Matthew B. Hamilton

Population Genetics

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= √fb2 = √0.717 = 0.847. The other allele frequency at that locus is then determined by subtraction fB = 1–0.847 = 0.153. Similarly, for the second locus fa2 = (148 + 103)/502 = 0.50 and fa = √fa2 = √0.50 = 0.707, giving fA = 1–0.707 = 0.293 by subtraction.

      Problem box 2.2 Proving allele frequencies are obtained from expected genotype frequencies

      Can you use algebra to prove that adding together expected genotype frequencies under hypotheses 1 and 2 in Table 2.7 gives the allele frequencies shown in the text? For the genotypes of hypothesis 1, show that f(aa bb) + f(A_ bb) = fbb. For hypothesis 2, show the observed genotype frequencies that can be used to estimate the frequency of the B allele starting off with the relationship fA + fB + fO = 1 and then solving for fB in terms of fA and fO.

Blood Observed Expected number of genotypes Observed – Expected (Observed – Expected)2/Expected
Hypothesis 1: fA = 0.293, fa = 0.707, fB = 0.153, fb = 0.847
O 148 502(0.707)2(0.847)2 = 180.02 −32.02 5.69
A 212 502(0.500)(0.847)2 = 180.07 31.93 5.66
B 103 502(0.707)2(0.282) = 70.76 32.24 14.69
AB 39 502(0.500)(0.282) = 70.78 −31.78 14.27
Hypothesis 2: fA = 0.293, fB = 0.153, fO = 0.554
O 148 502(0.554)2 = 154.07 −6.07 0.24
A 212 502[(0.293)2 + 2(0.293)(0.554)] = 206.07 5.93 0.17
B 103 502[(0.153)2 + 2(0.153)(0.554)] = 96.85 6.15 0.39
AB 39 502[2(0.293)(0.153)] = 45.01 −6.01 0.80

      Problem box 2.3 Inheritance for corn kernel phenotypes

       Purple, smooth 2058

       Purple, wrinkled 728

       Yellow, smooth 769

       Yellow, wrinkled 261

      Are these genotype frequencies consistent with inheritance due to one locus with three alleles or two loci each with two alleles?

Photo depicts corn cobs demonstrating seeds that are either wrinkled or smooth.


       The fixation index (F) measures deviation from Hardy–Weinberg expected heterozygote frequencies.

       Examples of mating systems and F in wild populations.

       Observed and expected heterozygosity.

      The mating patterns of actual organisms frequently do not exhibit the random mating assumed by Hardy–Weinberg. In fact, many species exhibit mating systems that create predictable deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expected genotype frequencies. The term assortative mating is used to describe patterns of non‐random mating. Positive assortative mating describes the case when individuals with like genotypes or phenotypes tend to mate. Negative assortative mating (also called disassortative mating) occurs when individuals with unlike genotypes or phenotypes tend to mate. Both of these general types of non‐random mating will impact expected genotype frequencies in a population. This section describes the impacts of non‐random mating on genotype frequencies and