vortex wasn’t working! The reason why the construction had seemed to work had nothing to do with either the wood, or the shape, or the size, or any other aspect of the vortex. The reason had been solely my thoughts, solely my faith. As I was laying the vortex, I’d had my mind set on harmonising the sky, and because I’d believed in it, it had worked. The energy field that the vortex had built up, as well as its function to dissolve the white stripes, had only come about because I’d built the vortex with precisely that intention in mind.
Suppose there’s a glass of water standing in front of us. We can observe that the water changes depending on what we say to it. The same applies to plants; they also react to our thoughts and words. It’s the same with the sky. As soon as we focus our attention on something, we put our energy into it – and we automatically exert influence on whatever we send our energy to.
With the “seven-elements vortex”, the effect lost its power after three days because I’d taken my attention off that subject again, assuming it would now work automatically. It’s like pouring a certain amount of fuel into a vehicle: the vehicle will drive as long as the fuel lasts, then it’ll stop. In the same way, the vortex “worked” only as long as the residual energy of my attention, my thought energy, continued to have an effect. The vortex itself had no special powers, but only acted as a kind of “thought amplifier”. In principle, the effect would have been the same if I’d made the vortex very small or if I’d laid it in different form or even if I hadn’t built it at all.
The insight I gained from this incident was: We often make ourselves out to be smaller than we are. We think we’re so small and the sky is so big and so far away. We think we can’t make a difference. But we forget how powerful our beliefs and thoughts are. The vortex just worked because I wanted it to. Compared to the size of the sky, we may have small physical bodies, but there is an immense energy in our consciousness – so great that we can hardly imagine it. The vortex showed me that we human beings have so much more power in us than we allow ourselves to believe. If I’d had doubts from the beginning, and had thought: “Well, it probably won’t work anyway”, then it most likely wouldn’t have worked. But because I believed in it and focused my attention on it, it worked. As soon as we’re firmly convinced of something, all our conscious and unconscious blockades against it will dissolve. Then a great deal is possible. That’s why they say faith can move mountains.
Learning from each other
In our neighbourhood there was a little girl who always laid the table for her “invisible friend” too. I think it’s important that parents take this seriously and don’t say: “You have too much imagination” or “You’ve probably seen too many films, because there are no invisible friends” or something like that, as if they know it all. On the contrary, particularly nowadays, there are many children who can teach adults something. Maturity of soul doesn’t depend on the age of the physical body. There are eighty-year-olds who’ve understood fewer learning processes in their lives than fourteen-year-olds. So the question is not how old someone is physically, but how much experience someone has already had and, above all, how much that person has learned from it. Maturity of soul therefore doesn’t depend on how long someone’s been in this world in total and how many incarnations they’ve already gone through during this time. “Old souls” are not necessarily mature souls. It has to do with how much a soul has already learned. Some souls learn more in five incarnations than others do in ten. Just because someone’s been here a hundred times doesn’t mean they’ve understood more than someone who’s been here ten times. It’s about quality, not quantity.
I think it’s important for parents and children to meet at eye-level. Every person has something that they’ve already understood and can pass on to others, and everyone also has something that they haven’t yet understood and can receive from others. But we can learn better from each other if we don’t immediately reject things we’ve never heard of before. Just because you haven’t heard of something or experienced it yourself or just because you can’t consciously perceive something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in the world.
If we increase our vibration, our world view also expands. Suddenly, there’s space in our world view for much more than we’d ever previously imagined. The opposite is also true: the moment we change our perspective on the world and consciously open our world view to something new, our vibration increases automatically. New things are being integrated into our everyday vibration all the time and through this integration our individual vibration either decreases or increases – this is something that happens constantly and automatically. We really don’t have to worry about that. It just happens without us having to do anything about it. We just need to make sure that we surround ourselves as much as possible with positive things and that we enjoy our lives.
Chakra work
Another way to increase your vibration is by doing chakra work. There are no chakras that are better or worse than any others, none that are more useful or less useful. We need them all.
What we still carry within us in the way of programs and patterns from our current and previous incarnations, as well as those from our line of ancestors, causes blockages in our chakras too. Once we’ve managed to release these things and purify our soul, energy can again flow more easily through our chakras. We can call this process chakra work.
By the way, we human beings have chakras both within our body and above and below our physical body, and each of our chakras has its own vibration. Since the chakras work together and need each other, we can only unfold certain chakras if other chakras are also unfolded. The upper chakras need the lower ones, and the lower ones need the upper ones. Because of this, all of them are equally important and equally useful.
It’s difficult to describe what chakras look like in words. They’re open on both sides and look like funnels. Can you imagine that? A chakra usually looks like a funnel that is open at the front and the back. However, a fully active chakra radiates in all directions and takes on the shape of a sphere. The different energy bodies are formed out of these chakras – irrespective of whether they’re funnel-shaped or spherical. But that’s a different subject.
Purification of the soul
We live in a time of global turnaround and are having to reorient ourselves completely. In Book 2, we therefore published a list of practical tips concerning what each individual can specifically do to increase their vibration, transform their patterns and expand their consciousness. One of the tips was: “Free yourself from the past by dissolving oaths, pledges, vows, promises, astral constructs, traumas, and the like.”(2)
This is an important subject and I would like to go into it more deeply. Each of us has already gone through thousands of experiences in the past, and through this, we’ve absorbed and created a multitude of things. However, many of them are no longer relevant to the present time and may now be dissolved or transformed because they’re no longer needed.
The technique I use for dissolving things that are no longer needed goes as follows: First, you connect to the Source – some also call it “God”, “Creator”, “Original Source” or the “All that is”. What is meant is simply the centre of creation, the omnipresent, divine, loving intelligence from which we all originate. Each one of us is constantly connected to this divine intelligence but many people are no longer aware of it. It’s therefore important to restore a conscious reconnection to the Source.
How you do that can be very individual. Some imagine that they travel from their heads through all the energetic levels until they’re finally immersed in a radiant golden light that is allegorising the Source. Others imagine a light channel created between their crown chakra and the Source. There is no one method that works for everyone, for the simple reason that we ourselves decide whether a particular method works for us or not. The important thing is that we find an allegory that our consciousness can accept as the Source. For example, if someone creates a pillar of light in his mind that grows out of his head into the sky until