Sweden. Length, about 20 inches. The only one of this type found in the North. Prof. Stephens in his ‘Runic Monuments’ shows that the type is Assyrian, and that it has come by the trade routes through Russia into Sweden from Asia.
Fig. 126.—Bronze shield with handle. ⅕ real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 127.—Thin shield of bronze,⅛ real size, found in a bog at a depth of a little more than 3 feet. 66 inches full size diameter; bird-like figures round centre.—Halland.
Fig. 128.—One-eighth part of a small bronze shield, measuring only 27 inches in diameter, containing eight triangles; ½ size. In a bog, Falster.
Fig. 129.—⅓ real size.—Flensborg amt. Denmark.
Fig. 130.—⅓ real size.
Fig. 131.—Massive bronze axe, ⅓ real size, ornamented on three sides.—Veile amt, Denmark.
Fig. 132.—In Randersfjord, Jutland. ½ real size.
Bronze axes.
Fig. 133.—Bronze axe; ½ real size.—Scania.
Fig. 134.—Bronze axe; ⅓ real size.—Bohuslän, Sweden.
Fig. 135.—⅓ real size. Ploughed up in a field, Zeeland.
Fig. 136.—Fragment of bronze axe, ⅓ real size, with handle of oak.—Near Eskilstuna, Södermanland.
Fig. 137.—Axe of thin layer of bronze,⅙ real size, cast upon a mould of clay, ornamented with some round plaques of gold, in the midst of which are pieces of amber.—Södermanland, Sweden.
Fig. 138.—Two forms of stone for casting; one for four saws, the other for two knives. ⅓ real size.—Scania.
Fig. 139.—Necklace of bronze. ⅓ real size.—Bog, V.-Götland.
Fig. 140.—Saw of bronze. ½ real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 141.—Bronze ring. Real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 142.—One of two bronze bracelets round wrist of skeleton in tumulus, Dömmestorp, Halland. ⅔ real size.
Fig. 143.—Bronze ring. Real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 144.—Bronze bracelet,½ real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 145.—Fibula of bronze. ⅔ real size. Found with a bronze ring in bog, Zeeland.
Fig. 146.—Head ornament or hair-ring. Little less than ½ size.
Fig. 147.—Long spiral bracelet, found near a big stone, Scania.
Fig. 148.—Tutulus of bronze, with many other objects, in a large mound at Bosgården, near Lund, Sweden.
Fig. 149.—Bracelet. ½ real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 150.—Bracelet of bronze. ⅔ real size.—Scania.
Fig. 151.—Diadem of bronze. ½ real size.—Denmark.
Fig. 152.—Button of bronze. Real size.—Scania.
Fig. 153.—Button found with other objects in a small clay urn, with burnt bones, surrounded by little slabs; real size.—Dömmestorp, Halland.
Fig. 154.—Fibula of bronze. ⅖ real size.—Scania.117
Fig. 155.—Bronze pin. ⅓ real size.—Bohuslän.
Fig. 156.—In a private collection. ⅔ real size.
Fig. 157.—Found in a bog among the contents of a bronze vessel—rings, pins, knives, etc. ½ real size.—Fyen.
Bronze pins.
Fig. 158.—⅔ real size.—Jutland.
Fig. 159.—In urn with burnt bones. ⅔ real size.—Jutland.
Fig. 160.—Bracelet of gold. ½ real size.
Fig. 161.—Twisted necklace of bronze,½ real size, found in a bog at a depth of 1m. 5c. at Langhö, Södermanland.