dissolved.” You could say it would be a mistake to forget this addition. Because after dissolving things, you may, for instance, not remember the word “gherkin” any more. We all carry information within us both in our energy body and in our physical cells, much of which is actually no longer relevant and no longer helpful, while other information still is. If we tell the Source to remove all the old information from our cells, everything might afterwards be gone. We would then look at a glass of gherkins and not know what gherkins are any more. The same applies to beliefs as well. It doesn’t really make sense to have all your beliefs deleted, because there are beliefs that are practical and still relevant.
And sometimes, even if we say that only those beliefs should be deleted that are no longer for our divine good, it is possible that only a few or none at all are dissolved. One reason for this might be that the Source wants you to see and to know what it dissolves. You might perhaps need to take a closer look at one or the other subject and learn something before it can finally be dissolved.
Finding peace
Inner and outer peace is the natural state of every soul. It occurs naturally when we human beings are fully in our hearts. But because, in our consciousness, we’re slightly disconnected from our heart at the moment – due to our upbringing, school and all the patterns that we’ve brought with us into our incarnation – we have to first move back towards our heart. As we do this, our vibration changes.
We need good grounding for our vibration to increase and for us to be able to find peace. We need grounding firstly because we’re here on Earth and secondly because it enables us to anchor the light of our soul much better and to send it out again.
Good grounding means that the soul is one hundred percent anchored in the physical body. It’s not enough to just be kind of “present”. What also belongs to it is gratitude and joy in the fact that we’re here and have a physical body. Self-love means loving yourself with everything that’s yours, including your character, your physical body, simply everything. If this joy is missing – if a person doesn’t accept their physical body and doesn’t like it – their soul finds it difficult to fully integrate into their body. The soul then finds it somewhat stupid to be here at all. But the more we move into the energy of the changing times, the more our joy of life and our lightness increase. Therefore, it’s important that we follow joy and that we live it.
Some people think you lose your spiritual connection to higher worlds when you ground yourself. But that’s not true. We can be both grounded and spiritually active. In fact, the better you’re grounded, the higher you can jump in terms of the spiritual – like on a trampoline. In the spiritual scene in particular, some people think that the physical body is not good at all for some reason, and so they float with their soul two or three metres above their head all the time and aren’t really in their body. On the subtle level, we anyway leave our bodies continuously. As soon as you think yourself somewhere, you’re there with part of your consciousness and no longer one hundred percent in your body. But it’s important to be able to return one hundred percent after such a journey and for your soul not to get stuck half way.
Living spiritually isn’t about ignoring your physical body. Your body is not a punishment, on the contrary it’s something really amazing! We all wanted to incarnate here into three-dimensionality and so, in accordance with this wish, we received a physical body. We’re therefore called upon to appreciate it and accept it gratefully.
Resolving stress
In order to find peace, it’s also important to resolve the stress in our lives. Today we live in a society in which stress starts at school, where children are already exposed to enormous pressure. And when they finally leave the stress of school, they immediately fall into the stress of the working world. When people are under stress or time pressure for a longer period of time, they become ever more estranged from their soul connection. All they see in front of them is their daily to-do list, and as they work through the many points listed there, they find no time to listen to their soul and what their soul actually wants. This means that most people today – at least in our culture – have no time to concentrate on themselves and on the wishes of their heart. They have no choice but to ignore the connection to their soul in order to somehow survive the stress of everyday life. This is exactly why such pains are taken to maintain the hectic pace of life in our society: to distance people from their soul connection and in this way block their development.
I think that we sometimes take the whole thing with time pressure a little too seriously. I often travel by train, and as I was sitting in the train again the other day waiting for it to depart, I heard them announce that we’d have to wait another four minutes. Most of the people on the train took this pretty calmly in that moment. A little later we were told we’d have to wait another ten, and then twenty minutes. Finally, we were told that the train wasn’t going to run that day at all and we should all get off. I saw that many of the people reacted by becoming totally stressed, because they were probably going to miss their connecting trains and their appointments. Some even panicked.
But this stress is somehow pointless, because we can’t change the situation by being stressed. If a train is going to be late, we can’t stop it being late, that’s just the way it is. Instead of getting stressed, you could broaden your horizon in such a situation and recognise the advantages – for example that you’ve now unexpectedly been given some time for yourself. But many people are in such a hectic mode that they don’t even notice when they’re suddenly given time for themselves. This is also because this hectic pace of life and this stress is anchored in the collective energy field of today’s society.
That’s why I think it makes sense to become an optimist and try to see the positive in everything. The world is just the way it is, and certain things simply can’t be changed. We can only choose which eyes we look at the world with and how we react to it. Being optimistic and seeing things in a positive light allows us to see the meaning of our lives much more easily.
Many people would benefit from more lightness and more fun in life. You don’t always have to take things so seriously. This also applies to your own learning themes you still have in front of you: Just laugh at yourself! Take a look at the long way you’ve already come, and enjoy it. In this way, you’ll find inner peace.
Why good grounding is important
What’s special about an incarnation on the Earth is that here we can develop spiritually while being in a physical body at the same time. Being in a physical body means that we feel isolated and separated from each other. But spiritually, we can move to other levels where the consciousness of oneness and connectedness with all things exists. That’s why life as an Earth person offers us time and time again the unique opportunity to choose whether we want to feel separated or not – we can switch back and forth between unified consciousness and separated consciousness. That is the special and fascinating thing about inhabiting a physical body here in the third density: we perceive ourselves as a multidimensional being that lives simultaneously in the physical and in the subtle. That’s something that isn’t offered very often in the universe.
However, it is important to be well grounded here. This is the prerequisite for the soul to be able to dock onto all the cells of the body and use the body fully. We all consciously decided to take on a three-dimensional physical body in order to be able to inhabit and use it here on the Earth. Our body comes from the Earth and is therefore also connected to the Earth. A good grounding forms the foundation of our incarnation on which our existence is built, here in three-dimensionality. It’s like a house: we can’t build a solid house without a good foundation.
A lack of grounding can be recognised by the fact that the person concerned is constantly daydreaming, for example, and somehow “unavailable” at times – as if they were not fully present on the physical plane. It may really be that the soul is not completely inside its physical body, but is dancing around outside the body a few meters above the person’s head. In some cases, this lack