truth of the moment will guide you to exactly the right place for you now. Have faith in your heart’s inner truth. This inner truth is what matters.
There are many different points of view and opinions in the world. Don’t adopt the view and opinion that your mind considers logical, but embrace the one you feel in the depths of your heart.
The truth dances in our hearts. If we listen to our heart, we embody our own heart’s truth, and in this way a field is built up that consists of exactly this vibration. Through living what our heart tells us, regardless of external circumstances, we create a field of truth that moves with us. And wherever we go, truth that was previously hidden will be revealed through this field.
Freedom is my right – and yours too
We are spiritual beings incarnated in earthly bodies. You might be surprised when I say that this constitutes part of the freedom of the soul. From a material point of view, it would seem as if being incarnated should result in less freedom. But as soon as we change our perspective, things look different. We can then see that as human beings we gain the freedom of multidimensionality because, although we inhabit a physical body, we can be on different energetic levels simultaneously – and we can recognise that we have free will.
We’ve forgotten what our free will really means. Many people today have the feeling that they’re helplessly at the mercy of the actions of the unlight. But there’s something they’re forgetting: our voice changes the world. We live on the Earth and therefore bear joint responsibility for what happens on the Earth. We hold the strings in our hands. A “no” or a “yes” from a group of people who hold out their hands to each other in love can start a domino effect of change. Some people say: “But the politicians are responsible.” – No. We, the citizens, are responsible for what happens on planet Earth. This is a sentence I like: “Sometime they’ll give a war and nobody will come.” If some politicians or other decide something somewhere, that doesn’t mean to say it’s set in stone and is inevitably going to happen. Such decisions can only manifest in the world if we implement them.
Because I am human …
The awakening of humanity happens in stages, in steps. The next step is that of love, joy, truth and inner and outer freedom.
Because I am human, I learn to understand what it means to change things with and through love, to live with truth and to think with freedom.
Because I am human, I have realised that the time for heart courage has come. We must have the courage to live love, to just try it. We must have the courage to live according to our own truth. We must have the courage to experience freedom, to realise that we have always been free, and to live this freedom now.
Because I am human, I have realised that the decision to take the next step towards love often starts with showing others there is still something called hope.
It is time for all of us to take joint responsibility for the Earth – in love and in the knowledge that everything will happen the way it is supposed to be.(1)
Unconditional love
Love is the strongest force in the universe
Unfolding love for yourself and for others is a process that happens gradually. For centuries, our society has taught us that love is linked to conditions, prerequisites or demands of some kind. We think we need certain external circumstances to make it possible for love to flow from us. We think our love depends on what other people say, do, or are. But in truth, love has no interest in outward circumstances and needs no external preconditions.
Love is the strongest force in the universe, and the source of our personal love energy lies within our heart. Most people here in Central Europe have a mentality that’s rather head-bound. There are people in other cultures who can set us an example. They probably wouldn’t call themselves exactly spiritual, but they live their lives from their heart, and this living from the heart is one of the characteristics of spirituality. Just because we live here, in so-called highly civilised countries, doesn’t mean that we have nothing more to learn. We call certain countries less civilised simply because their material infrastructure is not as good as ours. But among them, there are countries where the consciousness of the population is already more developed than ours. People there may not have invented theories or technical terms for spirituality, but they just live spirituality. This means that both sides can learn from each other.
We’ve been taught to make love dependent on expectations and external conditions. Therefore, learning to radiate love regardless of gross-material or subtle circumstances is a gradual process for each one of us. This true love is called unconditional love. Many people only know love that is tied to conditions: “I love you if …”, “I love you because …”, “I love you as long as …” and so on. But unconditional love isn’t interested in who you are or what you do, what work you do, where you live or how old you are. Love doesn’t think like that. It’s our mind that thinks like that.
But unconditional love doesn’t just fall from heaven. It’s a soul quality that the soul gradually unfolds once more in the course of its development and through its experience. We never really lost unconditional love, but just buried it and forgot it for a certain time, which is why we can now unearth it within ourselves once more. The task for each of us is to dig away the patterns and the conditioning that we’ve accumulated through our upbringing, at school, from society or even from previous lives. The goal at the end of this is to become love again, because love is our true, eternal nature. This may still take a while in individual cases – perhaps a month or a year or even three or five years – but that doesn’t matter. We have all the time in the world to develop, so we can calmly relax into our development process. We don’t have to get stressed. Through relaxing and going into our heart, our vibration increases and our love unfolds automatically.
Many people wonder how they can increase their vibration. As I see it, the easiest way is to go along with the individual learning processes that are currently on the agenda in your own life without resistance. That’s all. This alone increases your vibration. Nature has arranged everything so that the most important things in our lives are uncomplicated and just happen. If we feel joy in our lives, if we feel good and if we’re optimistic that the world will change for the better – no matter what it looks like at the moment and what it might look like in the near future – then our vibration increases automatically.
Dissolving conscious and subconscious blockages
Unconditional love is not something we go looking for somewhere outside of ourselves, and then pick up and integrate within ourselves. It’s what all of us are, eternally, in our true being. Every soul has its ultimate origin in the Source, in God, and therefore every soul always carries unconditional love in its innermost core.
Our heart is the gateway to our soul. As we move more and more into our heart and dissolve the many layers that cover our innermost core – conditioning, patterns, prejudices, opinions and so on, both in our day consciousness and in our subconscious – we move closer to this unconditional love, layer by layer. We don’t just “click!” into unconditional love, it’s a process. We recognise which patterns from the past are no longer relevant and beneficial, and then we release these patterns that are blocking us one by one and dissolve them. Step by step, through finally letting the past be the past and by dissolving our blockages, we gain an expanded perspective and a fresh view of ourselves, of our life and of the world – a new state of consciousness. In this way, we move ever closer to our innermost core. The more our personal vibration increases, through letting go of these patterns and by changing our consciousness, the faster the mist that lies between our day consciousness and our subconscious can dissolve. It’s as if the sun slowly rises above the mist and evaporates it. This is how our innermost core and the source of our being emerge more and more: unconditional love.
But for that to happen, we need to look at our subconscious because this plays an important role in all of this. For example, person A may not feel anger or hatred towards person B in their day consciousness.