Mary Baker Eddy

Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896

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concerning the greater subject of human weal

      and woe? Every question between Truth and error, [10]

      Science must and will decide. Left to the decision of

      Science, your query concerns a negative which the posi-

      tive Truth destroys; for God's universe and man are

      immortal. We must not consider the false side of exist-

      ence in order to gain the true solution of Life and its [15]

      great realities.

      Have you changed your instructions as to the right way

      of treating disease?

      I have not; and this important fact must be, and al-

      ready is, apprehended by those who understand my in- [20]

      structions on this question. Christian Science demands

      both law and gospel, in order to demonstrate healing,

      and I have taught them both in its demonstration, and

      with signs following. They are a unit in restoring the

      equipoise of mind and body, and balancing man's ac- [25]

      count with his Maker. The sequence proves that strict

      adherence to one is inadequate to compensate for the

      absence of the other, since both constitute the divine law

      of healing.

      The Jewish religion demands that “whoso sheddeth [30]

      man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed.” But this

      [pg 066]

      law is not infallible in wisdom; and obedience thereto [1]

      may be found faulty, since false testimony or mistaken

      evidence may cause the innocent to suffer for the guilty.

      Hence the gospel that fulfils the law in righteousness,

      the genius whereof is displayed in the surprising wisdom [5]

      of these words of the New Testament: “Whatsoever

      a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” No possible

      injustice lurks in this mandate, and no human mis-

      judgment can pervert it; for the offender alone suffers,

      and always according to divine decree. This sacred, [10]

      solid precept is verified in all directions in Mind-

      healing, and is supported in the Scripture by parallel


      The law and gospel of Truth and Love teach, through

      divine Science, that sin is identical with suffering, and [15]

      that suffering is the lighter affliction. To reach the sum-

      mit of Science, whence to discern God's perfect ways

      and means, the material sense must be controlled by

      the higher spiritual sense, and Truth be enthroned,

      while “we look not at the things which are seen, but at [20]

      the things which are not seen.”

      Cynical critics misjudge my meaning as to the sci-

      entific treatment of the sick. Disease that is superin-

      duced by sin is not healed like the more physical

      ailment. The beginner in sin-healing must know this, or [25]

      he never can reach the Science of Mind-healing, and

      so “overcome evil with good.” Error in premise is met

      with error in practice; yea, it is “the blind leading the

      blind.” Ignorance of the cause of disease can neither

      remove that cause nor its effect. [30]

      I endeavor to accommodate my instructions to the

      present capability of the learner, and to support the

      [pg 067]

      liberated thought until its altitude reaches beyond the [1]

      mere alphabet of Mind-healing. Above physical wants,

      lie the higher claims of the law and gospel of healing.

      First is the law, which saith:—

      “Thou shalt not commit adultery;” in other words, [5]

      thou shalt not adulterate Life, Truth, or Love—men-

      tally, morally, or physically. “Thou shalt not steal;”

      that is, thou shalt not rob man of money, which is but

      trash, compared with his rights of mind and character.

      “Thou shalt not kill;” that is, thou shalt not strike at the [10]

      eternal sense of Life with a malicious aim, but shalt

      know that by doing thus thine own sense of Life shall be

      forfeited. “Thou shalt not bear false witness;” that is,

      thou shalt not utter a lie, either mentally or audibly, nor

      cause it to be thought. Obedience to these command- [15]

      ments is indispensable to health, happiness, and length

      of days.

      The gospel of healing demonstrates the law of Love.

      Justice uncovers sin of every sort; and mercy demands

      that if you see the danger menacing others, you shall, [20]

      Deo volente, inform them thereof. Only thus is the right

      practice of Mind-healing achieved, and the wrong prac-

      tice discerned, disarmed, and destroyed.

      Do you believe in translation?

      If your question refers to language, whereby one ex- [25]

      presses the sense of words in one language by equiva-

      lent words in another, I do. If you refer to the removal

      of a person to heaven, without his subjection to death,

      I modify my affirmative answer. I believe in this

      removal being possible after all the footsteps requisite [30]

      have been taken up to the very throne, up to the

      [pg 068]

      spiritual sense and fact of divine substance, intelligence, [1]

      Life, and Love. This translation is not the work of mo-

      ments; it requires both time and eternity. It means more

      than mere disappearance to the human sense; it must

      include also man's changed appearance and diviner form [5]

      visible to those beholding him here.

      The Rev. ——said in a sermon: A true Christian

      would protest against metaphysical healing being called

      Christian Science. He also maintained that pain and

      disease are not illusions but realities; and that it is not [10]

      Christian to believe they are illusions. Is this so?

      It is unchristian to believe that pain and sickness are

      anything but illusions. My proof of