War Between Dynasties: “Bush the Third” vs. “Clinton the Second”], Shehui Guancha [Social Outlook] 8 (2015): 51–53 and Diao Daming, “2016 Meiguo daxuan: Kelindun jiazu PK Bushi jiazu?” [The 2016 U.S. Election: The Clinton Family vs. the Bush Family?], Shijie Zhishi 4 (2015): 48–49.
17. Zhang Xinning, “Ruhe lijie Meiguo 2016 nian daxuan zhong de “Shehuizhuyi” yinsu” [How to Understand the “Socialist Elements” in the 2016 U.S. Election], Dangdai Shijie Yu Shehui Zhuyi 2 (2016): 102–109.
18. Zhou Qi and Fu Suixin, “Shendu jiexi Meiguo daxuan zhong de ‘Telangpu xianxiang’ yu ‘Sangdesi xianxiang’” [Analysis of the Trump Phenomenon and the Sanders Phenomenon in the U.S. Presidential Election], Guoji Jingji Pinglun 3 (2016): 9–25.
19. See, for example, “Hillary Clinton Condemns Unfair Chinese Action on Steel Production, Pledges to Take On Chinese Trade Abuses as President,” hillaryclinton.com, April 11, 2016, https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/statements/2016/04/11/hillary-clinton-condemns-unfair-chinese-action-on-steel-production-pledges-to-take-on-chinese-trade-abuses-as-president/.
20. To the author’s knowledge, only one Chinese academic correctly predicted Trump’s victory. See, Jessica Myers, “How a Professor in China Predicted Trump’s Victory More Accurately than Most U.S. Pollsters,” Los Angeles Times, November 14, 2016, http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-china-pollster-20161114-story.html.
21. Yin Jiwu, “Shixi Xilali de zhengzhi xinli ji duihua zhengce pianhao” [An Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Political Psychology and Her Policy Orientation toward China], Xiandai Guoji Guanxi 9 (2016): 20–26; 67.
22. Li Xinda, “Xilali de zhengzhi renge jiqi yingxiang” [Hillary Clinton’s Political Personality and Its Policy Implications], Guoji Yanjiu Cankao 6 (2016): 45–51.
23. Xiao An, “Yuce Xilali yidan dangxuan hou de duihua zhengce, yao bimian ‘lianpuhua’” [Predicting Clinton’s China Policy Must Avoid “Stereotypes”], Shijie Zhishi 21 (2016): 63–65.
24. Chen Dingding, “3 Ways a Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Affect USChina Relations,” The Diplomat, April 3, 2015, http://thediplomat.com/2015/04/3-ways-a-hillary-clinton-presidency-would-affect-us-china-relations/.
25. Qian Liwei, “Xilalai jingxuan zongtong: zhongmei guanxi zouxiang guaidian?” [Clinton Runs for President: China-U.S. Relations Reaching a Turning Point?] Chinia.com.cn, April 17, 2015, http://fangtan.china.com.cn/2015-04/17/content_35353154.htm#fullText.
26. Diao Daming, “2016 nian Meiguo daxuan yu Meiguo weilai zhengzhi de zouxiang” [The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election and the Future Direction of American Politics], Meiguo Yanjiu 6 (2016): 34–53.
27. “E-mail Scandal Reveals Hypocrisy of US Elite,” The Global Times, August 24, 2016, http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1002608.shtml.
28. “Zhongguo wangming dui Telangpu taidu fenlie” [Chinese Netizens Divided over Trump], huaqiu.com, March 30, 2016, http://world.huanqiu.com/exclusive/2016-03/8791571.html.
29. Tang Shiping, “Zhongguoren weishenmo hui xiwang Telangpu ying?” [Why Do Chinese Want Trump to Win], Phoenix International Think Tank, September 9, 2017, http://pit.ifeng.com/a/20160927/50031496_0.shtml.
30. “Women’s Rights Activists in China Warn Trump against Gender Discrimination,” Lianhe Zaobao, December 16, 2016, http://www.zaobao.com.sg/realtime/china/story20161216-702808.
31. Diao Daming, “‘Telangpu xianxiang’ tanxi” [Analyzing the “Trump Phenomenon”], Xiandai Guoji Guanxi 4 (2016): 31–39; 63–64.
32. Zhou Qi and Fu Suixin, “Shendu jiexi Meiguo daxuan zhong de ‘Telangpu xianxiang’ yu ‘Sangdesi xianxiang’” [Analysis of the Trump Phenomenon and the Sanders Phenomenon in the U.S. Presidential Election], Guoji Jingji Pinglun 3 (2016): 9–25.
33. Da Wei, “Yansu kandai ‘Telangpu xianxiang’ de zhengmian yiyi” [The Positive Elements of the “Trump Phenomenon” Must be Taken Seriously], Xiandai Guoji Guanxi 8 (2016): 3.
34. Huang Renwei, “2016 nian Meiguo daxuan yu shijie zhengzhi bianhua xin qushi” [The 2016 U.S. Election and New Trends and Developments in World Politics], Dangdai Shijie 12 (2016): 8–11.
35. Wang Hongzhi, “‘Ke wenzhe fengbao’ yu ‘Telangpu xianxiang’” [Comparing the “Ke Wenzhe Storm” and the “Trump Phenomenon”], Shijie Zhishi 8 (2016): 56–57.
36. “What Would Trump Bring on China?” The Global Times, May 4, 2016, http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/981390.shtml.
37. “What would Trump bring on China?” The Global Times.
38. Eric Li, “How Trump Is Good for China,” New York Times, November 15, 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/15/opinion/how-trump-is-good-for-china.html.
39. “Telangpu