being – not only spiritually but also in terms of their cosmic origin. Souls have come here to the Earth from the most diverse places in the universe in order to incarnate as human beings, and human beings therefore have completely different subtle structures. It makes a big difference whether a human being is 90 % an Earthly being from a subtle point of view or only 10 %. It’s therefore not possible to make universal statements about what’s healthy and beneficial for the human body and what isn’t. A truly holistic form of medicine or nutrition science should therefore not be concerned exclusively with the physical body, but should also include the individual energy needs of the different beings who have incarnated here in a human form.
Through walking barefoot, our body being receives the nutrients currently needed directly from the Earth. In so doing, it receives, as it were, the original, primal information of the respective substance – not something that only exists in the human imagination but doesn’t correspond at all to the divine original form, or something that’s been artificially pressed into a form such as a vitamin product or the like.
Naturally, the absorption of nutrients on the energy level also works if we lie down naked in a meadow, for example. An energy exchange takes place then as well. But it works best through the feet, because by nature they’re designed to absorb substances and pass them on to the body. Of course, you can also tell the Source directly to download all the vitamins, minerals and so on currently needed into the body in their original form.
Download sunlight
Through sunlight, our body receives many important things on both the physical and energy levels that accelerate the development of our DNA. During the winter, when we here in Europe have almost no physical sunlight for months, we lack this support. But because our brain doesn’t distinguish between reality and imagination, we can simply connect with the sun in our thoughts during this time and download everything we need like that.
Creating things with thoughts and emotions
Thought forms and energy spheres
When we think or imagine something, we create a subtle image in our head. People call it “seeing something in your mind’s eye”. I use the term “thought form” for this. It really is true that through our thinking we begin to manifest and form what we think – first on the energy level, then physically.
Suppose you imagine a red ball. The moment you imagine this red ball, you already see it in your mind’s eye. That means you’ve already manifested it on the subtle energy level; it already exists there. You have, so to speak, picked it out of the field of possibilities and brought it into the subtle plane. In a next step, you can theoretically manifest it into the physical plane as well, because physical matter is nothing more than densified energy. If you think intensely and with emotion about this red ball, it becomes more and more densified until it finally appears in the physical.
Emotions are of great importance in this because they possess great power and can therefore accelerate processes. As soon as we start doing something with strong emotion, it happens faster. Let’s assume you think about flowers and experience great joy in those flowers on an emotional level at the same time. Even though there may be no flowers in the physical world, the intense imagination of these flowers delights you. On the same day, you may well then meet someone who gives you flowers. In this way, your thoughts and emotions have manifested flowers. You sent the thought of how wonderful it would be to have flowers so strongly into the collective field that another person picked up this joy and decided to give away flowers.
Another example: Suppose you imagine a little indoor fountain that’s maybe 30 cm high. As was the case with the red ball, you take it out of the field of possibilities to begin with and then manifest it in front of your mind’s eye, on the subtle energy level. Now you can tell the Source to make the water circulating in the fountain radiate a certain frequency – the frequency of relaxation, for example. The subtle fountain you’ve created then begins to change the room in which it stands in a positive way. This fountain can be described as a “thought form”. If you like, you can also create other thought forms, to each of which you assign a specific task. For instance, you can manifest subtle roses that emanate love and place them all around the room, and so on.
Another practical application of thought forms is: If you’re too warm, for example, you can create an energy sphere of cool energy, a kind of subtle freezer, and then mentally put your hands into this freezer. You’ll find that your body actually cools down. It also works the other way round: If you’re too cold, you can create an energy sphere of warm energy or imagine that you’re surrounded by warming flames.
Energy spheres can also be used to transport subtle things. If you want to transport the subtle indoor fountain from your old home to your new one, for example, you can create an energy sphere and program it to help you move thought forms.
Transformation of physical matter
Physical objects consist of molecules, and you can also communicate with physical objects either by talking to the whole object or to a specific part of it. You can, for example, talk to a house as a whole or to a single room or even a single door.
Another possibility is to communicate with an object at the molecular level. If you’re in a frequency of love and benevolence, you can ask an object to change and take on a new material form. In this way, the molecular structure and also the appearance, shape or colour of a physical object – for example, a cushion – can be changed. You have to be in the loving frequency needed, so that the cushion wants to fulfil your wish in the first place, otherwise, it’ll close up and refuse. Even a cushion is a being with a consciousness and with certain thoughts and feelings.
That’s an important point in this context: You shouldn’t try to force such phenomena, which people usually describe as “paranormal”, with pressure or stress or do it just through the mind alone. You should simply go into your heart and then do it with ease and out of a loving creative power. That works best. Otherwise, the objects involved will close up and not want to play along with you.
Suppose you want a glass of water to taste of lemon. That means you want this water to change its molecular structure just to please you. Both water and lemon are conscious beings with whom one can communicate and whom you should treat with respect – like all beings. You don’t simply enter the molecular structure of the water on the energy level and force the molecules to rearrange themselves. Instead, you should first enter a frequency of love with your consciousness and then, in this frequency of love, ask the molecules to dissolve their current structure and reassemble themselves in a new way. You ask the water if it’s prepared to take on the taste of lemon, and you also ask the lemon if it’s ready to give some of its taste to the water. If both agree, you can enter the lemon on the energy level and look at the molecular structure of the lemon. Then you enter the water on the energy level and look at the molecular structure there. Still in the frequency of love, you can then send the picture of the lemon molecular structure from your own memory to the water and request the water to copy it. It will then change voluntarily. No lemon molecules need to be transported, otherwise the lemon would decompose.
All this takes place without any compulsion. Nothing and nobody in this world should be forced to do anything. As a result of the new energy, all of nature today reacts only to love. As long as human society continues to believe that peace can be achieved by the use of violence, it won’t progress any further, because this is still the old energy that reacted to violence and coercion, to pressure and stress. If we want to reach nature today, we have to radiate the energy it reacts to: love. The change for the good that we want isn’t possible in the old energy structure, only in the new energy structure of love. Love is the new aggregate state of the Earth.
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