Katherine Kula

Cephalometry in Orthodontics

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AAO Clinical Practice Guidelines1 also recommend evaluating the patient’s treatment outcome and determining the efficacy of treatment modalities by comparing posttreatment records with pretreatment records. Posttreatment records may include dental casts; extraoral and intraoral images (either conventional or digital, still or video); and intraoral, panoramic, and/or cephalometric radiographs depending on the type of treatment and other factors. Many orthodontists also take progress cephalograms to determine if treatment is progressing as expected. In addition, board certification with the American Board of Orthodontics requires cephalograms and an understanding of cephalometry to explain the decisions for diagnosis, treatment, and the effects of growth and orthodontic treatment. Therefore, it is paramount that orthodontists understand how to use cephalometrics in their practice.

       Basics of Cephalometrics


      In addition, cephalograms aid in the identification and diagnosis of other problems associated with malocclusion such as dental agenesis, supernumerary teeth, ankylosed teeth, malformed teeth, malformed condyles, and clefts, among others. They have also been used to identify pathology and can give some indication of bone height and thickness around some teeth. However, they are not very useful in identifying dental caries, particularly initial caries, and periodontal disease, so bitewing radiographs and periapical radiographs are needed for patients who are caries susceptible or show signs of periodontal disease. While some asymmetry can be diagnosed using a lateral cephalogram, an additional frontal cephalogram (Fig 1-1b) is needed to better identify which hard tissue structures are involved in the asymmetry.


      The general purpose of this book is to introduce the orthodontic clinician to the use and interpretation of cephalometrics, both 2D and 3D, and to show the potential benefits of using 3D CBCTs. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the background for the current and future use of cephalometrics.

       History of Cephalometrics


      Craniometry, however, had limitations. Each skull represented a one-time peek or snapshot at the development of one individual—in other words, a cross-sectional data point. There was little hope of a longitudinal study. Frequently, the reason for the death of the individual was unknown, resulting in an unknown effect on the growth and development of the skull. Thus, craniofacial development was interpreted based on the skulls of children who died because of trauma, disease, starvation, abuse, or genetics. Todd,3 the chairman of the Department of Anatomy at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, considered the measuring of these children’s skulls as studying defective growth and development; the longitudinal effect of orthodontic treatment on growth and development could not be assessed. Animal studies using dyes were obviously limited in providing interpretation of the effect of various factors on human growth and development. Soft tissue studies, particularly longitudinal, were also limited by the lack of reproducible data. Radiographs, however, provided the opportunity to study and compare multiple patients over decades.

      The use and standardization of cephalograms continually evolved from their early beginnings in the late 1800s. Similarly, during that time, orthodontics had its inception as a dental specialty. Edward Hartley Angle classified malocclusion in 1899 and was recognized by the American Dental Association for making orthodontics a dental specialty.4 Angle established the first school of orthodontics (Angle School of Orthodontia in St Louis) in 1900, the first orthodontic society (American Society of Orthodontia) in 1901, and the first dental specialty journal (American Orthodontist) in 1907.

      Shortly after the discovery of x-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895,5 the use of the first facial and cranial radiographs was reported as early as 1896 by Rowland6 and later by Ketcham and Ellis.7 By 1921, B. H. Broadbent was using lateral cephalograms in his private practice.7 In 1922, Spencer Atkinson reported to the Angle College of Orthodontia that he used lateral facial radiographs to identify the position of the first molar below the maxilla’s key ridge.7 Because the radiographs also showed soft tissue, Atkinson suggested that these lateral radiographs had the potential of relating the mandible and the maxilla to the face and to the cranial base.

      Initially, the comparison of cephalometric radiographs to show the effects of growth and treatment was difficult because head position and distance from the cephalometric film were not standardized. In an attempt to standardize head position, in 1921 Percy Brown designed a head holder for taking radiographic images of the face.7 In 1922, A. J. Pacini reported standardizing head position for lateral radiographs