Fig. 88.—Bronze knife in clay urn, with burnt bones, two other knives, &c. ⅔ real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 89.—Bronze knife, with a vessel. ⅔ real size. In a mound.—Fyen.
Fig. 90.—Bronze knife.—Jutland.
Fig. 91.—Bronze knife; ship, with two suns and S. Skanderborg Amt, Denmark. ⅔ real size.—Jutland.
Fig. 92.—Bronze knife, with ship, sun, and triskele. ⅔ real size.—In an urn in Holstein.
Fig. 93.—Bronze knife, mound at Dömmestorp, Halland, in a ruined stone cist. Real size.
Fig. 94.—Bronze knife, with two ships very like those on rock-tracings. Real size.—In a mound near Vimose on Fyen.
Fig. 95.—Bronze knife, Scania. Real size.—Scania.
Fig. 96.—In a mound.—Zeeland.
Fig. 97.—Found in a field in Fyen, near Svendborg, with two other swords.
Fig. 98.
Fig. 99.—Found with bones and charcoal in a mound.—Fyen.
Handles of bronze swords. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 100.—Real size.
Fig. 101.—Real size.
Fig. 102.—Real size.—Zeeland.
Fig. 103.—In urn with burnt bones, together with a bronze knife, tongs, and an arrow-point. Real size.—Möen.
Fig. 104.—Real size.—Möen.
Varying in size from 3 inches to 6½ inches.
Fig. 105.—½ real size.
In a field in the side of a lake with 163 pieces of bronze.
Fig. 106.—½ real size.
Fig. 107.—¼ real size.
Found with Fig. 105.
Fig. 108.—½ real size.
Spear-heads, bronze.
Fig. 109.—In a bog, Falster. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 110.—In a bog, Jutland. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 111.—In mound, Jutland. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 112.—Upper part of bronze sword. ½ real size.—Scania.
Swords.—These peculiar bronze swords are found in various towns in England and Germany.
Fig. 113.—Spear-point of bronze. ½ real size. In a heap of coals with twenty other spear-points.—Nordre Aurdal, Christiania.
Fig. 114.—Spear-head of bronze. ⅓ real size.—Fálköping, Vestergötland.
Fig. 115.—Knife of bronze. ⅙ real size. In stone coffin in a mound, Island of Möen, in the Baltic, with a sword and a knife.
Fig. 116.—Knife of bronze. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 117.—Knife of bronze. ⅓ real size. In mound, Zeeland.
Fig. 118.—Knife of bronze. ½ real size.—Halland, Sweden.
Fig. 119.—½ real size. In urn, Holstein.
Fig. 120.—⅓ real size. In urn, Fyen.
Knives of bronze.
Fig. 121.—Bronze sword. ⅓ real size.—Vestergotland.
Fig. 122.—Sword of bronze,⅕ real size.—Lake Längsjon, Uppland.
Fig. 123.—Dagger of bronze; full length, 24 inches.—Köngshöi find, Denmark.
Fig. 124.—Leather sheath for bronze dagger, handle of horn; in tumulus at Dömmestorp, Halland.