the face of the world that is different from us
An African way of worship, we affirm who we are
People of Africa welcome to this fellowship that
Will take you out of colonial captivity
And set you free to worship God in a manner
That is truly inspiring and meaningful
The God That Provides
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Praise be to God
To the God of land
God of the sea
God of the sky
God of the mountains,
The God of rain
The provider of manna
God of our mothers and fathers
Come and be with us this
Morning as we bring our
Hearts to worship you
We come to you with our
Hearts that are dry, hopeless and heavy
With hope that you are
The God that provides,
You are the God of yesterday,
Today and tomorrow
Africa Is Calling
Leader: consider adding a drum beat or the sound of a horn to begin this call to worship.
Come! People all over the world.
Come! Africa is calling!
Respond to Africa, the mother of life.
As a mother calling her children back home,
so too Africa is calling.
Come out of your bondage and slavery;
come out of your oppression and exploitation;
come out of human induced poverty and disease;
come to the God of life.
Come Nkulunkulu, the God who is high up above all.
Come to Modimo warona, God who dwells high above.
Together we shall praise the name of the most high God;
God will hear us, as God heard Kwama Nkrumah of old.
The undying Spirit that fought until the door of liberation was opened for Ghana
and revived hope for Africa.
God will hear us as He/She listened to Haile Selasse
and restored Ethiopia, the home of Africa.
The God of Nelson Mandela will hear us
as we steadfastly strive for peace and reconciliation.
Daughters and sons, Africa calls us home
to invoke God’s love, power, sustenance, strength,
our ancestors, ubuntu, unity, and love.
Come divine God, come!
Your God Is Present
Come, our Lord, our God is here, for the people of God are present here.
Come out of a world of hunger and degradation into a world of abundance.
For your Lord, your God is present.
Come out of the world of violence, degradation, and dehumanization into the world of peace, comfort, and security.
For your Lord, your God, is present.
Leader: Come, brothers and sisters in the Lord.
We invoke God’s power, sustenance, and strength,
the God of solidarity, the God of Fihavanana.
God who taught us (Ubuntu),
help us to respond to the struggle of those
who lost their homes.
Without land, where they can grow crops?
Today we are called to worship God,
to lift up the pain of all who are oppressed
by those who hold the power.
People: By God’s mercy, let us—all of us—be the hope in the world.
Come Let Us Worship
Come let us worship the Lord with gladness, let us raise our voices to the God who is the refuge of the humble and the lowly, the God of justice and righteousness.
The God who opposes the ritual and worship of the oppressor of the poor. He is the God of the destitute and the homeless.
He is the God who affirms the rights of the needy and the marginalized sections and despises the burnt offerings of those who promote injustice.
Come let us worship the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the champion and the liberator of the poor and the outcast.
He is a poor peasant like us.
He was homeless and rejected like our peasant community.
He is a fisherman and many of his disciples were fishermen.
He understands our struggles and our pain.
Come let us beseech him to deliver us from the snares of our oppressor and let us seek his presence in our midst.
—From Isaiah 59, Amos 5:21-24
Invocation: God of Our Ancestors
We invoke God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus
We invoke God’s love, power, strength, sustenance
The God of our ancestors
God of Africa
God of Chaminuko
God of Mackimahave
God of Nehanda and Kaguis
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