Agnes C. Laut

Canada: the Empire of the North

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325 ALEXANDER MACKENZIE After the portrait by Lawrence. 327 CAUSE OF A PORTAGE From a photograph. 329 SIMON FRASER From a likeness in Morice's The History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia. 331 ASTORIA IN 1813 From a cut in Franchere's Narrative of a Voyage. 332 MAP OF WEST COAST, SHOWING THE OGDEN AND ROSS EXPLORATIONS From Laut's Conquest of the Great North West. 332 GENERAL SIR JAMES HENRY CRAIG, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA, 1807–1811 After an engraving at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 336 WILLIAM HULL After the portrait by Stuart, with autograph. 338 MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE MILITARY OPERATIONS ON THE DETROIT RIVER 340 MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE MILITARY OPERATIONS ON THE NIAGARA FRONTIER 342 GENERAL BROCK After a portrait in the possession of J. A. Macdonell Esq., Alexandria, Ontario. 345 BROCK MONUMENT, QUEENSTON HEIGHTS From a photograph. 347 YORK (TORONTO) HARBOR From Bouchette's British Dominions in North America. 351 FITZGIBBONS After a photograph reproduced in Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 1900. 357 LAURA SECORD From Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records. 361 TWO VIEWS OF THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE From prints published in 1815 364 TECUMSEH After the drawing by Pierre Le Drie. 366 DE SALABERRY After a portrait in Fannings Taylor's Portraits of British Americans. 368 SIR GORDON DRUMMOND After an engraving at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 371 MONUMENT AT LUNDY'S LANE From a photograph. 375 SELKIRK From Ontario Archives Collection. 381 NELSON AND HAYES RIVERS From a map in Robson's Hudson Bay. 384 FORT GARRY, RED RIVER SETTLEMENT From Ross' Red River Settlement. 387 FORT DOUGLAS After an old engraving. 388 SKETCH OF THE CITY OF WINNIPEG, SHOWING THE SITES OF THE EARLY FORTS From Manitoba Historical Society 391 RED RIVER SETTLEMENT, 1816–1820 After a map in Amos' Report of the Trials Relative to the Destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement. 392 MONUMENT TO COMMEMORATE THE MASSACRE OF SEVEN OAKS After a sketch. 397 TRACKING ON ATHABASCA RIVER From a photograph. 401 PLANS OF YORK AND PRINCE OF WALES FORTS From a plate in Robson's Hudson Bay. 405 SIR GEORGE SIMPSON, GOVERNOR OF HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY, 1820 406 JOHN MCLOUGHLIN After a likeness in Laut's Conquest of the Great Northwest. 408 SIR JOHN SHERBROOKE, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA, 1816–1818 After an engraving at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 413 THE FOURTH DUKE OF RICHMOND, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA, 1818–1819 After an engraving at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 419 WILLIAM LYON MACKENZIE After a likeness in Lindsey's Life and Times of Mackenzie. 421 ALLAN McNAB After the portrait in the Speaker's Chambers, Ottawa. 423 LOUIS J. PAPINEAU After a likeness in Fannings Taylor's British Americans. 428 SIR JOHN COLBORNE, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA, 1838–1841 After an engraving at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 430 LORD DURHAM, SPECIAL COMMISSIONER TO CANADA, 1838 After an engraving at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 432 JOHN A. MACDONALD From a photograph. 435 FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION, 1867 From the painting by Hariss. 436

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