Matthew B. Hamilton

Population Genetics

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non‐random mating that can be utilized to estimate mating patterns in natural populations.

      Mating among related individuals, termed consanguineous mating or biparental inbreeding, increases the probability that the resulting progeny are homozygous compared to random mating. This occurs since relatives, by definition, are more likely than two random individuals to share one or two alleles that were inherited from ancestors they share in common (this makes mating among relatives a form of assortative mating). Therefore, when related individuals mate, their progeny have a higher chance of receiving the same allele from both parents, giving them a greater chance of having a homozygous genotype. Sexual autogamy or self‐fertilization is an extreme example of consanguineous mating where an individual can mate with itself by virtue of possessing reproductive organs of both sexes. Many plants and some animals, such as the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, are hermaphrodites that can mate with themselves.

      The effects of non‐random mating on genotype frequencies can be measured by comparing Hardy–Weinberg expected frequency of heterozygotes, which assumes random mating, with observed heterozygote frequencies in a population. A quantity called the fixation index, symbolized by F (f is reserved for the coancestry coefficient introduced later in Section 2.6.), is commonly used to compare how much heterozygosity is present in an actual population relative to the expected levels of heterozygosity under random mating

      Interact box 2.2 Assortative mating and genotype frequencies

      The impact of assortative mating on genotype and allele frequencies can be simulated on the text simulation website. Use the Simulation menu and select de Finetti. The program models several non‐random mating scenarios based on the settings in the Mating Model box. Start with Random Mating, set the initial genotype frequencies using the sliders for the frequencies of AA and Aa, and set Generations to simulate to 20. The genotype frequencies over time will be plotted on the triangle. Recall that if the points for each generation change position only vertically, then only genotype frequency is changing, while a movement to the left or right means that allele frequencies have changed. Try a set of three or four initial genotype frequencies that vary both allele and genotype frequencies. Under random mating, why does it appear that there are only two points even though 20 generations are simulated? How long does it take for a population to reach equilibrium with random mating?

      Select the Positive Assortative radio button and repeat the simulations using the same initial genotype frequencies you used for random mating. Then, select the Negative Assortative radio button and again run the simulation using the same initial genotype frequencies that you employed for the other two mating models. How do the two types of non‐random mating affect genotype frequencies? Allele frequencies?

      Assortative mating: Mating patterns where individuals do not mate in proportion to their genotype frequencies in the population; mating that is more (positive assortative mating) or less (negative assortative mating) frequent with respect to genotype or genetically based phenotype than expected by random combination.

      Consanguineous mating: Mating between related individuals that can take the form of biparental inbreeding (mating between two related individuals) or sexual autogamy (self‐fertilization).

      Fixation index (F): The proportion by which heterozygosity is reduced or increased relative to the heterozygosity in a randomly mating population with the same allele frequencies.


      using the genotype counting method to estimate allele frequency (Table 2.8 uses the allele counting method). The frequency of the b allele, q, can be estimated directly in a similar fashion or by subtraction images since there are only two alleles in this case. The Hardy–Weinberg expected frequency of heterozygotes is images. It is then simple to estimate the fixation index using the observed and expected heterozygosities.
