James Mooney

Native Americans: 22 Books on History, Mythology, Culture & Linguistic Studies

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href="#ulink_beb3c325-fd27-5915-bf3c-4cd0a2daea1c">I K M N O P Q S T U


      Aggirtijung, abounding with ducks.

      Aggo, the weather side.

      Aggomiut, the inhabitants of Aggo.

      Agpan, loons.


      Aivillik, with walrus.

      Aivillirmiut, the inhabitants of Aivillik (the walrus country).

      Akudnirmiut, the inhabitants of Akudnirn.

      Akudnirn, the intervening country.

      Akugdlirn, the central one.

      Akugdlit, the central ones.



      Akuliarmiut, the inhabitants of Akuliaq.

      Amaqdjuaq, the large place where children are carried in the hood.

      Amartung, a woman carrying a child in the hood.

      Amitoq, the narrow one.

      Anarnitung, smelling of excrements.

      Anartuajuin, the excrements.


      Angiuqaq; from angivoq, it is large.

      Angmalortuq, the round one.

      Angmang, jasper.

      Angmartung, the open one (not frozen over).

      Aqbeniling, six; so called because reached after six days’ travel.

      Aqbirsiarbing, a lookout for whales.

      Aqbirtijung, abounding with whales.

      Aqojang; from aqo, stern.

      Aqojartung; from aqo, stern.


      Audnerbing, place where seals are approached by the crawling hunter.

      Augpalugtijung, with many red places.

      Augpalugtung, the red one.

      Aulitiving, an annex of the snow house; hills lying at the foot of steep cliffs.

      Auqardneling, with many places where the ice melts early in spring.


      Avaudjeling, with a low saddle.

      Eχaloaping, with common salmon.

      Eχalualuin, the large salmon (plur.).

      Eχaluaqdjuin, the small salmon (plur.).

      Eχaluin, the salmon (plur.).

      Eχaluqdjuaq, the shark.


      Idjorituaqtuin, the only places with an abundance of grass.

      Idjuk, the testicles.

      Igdlumiut, the inhabitants of the other side.

      Igdlungajung, the bandy legged man; so called from a fabulous tribe.

      Igdluqdjuaq, the large house.

      Iglulik, with houses.

      Iglulirmiut, the inhabitants of the place with houses.

      Igpirto, with many hills.

      Igpirtousirn, the smaller place with many hills.


      Ikaroling, with a ford.

      Ikerassaq, the narrow strait.

      Ikerassaqdjuaq, the large narrow strait.

      Iliqimisarbing, where one shakes one’s head.


      Imigen, with fresh water.

      Ingnirn, flint.

      Inugsuin, the cairns.

      Inugsulik, with cairns.

      Ipiuteling, with an isthmus.

      Ipiuting, the isthmus; literally, the traces of a dog.



      Isoa, its cover.

      Issortuqdjuaq, the large one with muddy water.

      Ita, food.

      Itidliaping, the common pass.

      Itidlirn, the pass.

      Itijareling, with a small pass.

      Itirbilung, the anus.

      Itivimiut, the inhabitants of the coast beyond the land.


      Itutonik (Etotoniq).

      Kaming´ujang, similar to a boot.

      Kangertloa´ping, the common bay.

      Kangertlua´lung, the large bay.

      Kangertlukdjuaq, the large bay.


      Kangertlung, the bay.

      Kangia, its head, its upper part (of a bay).

      Kangianga, its upper part.

      Kangidliuta, nearest to the land.

      Kangivamiut, inhabitants of Kangia.

      Kautaq, diorite.

      Kilauting, the drum.

      Kingnait, the high land.

      Kingnaitmiut, the inhabitants of Kingnait.


      Kitigtung, the island lying farthest out toward the sea.

      Kitingujang, the gorge.


      Koukdjuaq, the large river.

      Kouksoarmiut, the inhabitants of Kouksoaq.

      Koukteling, with a river.

      Kugnuaq, the small nice river.

      Majoraridjen, the places where one has to climb up.

      Maktartudjennaq, where one eats whale’s hide.
