Mrs. Oliphant

The Marriage of Elinor

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so far as the tunes are concerned,” she said with a laugh. “I confess so far as that Lady Mariamne is fond of a comic song. I don’t think she goes any further. I shall be good enough for them in the way of music.”

      “I should be content never to hear another note of music all my life, Elinor, if{vol. i_91}——”

      “Ah, there you begin again. Not you, John, not you! I can’t bear any more. Neither stars, nor walks, nor listening; no more! This rather,” and she brought down her hands with a great crash upon the piano, making every one start. Then Elinor rose, having produced her effect. “I think it must be time to go to bed, mamma. John is talking of the stars, which means that he wants his cigar, and Mr. Lynch must want just to look at the tray in the dining-room. And you are tired by all this fuss, all this unnatural fuss about me, that am not worth—— Come, mother, to bed.”

       Table of Contents

      The days in the cottage were full of excitement and of occupation during the blazing August weather, not so much indeed as is common in many houses in which the expectant bridegroom is always coming and going; though perhaps the place of that exhilarating commotion was more or less filled by the ever-present diversity of opinion, the excitement of a subdued but never-ended conflict in which one was always on the defensive, and the other covertly or openly attacking, or at least believed to be so doing, the distant and unseen object to which all their thoughts turned. Mrs. Dennistoun, indeed, was not always aggressive, her opposition was but in fits and starts. Often her feelings of pain{vol. i_92} and alarm were quiescent in that unfeigned and salutary interest in clothes and necessities of preparation which is almost always a resource to a woman’s mind. It is wrong to undervalue this possibility which compensates a woman in a small degree for some of her special troubles. When the mother’s heart was very heavy, it was often diverted a little by the discussion of a dinner dress, or made to forget itself for the moment in a question about the cut of a sleeve, or which would be most becoming to Elinor of two colours for a ball gown. But though Mrs. Dennistoun forgot often, Elinor never forgot. The dresses and “things” generally occupied her a great deal, but not in the form of the anodyne which they supplied to her mother. Her mind was always on the alert, looking out for those flying arrows of warfare which your true fighter lets fly in the most innocent conversation at the most unexpected moments. Elinor thus flung her shield in her mother’s face a hundred times when that poor lady was thinking no evil, when she was altogether occupied by the question of frills and laces, or whether tucks or flounces were best, and she was startled many times by that unnecessary rattle of Elinor’s arms. “I was not thinking of Mr. Compton,” she would sometimes be driven to say; “he was not in my head at all. I was thinking of nothing more important than that walking dress, and what you had best wear in the afternoon when you are on those grand visits.”

      There was one thing which occasioned a little discus{vol. i_93}sion between them, and that was the necessary civility of asking the neighbours to inspect these “things” when they were finally ready. It was only the argument that these neighbours would be Mrs. Dennistoun’s sole resource when she was left alone that made Elinor assent at last. Perhaps, however, as she walked quickly along towards the moorland Rectory, a certain satisfaction in showing them how little their hints had been taken, mingled with the reluctance to admit those people who had breathed a doubt upon the sacred name of Phil, to such a sign of intimacy.

      “I have been watching you along the side of the combe, and wondering if it was you such a threatening day,” said Alice Hudson, coming to the door to meet her. “How nice of you to come, Elinor, when you must be so busy, and you have not been here since—I don’t know how long ago!”

      “No, I have not been here,” said Elinor with a gravity worthy the bride of a maligned man. “But the time is so near when I shall not be able to come at all that I thought it was best. Mamma wishes you to come over to-morrow, if you will, to see my things.”

      “Oh!” the three ladies said together; and Mrs. Hudson came forward and gave Elinor a kiss. “My dear,” she said, “I take it very kind you coming yourself to ask us. Many would not have done it after what we felt it our duty—— But you always had a beautiful spirit, Elinor, bearing no malice, and I hope with all my heart that it will have its reward.{vol. i_94}”

      “Well, mother,” said Alice, “I don’t see how Elinor could do anything less, seeing we have been such friends all our lives as girls, she and I, and I am sure I have always been ready to give her patterns, or to show her how a thing was done. I should have been very much disappointed if she had not asked me to see her things.”

      Mary Dale, who was Mrs. Hudson’s sister, said nothing at all, but accepted the visit as in the course of nature. Mary was the one who really knew something about Phil Compton: but she had been against the remonstrance which Mrs. Hudson thought it her duty to make. What was the good? Miss Dale had said; and she had refrained from telling two or three stories about the Comptons which would have made the hair stand upright on the heads of the Rector and the Rectoress. She did not even now say that it was kind, but met Elinor in silence, as, in her position as the not important member of the family, it was quite becoming for her to do.

      Then the Rector came in and took her by both hands, and gave her the most friendly greeting. “I heard Elinor’s voice, and I stopped in the middle of my sermon,” he said. “You will remark in church on Sunday a jerky piece, which shows how I stopped to reflect whether it could be you—and then went on for another sentence, and then decided that it must be you. There is a big Elinor written across my sermon paper.” He laughed, but he was a little moved, to see,{vol. i_95} after the “coolness,” the little girl whom he had christened come back to her old friends again.

      “She has come to ask us to go and see her things, papa,” said Mrs. Hudson, twinkling an eye to get rid of a suspicion of a tear.

      “Am I to come, too?” said the Rector; and thus the little incident of the reconciliation was got over, to the great content of all.

      Elinor reflected to herself that they were really kind people, as she went out again into the grey afternoon where everything was getting up for rain. She made up her mind she would just have time to run into the Hills’, at the Hurst, and leave her message, and so get home before the storm began. The clouds lay low like a dark grey hood over the fir-trees and moorland shaggy tops of the downs all round. There was not a break anywhere in the consistent grey, and the air, always so brisk, had fallen still with that ominous lull that comes over everything before a convulsion of nature. Some birds were still hurrying home into the depths of the copses with a frightened straightness of flight, as if they were afraid they would not get back in time, and all the insects that are so gay with their humming and booming had disappeared under leaves and stones and grasses. Elinor saw a bee burrowing deep in the waxen trumpet of a foxglove, as if taking shelter, as she walked quickly past. The Hills—there were two middle-aged sisters of them, with an old mother, too old for such diversion as the inspection of wedding-{vol. i_96}clothes, in the background—would scarcely let Elinor go out again after they had accepted her invitation with rapture. “I was just wondering where I should see the new fashions,” said Miss Hill, “for though we are not going to be married we must begin to think about our winter things——” “And this will be such an opportunity,” said Miss Susan, “and so good of you to come yourself to ask us.”

      “What has she come to ask you to,” said old Mrs. Hill; “the wedding? I told you girls, I was sure you would not be left out. Why, I knew her mother before she was married. I have known them all, man and boy, for nearer sixty than fifty years—before her mother was born! To have left you out would have been ridiculous. Yes, yes, Elinor, my dear; tell your mother they will come—delighted! They have been thinking for the last fortnight what bonnets they would wear——”

      “Oh, mother!” and “Oh, Elinor!” said the “girls,” “you must not mind what mother says. We know very well that you must have worlds of people to ask. Don’t think, among all your new connections,