Carvalhaes, Claudio

Liturgies from Below - UK Edition

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Glasgow, Scotland

      Janet Walton, Professor Emerita of Worship, Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY

      Thomas R. Whelan, associate professor of liturgical theology; visiting lecturer, St Patrick’s University College, Maynooth, Ireland

       Ging Chai (Irene) Wong

      YongJiang Zhou, East Theological Seminary in Shanghai, China

       Reach Toward One Another

      See page 31 to read We Extend Our Arms to One Another, which inspired this artwork.



       Come If You Are Willing

      Come, if you are willing.

      Come into this place, but be prepared to find yourself sitting next to your worst enemy.

      Come into this place, but be prepared to find yourself offering prayer with someone whose values and way of life revolt you.

      Come into this place, but be prepared to find yourself.

      Be prepared to find in yourself dark places, dark thoughts, that you would prefer to remain unacknowledged.

      Be prepared to live in a world that can never match your memories of what it used to be, or dreams of what it might be.

      Be prepared to know you are loved, but be prepared also for the outrageous news that every other human being is loved no more and no less, no matter what you or they do.

      Come, if you will, but be prepared for an uncertainty that will not quickly be resolved, for a discomfort that will not easily be salved, for a hunger that will not willingly be satisfied.

      Come, if you are willing.

       We Extend Our Arms to One Another

      Leader: consider inviting participants to extend their arms to God and one another.

      The grace of God be with the oppressed, the poor, the marginalized, and the groaning creation.

      We open our arms, for it is right and good to extend our arms to one another.

       Come Unto Me

      Consider adding a trumpet sound before each stanza.

      Come unto me you who are depressed

      And you who are oppressed

      Come unto me you who are hungry

      And you who are angry

      Come unto me you who are unemployed

      And you who are underemployed

      Come unto me you who are anxious

      And you who are bitter and frantic

      Come to the place of blessings

      Where you will find respite, peace, and joy

       Call to Worship as Asylum-Seekers

      We gather to seek asylum from a world that sets neighbor against neighbor.

      We gather to seek asylum from the temptation to draw and enforce boundaries that mean we can describe other people as not our problem.

      We gather to seek asylum from a worldview that values us primarily as consumers, as wealth-generators, as units of production and consumption.

      We gather to seek asylum from the binaries that bind and constrain us.

      We gather to seek asylum from the very church(es) in whose name we gather, in which orthodoxy and hierarchy have been tools of oppression and abuse.

      We name ourselves as asylum-seekers.

      We pray that in our seeking, we may create that asylum for which we yearn.

      We pray that, starting here, starting now, our seeking may crack open the empires that we resist and turn away from so that the whole world may be transformed into a place of safe asylum for all.

       Sacred Wind, Come Blow on Us

      Sacred wind, come blow on us

      Let us feel your presence

      Holy Earth anchor us

      Nourish our frames

      Illuminating fire burn ever brighter

      Reflect your truth

      Life-giving water

      Restore and baptize us


       Out of the Depths We Cry

      The Lord calls us to worship.


      Remember the cries of those who come from the depths of the sea.

      Leader: Out of the depths we cry to you, oh Lord!

      Join your hearts with God’s people

      who have had to pay their

      way toward freedom.

      Leader: Out of the depths we cry to you, oh Lord!

      Let your ears be attentive to those who have drowned,

      those who have escaped from violence, and

      those who have fled discrimination.

       All: Out of the depths we cry to you, oh Lord!

       —Adapted from Psalm 130

       Calling Together

      Hear God’s people!

      You shall love God with all your heart,

      with all your soul and with all your might.

      Hear God’s people!

      Love God truly. And your neighbor as yourself.

      Hear God’s people!

      God is great.

      There is no God but God.

      God has spoken through the prophets.

       But We Are . . . Kyrie Eleison

      We praise mammon with shouts of joy

      But we are mute for justice

      kyrie eleison

      We see the color of currency

      But we are blind to the pain of the poor

      kyrie eleison

      We hear the gospel of prosperity

      But we are deaf to the groans of the earth

      kyrie eleison
