at that moment. This is because their consciousness accepts that the connection is instantaneous as soon as the pillar of light touches the sphere, and that this luminous sphere is the Source.
After consciously connecting to the Source in this way, you can begin to dissolve things that are no longer needed. You request, for example, that all those contracts that no longer serve your own highest divine good be dissolved – including all associated storage and backup copies and all info-energetic imprints as well as all effects and side effects. This is very important because otherwise the things that have been dissolved will be automatically reinstalled by the backup copies.
Then you wait. Generally, you feel when everything has been dissolved that could be dissolved in this way. If you don’t feel anything, then you simply trust that it has been dissolved. Certain contracts may also continue to exist on the energy level because they’re still needed, for example, or because they need to be looked at more closely before they can be dissolved.
Where you dissolve something, you create an energy gap. But this gap can be filled immediately – preferably with unconditional love. To do this, you can request the Source to fill all the gaps created by the dissolution with unconditional love. Any injuries caused by the things that have been dissolved can also be healed by requesting this from the Source in the same way. When everything you wish to be dissolved has been dissolved, then let the energy of gratitude flow.
This is the technique I recommend for dissolving things you no longer need and thereby purifying your soul. With this technique you’re not only able to dissolve contracts, but also many other physical and energetic entanglements. Some of these things come from our present life, others we’ve brought along with us from previous lives.
Here is a list of possible things that are probably no longer relevant or beneficial in the lives of most people and that can now be dissolved:
contracts, treaties, alliances, pacts
oaths, pledges, promises, vows
shocks, traumas
thought patterns such as convictions, ideas, beliefs, world views
destructive emotional patterns such as fear patterns, guilt patterns, anger patterns, hate patterns
dislikes, hostile thinking
karmic burdens
transgenerational transmission of trauma
initiations, sacraments
curses, maledictions, damnations, spells
energy blockages, obstructions, shields, seals and armours
mental programs, manipulation, brain washing, disinformation, coding
possession by foreign energies, “docking on”
foreign energies of people who are actively connected to us through thoughts, emotions and words (e.g. through thinking about us or talking about us)
other people’s projections (i.e. the ideas they have about us)
astral constructs (energies programmed with specific commands)
astral nails, screws, chains and fetters
holograms, energy distortions, energy vampires
physical or energy implants (microchips, transmitters, switches, timers, nanorobots, etc.)
In this context it’s also important to note that not only the experiences of our own soul are stored in the cells of our body, but also the collected experiences of our ancestors. This includes the experiences, ideas and patterns of our father and mother as well as of all their ancestors. As heirs of our ancestors, we carry a vast amount of things with us in our cellular memory, most of which do not serve our highest divine good.
With the same procedure as above, we can also let these inherited things be dissolved by the Source, by saying that all entanglements, patterns, limitations, blockages, diseases and sufferings that we still carry from our ancestors in our cells should now be sent into the light in their entirety and healed as needed. In this case as well, of course, this should be done together with all storage and backup copies, all info-energetic imprints and all effects and side effects.
How often you need to purify your soul in the way described here varies from person to person and depends on the particular individual. Hardly anyone carries all the entanglements listed above with them, but every one of us certainly has the one or the other to dissolve. Depending on their circumstances, some people are confronted more strongly with certain things than others. For example, anyone in the focus of public attention, about whom many people think, talk or write, is exposed to the influence of such external energies to an above-average degree. These people should free themselves from foreign energies more often.
Thus, we are all invited to take responsibility for the state of our own soul, to finally leave behind the burdens of our past and to thoroughly declutter our consciousness. I wish you much joy in this process!(3)
Things to dissolve
Many people have asked questions concerning the subject dealt with in the last chapter, which is why I’m going into it in more detail here.
Due to our past – that is, due to our upbringing, our school, or even previous incarnations – we all carry certain patterns, conditioning and programs within us. Among these programs are some that are useful, helpful and up to date, while others are outdated and cause blockages. If we want to continue our inner development, we must begin to dissolve these outdated programs, beliefs, ideas, convictions, fears, destructive emotions and so on. Some of these patterns may be buried deep in the layers of our subconscious. If you’re wondering how you can access this subconscious, imagine, for example, eating a cake layer by layer. First you eat the top layer, then the next layer, and so on. With each layer that disappears, new things move from your subconscious to your day consciousness.
When we talk about dissolving subtle patterns, programs and beliefs, some people think they have to dissolve all of them. But firstly, that won’t work, and secondly, we don’t need to do it at all. Patterns of thought or action are not in themselves something that inevitably block us. There are also useful beliefs and convictions that we still need and can keep with us. For example, we all imagine and are confident that the ceiling’s not going to fall on our heads or the floor disappear from under our feet. This trust, this pattern of thinking, doesn’t need to be dissolved. It’s therefore enough to dissolve those things that are obsolete and no longer relevant and to also dissolve those things that are no longer helpful and are blocking us.
It’s important that we don’t try to dissolve things because we want to repress them or don’t want to acknowledge them, but that we do so because we’ve actually finished with them internally – because we’ve dealt with them in the course of our development and can now let them go. Trying to repress traumatic experiences causes them to be encapsulated on the energy level and then buried somewhere in the subconscious. This happens when a person doesn’t have the opportunity, in the moment of experiencing an event, to process the experience and therefore packs it away for the time being. The experience that has been repressed is then still there but isolated from that person’s day consciousness. This capsule only opens again when the soul concerned feels that the person’s system on the human level is now capable of constructively processing the experience. Repression is therefore not a solution, because things that have been repressed and locked away are still there, trying to push their way into our consciousness. It’s better to first of all accept and then consciously dissolve burdensome emotions, because then they really do go away.
As I see it, there are two different ways to dissolve patterns. One way is to simply become aware of the fact that we’re carrying a certain pattern around with us that has become obsolete and that we no longer need. Thanks to the new energy now present on the Earth, just becoming aware of it can cause the pattern to simply dissolve, from one second to