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China's Omnidirectional Peripheral Diplomacy

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— What kind of new changes we are facing, Contemporary World, no. 4 (2016).

       28 Ibid.

      29Zhang Guifeng, The construction of America’s Asia-Pacific security system and China’s strategic response, December 12, 2017, see http://world.people.com.cn/n1/2017/1212/c1002-29702265.html (accessed on March 18, 2018).

      30Ren Jingjing, op. cit.

      31Ibid., p. 50.

      32Ibid., pp. 48–49.

      33Aaron Mehta, Pivot to Asia is over, senior U.S. diplomat says, Defense News, March 14, 2017, see https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2017/03/14/pivot-to-the-pacific-is-over-senior-u-s-diplomat-says/ (accessed on March 19, 2018).

      34Zhu Chenhu: Trump administration’s global strategy and its influence on China’s peripheral security, November 11, 2017, see http://wemedia.ifeng.com/37146060/wemedia.shtml (accessed on March 18, 2018).

      35Hu Bo, “The U.S. ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy moving toward substantiation” www.inewsweek.com, see http://news.inewsweek.cn/news/politics/3216.html (accessed August 16, 2018)

      36Wu Minwen, “The U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy is building exclusive military and economic system and China should be alarmed,” Sino.com.cn, August 9, 2018, see http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2018-08-09/doc-ihhnunsq0983552.shtml (accessed August 17, 2018)

      37Hu Zhiyong, “Does Trump administration’s ‘Indo-Pacific’ policy target at China?” www.CRNTT.com March 15, 2018 see http://bj.crntt.com/doc/1050/0/4/0/105004059.html?coluid=0&kindid=0&docid=105004059&mdate=0315000200 (accessed January 15, 2018).

      38Editorial, Trump’s Asia trip cannot walk the old path of Obama, Global Times, November 11, 2017.

      39“Trump’s Asia trip”, op. cit.

      40Where does “Indo-Pacific strategy” go?, Xinhua Net, February 22, 2018, see http://www.xinhuanet.com/mil/2018-02/22/c_129814427.htm (accessed on March 19, 2018).

      41Li Zheng, The U.S. “Indo-Pacific” strategy is the subversive innovation against “Asia-Pacific rebalance,” November 14, 2017, see http://www.haijiangzx.com/2017/1114/1940914.shtml (accessed on March 19, 2018).

      42Trump is providing diplomatic and strategic opportunity for China — interview with Dean of the School of International Relations at Tsinghua University, December 11, 2017, see http://www.imir.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/iis/7246/2017/20171211115140407498759/20171211115140407498759_.html (accessed on March 18, 2018).

      43Hu Shisheng, Trump’s “Indo-Pacific” framework and the prospect of China–India interaction, World Affairs, no. 5 (2018), see http://www.sohu.com/a/224071296_825951 (accessed on March 19, 2018).

      44The change of the Asia-Pacific security environment and China’s opportunity, International Economic Review, no, 6 (2013), see http://www.zaobao.com/wencui/politic/story20180315-842938 (accessed on March 18, 2018).

      45Huang Renwei, op. cit.

      46Www.CRNTT.com, China Review Forum: What caused the complication of China’s periphery environment?” November 11, 2013, see http://hk.crntt.com/crn-webapp/touch/detail.jsp?coluid=7&docid=102877362 (accessed January 10, 2018).

      47Zhang Yunling, op. cit., pp. 11–12.

      48Ruan Zongze, op. cit.

      49Li Weijian, How to understand the change of content and conditions of the China’s current period of strategic opportunities — A perspective from the Middle East studies, Western Asia and African Studies, no. 5 (2013), p. 9.

      50Zhang Yunlin, op. cit.

      51Ruan Zongze, op. cit.

       52 Ibid.

      53Chen Xiangyan, The direction of China’s grand diplomacy in the new period, Xinhua Net, see http://lw.xinhuanet.com/htm/content_4954.htm (accessed on March 21, 2018).

      54Base on periphery to plan for a global reach, Xinhua Net, March 2, 2015, see http://www.xinhuanet.com/globe/2015-03/02/c_134030635.htm (accessed on March 21, 2018).

      55Chinese Central Government’s Official Web Portal, Important speech of Xi Jinping at peripheral diplomacy work conference, Xinhua, October 25, 2013 see http://www.cciced.net/cciceden/NEWSCENTER/LatestEnvironmentalandDevelopmentNews/201310/t20131030_82626.html (accessed August 12, 2018).

      56Base on periphery to plan for a global reach, op. cit.

      57Ruan Zongze, op. cit.

      58Wang Baofu, op. cit.

      59Ruan Zongze, op. cit.

      60Wang Baofu, op. cit.

      61Chinese Central Government’s Official Web Portal, op. cit.

      62Xi’s speech at Moscow Institute of International Relations, Xinhua, March 23, 2013.

      63Douglas Paal, Contradictions in Chinese foreign policy, December 13, 2013, see http://carnegieendowment.org/2013/12/13/contradictions-in-china-s-foreign-policy-pub-53913 (accessed on March 16, 2018).

      64Ruan Zongze, op. cit.

      65Zhu Feng, op. cit.

      66Trump is providing diplomatic and strategic opportunity for China — interview with Dean of the School of International Relations at Tsinghua University, December 11, 2017, op. cit.

      67Wang Yi, op. cit.

      68Ruan Zongze, op. cit.

      69Zhang Feng, Trump’s diplomatic transformation and China’s option of peripheral diplomacy, February 14, 2017, see http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001071355?page=rest (accessed on March 18, 2018).



       U.S.–China Competition in East Asia
