11, 2016, http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2016-05/11/c_128974090.htm.
40. See, for example, Wang Chong, “Telangpu shidai de zhongmei guanxi” [Forecasting China-U.S. Relations in the Trump Era], Gonggong Waijiao Jikan 4 (2016): 70–75; 146.
41. Diao Daming, “2016 nian daxuan: Meiguo neizheng waijiao fengxiangbiao” [The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: The Barometer of America’s Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy].
42. “What Would Trump Bring on China?” The Global Times.
43. “Zhongmei guanxi zhujian kaiqi Telangpu shijian” [China-U.S. Relations Gradually Enters the Trump Era], thepaper.cn, November 12, 2016, http://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_1559971.
44. See “Clinton’s Fight for American Workers vs. Trump’s Choice to Buy Chinese Steel,” hillaryclinton.com, October 19, 2016, https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factchecks/2016/10/19/clintons-fight-for-american-workers-vs-trumps-choice-to-buy-chinese-steel/.
45. Diao Daming, “2016 nian Meiguo daxuan jiqi dui zhongmei guanxi yingxiang pinggu” [The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election and Its Implications for China-U.S. Relations], Dangdai Shijie 2 (2016): 61–64.
46. As America isolated China politically and economically, recognized the “Republic of China (Taiwan)” diplomatically, and confronted China militarily during the Korean War, China regarded the United States as its archenemy and the “evil imperialist” nation.
47. “Zhonggong Zhongyang guanyu zai quanguo jinxing shishi xuanchuan de zhishi” [Instructions of the CPC Central Committee on the Nationwide Propaganda about the Current Events], October 26, 1950; reprinted in Jianguo yilai zhongyao wenxian xuanbian [Selection of Important Documents Since the Founding of the PRC], CPC.People.com.cn, accessed January 5, 2017, http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/64184/64186/66655/4492585.html.
48. Mao Zedong, “Mei Diguozhuyi shi zhilaohu,” [American Imperialists Are Paper Tigers] in The Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 5 (Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 1977), 289–292.
49. Wang Jisi, “From Paper Tiger to Real Leviathan: China’s Images of the United States Since 1949,” in Chinese Images of the United States, ed. Carola McGiffert (Washington, DC: The CSIC Press, 2005), 9–22. The Chinese saw America’s setbacks at home and conflicts abroad as evidence of a struggling nation whose strengths had been substantially undermined by Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement. In fact, the Chinese opposition to “American imperialism” was so great that during the Cultural Revolution, a number of Chinese political leaders and intellectuals were prosecuted for being “capitalistroaders,” that is following the examples of American values and life-style.
50. Wang Jisi, “From Paper Tiger to Real Leviathan.”
51. The bombing was followed by a series of large-scale anti-America movements in China fueled by strong nationalistic sentiments.
52. See, for example, Zhu Chenghu, “Guanyu dangqian shijie zhanlve geju de jidian sikao” [Some Considerations of Current World Strategic Framework], Shijie Jingji yu Zhengzhi 2 (2011): 4–15; 156.
53. Richard Wike, “6 Facts about How Americans and Chinese See Each Other,” Pew Research Center, March 30, 2016, http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/03/30/6-facts-about-how-americans-and-chinese-see-each-other/.
54. Richard Wike and Bruce Stokes, “Chinese Public Sees More Powerful Role in World, Names U.S. as Top Threat,” Pew Research Center, October 4, 2016, http://www.pewglobal.org/2016/10/05/chinese-public-sees-more-powerful-role-in-world-names-u-s-as-top-threat/.
55. Wang Jisi and Kenneth Lieberthal, Zhongmei zhanlve huyi: Jiexi yu yingdui [Addressing China-U.S. Strategic Distrust] (Beijing: Shehui Kexue Wenxian Chubanshe, 2013), 25–38.
56. Zhao Mei, “Chinese Views of America: A Survey,” in Chinese Images of the United States, ed. Carola McGiffert (Washington, DC: The CSIC Press, 2005), 59–76.
57. Zhang Niansheng, “Shiwang, Shiluo, Shixin, Shiling: Meiguo minzhong yuanhe yanjuan daxuan naoju,” [Disappointment, Frustration, Dishonesty and Failure: Why Americans Are Tired of the Election Drama] People’s Daily, October 8, 2016, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-10/08/nbs.D110000renmrb_03.htm.
58. See, respectively, Gao Shi, “‘Meishi minzhu’: Wenti Chuzai Na’le,” [American-style Democracy: What Went Wrong] People’s Daily, October 25, 2016, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-10/25/nbs.D110000renmrb_03.htm; Wang Rujun, “‘Qianzhu zhengzhi,’ Kaibuchu mihe pinfu chaju yaofang,” [Money Politics Can’t Cure Economic Inequality] People’s Daily, October 26, 2016, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-10/26/nbs.D110000renmrb_03.htm; Zhang Penghui, “Zhengzhi biaoyan, gei zhongzu wenti shangba sayan,” [Political Shows Add Insult to Injuries on Race Issues] People’s Daily, October 27, 2016, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-10/27/nbs.D110000renmrb_03.htm; Liao Zhengjun, “Xinren queshi, Meiguo qingnian huanshang ‘Zhengzhi lengmozheng,’” [Lack of Political Trust Infects Young Americans with Political Apathy] People’s Daily, October 28, 2016, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-10/28/nbs.D110000renmrb_03.htm.