخت عروقه فاثر ان يبيت وحده * اذا جآ وقت الشتآ فاشتدّ واستد وامتد واحتد ونبضت عروقه فاثر ان يبيت مع من تنفخ فى وجهه *
When she tells him at table (to make him choke), “How