Christina von Dreien

Christina, Book 3: Consciousness Creates Peace

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by going through the process of dissolution and then goes through this process step by step by realising that a certain pattern is present; finding out where this pattern came from; accepting the pattern without condemnation; then lovingly letting go of the pattern and dissolving it. In both cases, the pattern is ultimately dissolved through help from above, from the Source.

      There is also a third possibility. In this case, an obsolete pattern or program is not dissolved, but overwritten with another program. Basically, this is happening all the time: A belief that is no longer relevant is replaced by a new one because we’ve gained fresh knowledge and insights. We decide – consciously or subconsciously – to give preference to another offer.

      On the energy level, we send out everything we think, feel, say and do. For example, if we think something specific, we open a gateway for the corresponding external events which can then dock on to us energetically. Every belief we carry within us – whether conscious or subconscious – is a gateway for whatever is contained within that belief. That’s why it’s important to either delete, transform or overwrite outdated, obsolete patterns of thought, belief and feeling.

      Unless we dissolve these things, they become increasingly burdensome for us, causing us to become energetically heavier and heavier. It’s like swimming with your clothes on: your clothes suck up more and more water and become heavier and heavier. In the same way, all the things that actually need to be dissolved cover up our true being to an ever greater extent, pull us down in terms of energy and block our spiritual development. Conversely, releasing these burdens is like discarding more and more weight from a hot-air balloon so that it can rise higher and higher.

      When dissolving patterns, the following is also important: Each of our patterns of thinking or feeling is associated with corresponding actions. Successfully dissolving a pattern means that it’s been removed from the subtle body and replaced by an updated pattern, but now the challenge is to change our actions as well. Human beings are known to be creatures of habit, and someone who has lived according to a certain pattern for perhaps twenty years needs some time to get used to the new way of thinking and feeling. To begin with, they’ll have to consciously remember again and again to act according to this new energy.

      Acceptance is the basis of any change

      The most important prerequisite for every change is the acceptance of the current situation. As long as we still harbour inner resistance to the current situation, no positive change can take place.

      With each of our decisions and actions, we send out energy waves which generate energy fields. We are therefore constantly surrounded by energy fields that we ourselves and others have created. If we lack sufficient composure in a situation that we’re not able to change at the moment, we radiate resistance. We try to fight against this undesirable situation, but by doing so we only increase the corresponding energy. In addition, as soon as we get angry about something, our personal vibration decreases immediately. But, if we give up our resistance and simply accept an existing situation in a neutral manner, the undesirable field around us collapses instantaneously. We can only produce new energy and create a new field when these waves have dissipated. As soon as we manage to accept the situation without anger and without resistance, our vibration increases. With this higher vibration we’re then in a position to really change the circumstances.

      Anger, rejection, resistance and struggle are characteristics of the old energy that is now being replaced on our Earth. Fighting no longer has any place in the energy of the changing times. By meeting old energy with something that is positive and has a high vibration, we prepare a field into which this new energy can flow. If we send our love even to those who do dark deeds, we give them the opportunity to decide whether they want to accept this love or not. By acting from within the new energy in this way and offering understanding, compassion and forgiveness to other people, we give them the opportunity to likewise accept the new energy and transform themselves.

      There are probably a great many people in today’s society who inwardly no longer want to support destructive systems, but who have no idea how things could work differently. They want to get out of the existing systems, but see no way of doing so as yet, and they can’t imagine how things would carry on afterwards. By offering these people positive alternatives and by living them ourselves, we accelerate the entire process of global change. But if we condemn them, confront them with resentment or seek revenge, we slow down this process.

      Here on this slide, once more, are some of the many things that you might possibly be carrying around with you still, in the form of outdated patterns, conditioning and programs. (Of course, this doesn’t mean that all human beings are carrying all these things around with them, but most of them probably still carry one or the other.)

      If you want to leave such things behind you permanently, it’s often not enough to just dissolve them once, because some patterns are being constantly formed anew. For example, as soon as you watch television or accept what other mass media present uncritically, you’re in danger of being brainwashed again. Television, radio, newspapers and the internet are not bad in themselves; it’s just a question of how we use them. I think we should be vigilant consumers and not blind ones; we shouldn’t believe everything just like that. In our consciousness, we can insert a kind of filter between looking at something and accepting it.

      Ideally, the media should show us the whole spectrum of world views and events in this world, so that we can choose one or the other independently. Because we live in duality here on Earth, wherever there is much shadow there must also be much light. Even if media reports deal one-sidedly with social wrongs, misery, wars and terror and all the many shadow things, we can still be sure that there’ll be just as much light somewhere else. Even if television and the other media don’t show us this light, we know that it’s there. If we want to find out where the light is and in what form it appears, the responsibility to consciously search for it lies with us.

      When we die, we leave our physical body behind, but our thought patterns, belief patterns, feeling patterns and behaviour patterns are all taken into our next incarnations as energy information. Especially problematic are promises, vows and oaths which contain the words “forever” or “never” or “for all eternity”, for example, because they will certainly have an effect on our future lives. It can very well be that certain convictions, beliefs, promises, oaths and the like are no longer relevant in a later life because the soul has developed in a particular area in the meantime. But as long as these things are not dissolved, they will act as blockages and obstacles as regards the future development of the soul.

      Suppose, in one life, someone swears “eternal love” for another person. After the end of that incarnation, both souls move on elsewhere, but because of the oath, they meet again at some point in a new incarnation. Because the promise has not yet been dissolved, the person who once swore eternal love will now be constantly in love with the other person – although this feeling may not be reciprocated to the same extent. This leads to an emotional blockage in that person’s new life, one that needs to be jointly dissolved.

      The term “constructs” refers to subtle forms of energy. Energy can also take on shape, for example a sphere, a triangle or a square. An energy form of this kind can have a task, be programmed in a certain way that affects our consciousness. A computer, for example, runs certain programs that define what happens when you press specific keys. Corresponding commands have been assigned to the keys by the programmer. Likewise, there are subtle forms of energy that have been programmed with some kind of task.

      The slide also includes terms such as “shields” and “seals”. These are specific types of energy constructs. A shield has the task of protecting something, and a seal has the task of closing things or states on the energy level so that nothing can enter or nothing can go out.

      Now it may be that in our lives there are energy constructs – either from previous incarnations or from the present one