хорошо, она чувствовала себя под защитой.
Интересно, что собор этот был особенным образом связан с Рождеством: в нём покоились мощи трёх волхвов, ходивших, по преданию, на поклонение младенцу Иисусу и поднёсших Ему дары: золото, ладан и смирну.
Ещё ей нравилось гулять вокруг озера, располагавшегося на расстоянии двух трамвайных остановок от дома, откуда открывался великолепный вид на телебашню. Она любила приезжать или приходить сюда во второй половине дня покормить уток и других птиц, которые водились здесь в огромном количестве, пошелесеть осенними листьями, послушать музыку тишины, вдыхая запах осени, полюбоваться её красками.
Её вечера теперь почти безраздельно принадлежали Амиру. Она ожидала его появления в скайпе, как обычно влюблённые ждут свидания. С ним, видимо, происходило то же самое. Он приходил регулярно, каждый день и оставался с ней надолго, на два-три часа, так что они успевали переговорить обо всём на свете.
Незаметно для себя самой, Натали привязывалась к своему новому другу всё больше и больше, так что уже и не мыслила своей жизни без этих долгих задушевных бесед.
[16.10.201* 13:13:45] Amir: Hi Love how are you?
[16.10.201* 13:14:23] Natalie: fine, thank you! and you?
Amir: i m fine thanks missing you a lot… i got your message at facebook
Natalie: well, I also miss you today :) so add him
Amir: :) yes i will my princess, first show me your pretty face
*** Call to Amir, duration 00:16. ***
Amir: i love you Natalie
*** Call ended ***
Amir: comeon don’t close, please give me 5 minutes to see you, darling, just 5 minutes please
Natalie: when you have you microphone we can speak with open cam as I do with my son
Amir: i know but now please, i am missing you
Natalie: now I cańt just sit and wait while you are looking at me
Amir: and i have good news for you
Natalie: tell me
Amir: just 5 minutes, i need to see your face
*** Call to Amir, duration 00:37. ***
Amir: ok listen
*** Call ended ***
Amir: love i didn’t receive your passport
Natalie: yes, you didńt. I have just spoken with Mary in general; I will send you in two-three days… wait… and my passport is valid only till April next year, it can be a problem
Amir: it will not, we will have some solution, still there are some months in it
Natalie: what was the good news?
Amir: the good news is: in 20 days you will be emailed your visa and you will be with me since the day i will apply for it so just pack your bags and be ready
Natalie: Amir, NO!!! I told you I came here for 3 months, the ppl are very kind to me, how can I act with them in this way? it is not good
Amir: so? you mean to say after 3 months?
Natalie: so we can meet only after Christmas
Amir: honey this VISA will already expire if you don’t enter in DUBAI in 2 months so it means i have to delay this process, may be in November i will start… ok as you say but not late than Christmas
Natalie: ok but will you come here? Íd like us to see each other first
Amir: honey i can come but it will take time, i need to apply for visa, i will get visa then i will apply for leaves so it will be Christmas already
Natalie: ok, well, we will decide so. I will speak with Mary again. Because just some days ago I told her Íd like to stay here till April
Amir: ok just discuss because i want to meet you
Natalie: we will :) are you at work now? I dońt like you to be with me while you have to work
Amir: honey it’s break so i am free
Natalie: ok, but then you have to take some meal :)
Amir: i already did, had a burger from HARDEEZ and now i am here with my princess… i love you Natalie, you are my life
Natalie: my husband used to tell me the same… YOU ARE MY LIFE :) well, I like it, but dońt be in hurry plz
Amir: i am not in a hurry, but i can’t sleep all night because i am just thinking about you
Natalie: I cańt take you seriously before I really see you… cańt take too seriously your love as well now
Amir: well i am mad about you and i want to meet you too so that’s why i was asking for your passport but now have to wait till November so delay is from your side, i want to meet you right now
Natalie: I told you it is too fast for me… I just was in relations with other person… let me come out of it first
Amir: ok take your time, i can wait for you
Natalie: and then it will be really difficult for you to wait if you dońt keep yourselves and dońt try to control your feelings
Amir: ok i am controlling, i am waiting… you are looking very beautiful today, can i see you again???
Natalie: Amir, you know I dońt like you to give too much attention to my look. I not always look well and then what? you wońt love me?
Amir: well i just admire you that you always look pretty but today it’s extra ordinary and my love is forever for you, nothing can reduce it, i wana see you… honey