power against Christian Scientists. This giant sin
is the sin against the Holy Ghost spoken of in Matt.
xii. 31, 32. [15]
Is Christian Science based on the facts of both Spirit
and matter?
Christian Science is based on the facts of Spirit and
its forms and representations, but these facts are the
direct antipodes of the so-called facts of matter; and [20]
the eternal verities of Spirit assert themselves over their
opposite, or matter, in the final destruction of all that
is unlike Spirit.
Man knows that he can have one God only, when
he regards God as the only Mind, Life, and substance. [25]
If God is Spirit, as the Scriptures declare, and All-in-
all, matter is mythology, and its laws are mortal
If Mind is in matter and beneath a skull bone, it is
in something unlike Him; hence it is either a godless and [30]
material Mind, or it is God in matter—which are theo-
[pg 056]
ries of agnosticism and pantheism, the very antipodes [1]
of Christian Science
What is organic life?
Life is inorganic, infinite Spirit; if Life, or Spirit,
were organic, disorganization would destroy Spirit and [5]
annihilate man.
If Mind is not substance, form, and tangibility, God
is substanceless; for the substance of Spirit is divine
Mind. Life is God, the only creator, and Life is im-
mortal Mind, not matter. [10]
Every indication of matter's constituting life is mortal,
the direct opposite of immortal Life, and infringes the
rights of Spirit. Then, to conclude that Spirit consti-
tutes or ever has constituted laws to that effect, is a mor-
tal error, a human conception opposed to the divine [15]
government. Mind and matter mingling in perpetual
warfare is a kingdom divided against itself, that shall be
brought to desolation. The final destruction of this
false belief in matter will appear at the full revelation
of Spirit—one God, and the brotherhood of man. [20]
Organic life is an error of statement that Truth destroys.
The Science of Life needs only to be understood; its dem-
onstration proves the correctness of my statements, and
brings blessings infinite.
Why did God command, “Be fruitful, and multiply, [25]
and replenish the earth,” if all minds (men) have existed
from the beginning, and have had successive stages of
existence to the present time?
Your question implies that Spirit, which first spirit-
ually created the universe, including man, created man [30]
[pg 057]
over again materially; and, by the aid of mankind, all [1]
was later made which He had made. If the first record
is true, what evidence have you—apart from the evi-
dence of that which you admit cannot discern spiritual
things—of any other creation? The creative “Us” [5]
made all, and Mind was the creator. Man originated
not from dust, materially, but from Spirit, spiritually.
This work had been done; the true creation was finished,
and its spiritual Science is alluded to in the first chapter
of Genesis. [10]
Jesus said of error, “That thou doest, do quickly.”
By the law of opposites, after the truth of man had been
demonstrated, the postulate of error must appear. That
this addendum was untrue, is seen when Truth, God,
denounced it, and said: “I will greatly multiply thy [15]
sorrow.” “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt
surely die.” The opposite error said, “I am true,” and
declared, “God doth know … that your eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as gods,” creators. This was false;
and the Lord God never said it. This history of a falsity [20]
must be told in the name of Truth, or it would have no
seeming. The Science of creation is the universe with man
created spiritually. The false sense and error of creation
is the sense of man and the universe created materially.
Why does the record make man a creation of the sixth [25]
and last day, if he was coexistent with God?
In its genesis, the Science of creation is stated in mathe-
matical order, beginning with the lowest form and ascend-
ing the scale of being up to man. But all that really is,
always was and forever is; for it existed in and of the Mind [30]
that is God, wherein man is foremost.
[pg 058]
If one has died of consumption, and he has no remem- [1]
brance of that disease or dream, does that disease have any
more power over him?
Waking from a dream, one learns its unreality; then
it has no power over one. Waking from the dream of [5]
death, proves to him who thought he died that it was a
dream, and that he did not die; then he learns that con-
sumption did not kill him. When the belief in the power
of disease is destroyed, disease cannot return.
How does Mrs. Eddy know that she has read and studied [10]
correctly, if one must deny the evidences of the senses?
She had to use her eyes to read.
Jesus said, “Having eyes, see ye not?” I read the in-
spired page through a higher than mortal sense. As
matter, the eye cannot see; and as mortal mind, it is a [15]
belief that sees. I may read the Scriptures through a
belief of eyesight; but I must spiritually understand
them to interpret their Science.
Does the theology of Christian Science aid its heal-